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February 7, 2022

Weekly Highlights

Support CATV

Channeling the Upper Valley on local cable channels Comcast 1075/1085, VTel 169 &1169/170&1170, streaming at

CATV On-Demandand YouTube.

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With gratitude for Jon Appleton

We remember the Upper Valley's inimitable Jon Appleton, composer and pioneer of electro-acoustic music, with two CATV productions featuring Jon and his work: Nothing New, hosted and produced by CATV Senior Producer Chico Eastridge (first aired 9/22/20) and Jon Appleton's 9/11 Story, produced by CATV's Simon Reed (first aired 9/11/21). Jon passed away January 30, 2022.

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Lessons of Reconstruction with Bernie Sanders

With prodigious guests Dr. Cornel West (Prof. of Philosophy, Union Theological Seminary, and Princeton) and Prof. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (African American Studies, Princeton), Dr. Eric Foner (author and Prof. of History, Columbia), Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders facilitates a timely and insightful discusson of the lessons of the post-Civil War Reconstruction era for our times.

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Circus at Parish Players

Thetford-based Circus Duo Liam & Ripley presented their latest circus-movement research in the form of a family-friendly and intimate stage show at the Parish Players, Thetford, VT. (Filmed 12/11/21)

Watch on CATV Upper Valley (Comcast 1075/VTEL 1169) Tuesday 2/8 at 6pm or at CATV On -Demand.

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Noam Chomsky on Dissonance and Freedom

This week's conversation from the Dartmouth Political Union, "nonpartisan student-run organization dedicated to providing a forum for respectful political discourse on campus," features social critic and "father of modern linguistics" Prof. Noam Chomsky on dissidence and freedom as relates to our current political and social moment.

Watch on CATV Government (Comcast channel 1085/VTEL 1170) Wed. 2/9 at 3:30pm or at CATV On-Demand.

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Find a fury four-legged friend! Lucy MacKenzkie Animal Shelter in the latest Adoptable Pets from Windsor On-Air.

Watch on CATV Upper Valley (Comcast channel 1075/VTEL 1170) Mon. 2/7 at 9:40am or 4:15pm or at CATV On-Demand.

Young Filmmakers!

Calling filmmakers under age 18 in NH & VT! Enter your films inspired by life in the Green Mountain and Granite States for the opportunity to network with other young filmmakers and mentors, to screen your film at WRIF and on Vermont PBS, and to win prizes! Find out more at and sign up to join a Zoom Info Sessions (2/21, 2/26, or 3/2)!

Hosted by WRIF (White River Indie Films) and CATV. Made possible through the support of Ledyard Bank and the Stettenheim Foundation.

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Local Government & School Boards on CATV 

Did you know you can also find local government and school board meetings live and rebroadcasting on CATV's YouTube page?

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Upper Valley Religious Services on CATV 

Join your local house of worship or visit a new one Sundays on CATV cable 1085 or CATV On-Demand.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to make system repairs to our streaming and video-on-demand (VOD) services at

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CATV Podcasts

Listen Up, Upper Valley! CATV's podcast recording booth is up and rolling. Last week our first local independent production kicked off and will drop soon on our podcast page. Got an idea for a podcast? CATV is here to support your production.

From around the region...


CATV partners with the Vermont Access Network for HD (high def) community-produced content on Comcast 1070 (VT) and streaming everywhere.

CATV supports lifelong learning to engage the tools of media for individual and community expression in the Upper Valley.

CATV's team also covers local community events, government, and school board meetings for cable and streaming. Contact us to get involved!

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Contact Us
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Media Lab in the Hartford Area Career & Technology Center

1 Gifford Road, White River Junction, VT 05001

Now also in the Briggs Opera House

5 S. Main Street, White River Junction, VT 05001

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