Our mission is to inspire and equip leaders to proclaim deeply the
life-giving Good News of Jesus Christ and to put faith into action. 
Dear Friends of The Stevenson School for Ministry,

It is so good to plan for Lent now.

In these most challenging times of urgency for prayer and turning to God you might wonder, how do I prepare myself for this season of Lent 2021? Ask yourself, what does my soul need? If you are looking for opportunities to be a part of a learning community with prayer practices and soul tending, The Stevenson School for Ministry offers online resources for deepening your spiritual life. Our learning community is designed for you and your congregation as you journey through Lent 2021.
Spiritual Tending in Epiphany and Lent
Where do I Fit in the Dream of God?
A four-part book discussion on Facebook Live
January 20, 27, February 3, and 10 at 7:00 PM

Join us on Facebook live for an opportunity to engage Verna Dozier’s book, The Dream of God: A Call to Return to re-connect and reawaken your sense of call as well as rediscover your discipleship. Read and reflect with members of the Commission on Ministry. Find the event on our Facebook page.

For instructions on joining the event without a Facebook account, click here.
Save the Date for Discovery Day!
Saturday, March 6, 10:00-12:00

Each of us is called to the one ministry of Jesus Christ. Discovering the specific gifts and the specific ways to respond to God’s call is the purpose of Discovery Day. Join Bishop Scanlan, Mary Novello, and other leaders from the Commission on Ministry and discover the variety of paths for ministry and all the resources available. 
Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life through Weekly Study
Thursdays at 7:00 PM beginning February 18th

Join us for a special online journey using Marjorie Thompson’s Soul Feast: An Invitation to the Christian Spiritual Life. Gather weekly as Deacon Marsha Roscoe invites you to explore classic disciplines such as prayer, fasting, spiritual reading, and self-examination. Participants are invited to purchase their own copy of Soul Feast, which includes a study guide. Support a local bookstore by purchasing your copy from Hearts & Minds Bookstore at (717)-246-3333. There is no fee for this Lenten series. Contact Deacon Marsha Roscoe for more information.
SSFM Learning Opportunities
5-Week Modules
Repairing the Breach
Faculty: The Rev. Dr. Gayle Fisher-Stewart
Day and Time: Tuesdays at 6:00 pm starting
February 16th
Cost: Free tuition - donations welcome

This course will focus on God’s justice for the world, what God wants, what God planned for creation, and how we become co-creators of that world. Register here.
Navigating Immigration Injustices
Faculty: John Leedock & Christina Szoke-Luo
Day and Time: 5 weeks starting Wednesday, February 17th at 6:00 pm
Cost: $75 or free with a Shaped by Faith voucher

Presented by Compass Immigration Legal Services, in these two online modules (beginner and intermediate), students will learn some of the impacts and implications of the immigration system on God’s children and how the Church can respond to it by breaking down the walls of separation, division, and racism. Learn foundations of immigration law, major current changes, and how these affect our community; hear stories of the journeys of immigrants and increase your cultural competency. Register here.
10-week Courses
Philippians and Philemon: Letters of Paul from Prison
Faculty: Dr. Deirdre Good and Dr. Joshua Davis
Day and Time: Mondays at 6:00 pm starting February 15th
Cost: $100 to audit

Discover the Divine through this ten-week Scripture study. These two letters, along with other texts of the New Testament, were written in the context of the Roman Empire and diaspora Judaism in the ancient world. They are still used today to inform ethical and political action. Register here.
Message of Mission
Faculty: The Rev. Marsha Roscoe
Day and Time: Wednesdays at 6:00 pm starting
February 17th
Cost: $300 for credit / $100 to audit

This course uses the Book of Acts as a model for contemporary ministry in the communities in which God has planted us. Led by The Rev. Marsha Roscoe and The Rev. Richard Jorgensen. Register here.
Introduction to the New Testament
Faculty: Dr. Dierdre Good
Cost: $300 for credit / $100 to audit
Day and Time: Thursdays at 6:00 pm starting February 18th

This is a survey course on the New Testament in its historical, social, and literary contexts beginning with its use in the Episcopal Church through the lectionary The course approaches NT writings as literary (by considering genre, narrative, and redaction criticism), as texts (by considering form and rhetorical criticism), as historical sources for the historical Jesus, and early followers and the life of Paul (by considering historical and archaeological work), and as theological works (by considering how the New Testament functions in nearby Episcopal churches and in official materials). Register here.
History of the Episcopal Church (Church History II)
FACULTY: The Rev. Dr. Mark Scheneman
Cost: $300 for credit / $100 to audit
Day and Time: Mondays at 7:00 pm starting February 15th

This is a course in the basic history of the Episcopal Church. We will begin with a consideration of the planting of colonial Anglican churches and the struggle for stability and identity, especially in the wake of the American Revolution. Each week, in a linear sequence, we will read from Richard Prichard’s “A History of the Episcopal Church," (Morehouse, 1991) which will be used as the principal text. The course will conclude with a decade of renewal (1980-90) and some reflection on directions and developments, which continue to shape our church of the present. Register here.
Other Resources
Preaching Black Lives Matter Anthology

Preaching Black Lives (Matter) is an anthology that asks, “What does it mean to be church where Black lives matter?” This collection of reflections on the elimination of racism in church and society is edited by The Rev. Dr. Gayle Fisher-Stewart and includes contributions from Bishop Nathan Baxter and The Rev. Shayna Watson. Order a copy here.
The School for Christian Faith and Leadership In the Episcopal Diocese of Washington D.C. invites us to participate in their virtual opportunities for Parish Life Faith Formation. They have a variety of offerings, including yoga, courses, and webinars. To participate in any of the course modules offered for enrichment, discipleship, spirituality, and specific leadership, click here. To learn more about the school, click here.
The Stevenson School for Ministry believes more than ever before that NOW is the time to join a learning cohort to engage in Scripture and discipleship and develop new ways to share the unchanging Good News of Jesus Christ.

Scholarships available where needed most.
Our need for local training is critical to the mission of the church and the sustaining of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Central PA. The reality of Christian Education and theological studies has shifted in part because 83% of the congregations in our diocese can only afford half-time or quarter-time clergy leadership.  It is critical for our diocese to continue to educate and deepen our spirituality to strengthen how we follow the Way of Love in a world that often struggles to love. Your gift makes a difference.
The Stevenson School for Ministry affirms a commitment to equality of opportunity for all individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of age, sex, color, race, creed, national origin, religion, marital status, citizenship status, ancestry, sexual orientation, gender identity/expression preference, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or any other classification protected by law in admissions, financial aid, educational programs, housing and services, or in employment practices. Beyond the policy of non-discrimination, the SSFM acts affirmatively to attain a more balanced representation of under-represented racial and ethnic minorities in order to add valuable diversity to the life of the school.
Questions? For more information, please contact:
Dean Robyn Szoke-Coolidge, rszoke@diocesecpa.org
Interim Associate Dean Michael Nailor, mnailor@diocesecpa.org