FPM Properties
10365 Hood Rd S #205
Jacksonville, FL 32257
Ok we’re fully into the dog days of summer now so...a little business first, then the fun stuff!

We know this sounds like a broken record to you but so are the repeated maintenance requests for HVAC service that could be prevented. When we send out a vendor they almost always come back and tell us the drain line was clogged or worse yet, the coils were impacted (most often with pet hair). How does this happen? When filters aren’t changed regularly (and don’t forget sometimes it’s the airflow is blocked in some way).

Most of our properties are on a filter delivery service so there is no excuse not to change out filters. When filters are not routinely changed, it leads to bigger and bigger problems. Many of those problems require a service technician and in current circumstances (low staff levels AND excessive heat) it could take some time for a vendor to render the service. Additionally, we still have supply chain issues so availability of parts or the time to acquire them is an issue. 

Why not avoid all that and just change the filter? Changing the filter regularly is the best preventative measure you can take and a factor you have complete control of. If you are struggling with this for whatever reason, let us know what the issue is!

So what else is in store for August? Well it’s the beginning of the true HEIGHT of hurricane season. BE ALERT: La Nina Effect

Too hot to be outside? Thinking of indoor projects? Rental Decor

Going to the beach? Strictly a matter of opinion… Beach Reads
Crave some celestial stimulation? August 12… Night Sky Show

Stay cool!
(so where's the summer "fun"?)

Mike Hodges, 2020 NEFAR Realtor of the Year
The FPM Properties Team
FPM Properties | 904-497-4200 |
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