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"A central foundation administering the development of multiple ministries." 

A Letter From The Executive Director

As we approach Easter, it is always appropriate to direct our prayer and contemplation towards the topic of renewal. Jesus’ death and resurrection marked the beginning of a new covenant, a resetting of the rules as the burden of our sin was washed away by His sacrifice. The renewal He undertook touches all our lives thousands of years later, by the grace we receive from God and by the grace that Christ taught us to share with each other. Through his overflowing grace, we can in our own small ways be agents of renewal in the lives of those around us. The Wyoming Catholic Ministries Foundation aims to share that grace and light of Christ’s love to every Catholic community in the state, and we are changing the rules of Catholic charity to achieve that goal.

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The St. Joseph’s Society is our focus this month and is an important component of the long-term health of our diocese. It provides much-needed financial assistance for retired and disabled clergy. Our priests form the backbone of our Catholic experience, providing wisdom and guidance, sharing in our grief and joy, and of course performing the holy sacraments that define and enable our spiritual communion with God. As our priests get older, it is our calling to serve those who have so selflessly served us, helping to assist them as their medical and financial needs grow through retirement. Maintaining the good health of our elder priests is also crucial as we welcome a new generation of men called to the vocation, who need mentorship and guidance as they embark on their ecclesiastical journey.

Starting in June, we will be launching a Summer Appeal for St. Joseph’s Society, with a fundraising goal of $50,000. More information will be made available in the coming months, but please consider contributing now.

Click to Contribute to The St. Joseph's Society!

The St. Joseph’s Society has 53 members, 39 active and 14 retired. Two of the active priests are eligible for retirement this summer.

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Thank you for considering your support to the priests who have served us so faithfully over the years.

Tips & Tools

“Bunching” your gifts:

Many of us no longer surpass the threshold for itemizing deductions. A tax-smart response to maximizing the impact and benefit of your philanthropy might be to “bunch” your charitable gifts into one year. This could allow you to exceed the threshold and therefore itemized your charitable deductions in one year and then, in subsequent years, you can go back to using the standard deduction.

Of course, we always recommend talking with your own tax professional to assess your personal situation.

Make A Donation


WCMF Grant Deadline For 2022

APRIL 15, 2022 is the deadline to get your grant applications submitted!

Follow the links below to start a new grant application or submit your final grant report from 2021!

Grant Information & How To Apply
Final Grant Report
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