Three Months Away, Register Today!

Too busy to register but plan on joining us October 6th and 7th in AC? We got you!

Just reply to this email and let us know which events you plan on attending. The options are below and numbered for your convenience. Don't forget to let us know if someone will accompany you.

Thanks to the generosity of our casino partners at Resorts Casino and Hotel, the Annual Meeting of Members, Mini-Marketplace, and Meet & Mingle/40th Anniversary Celebration are FREE to all GNJMA Members!

Wednesday, October 6th...

1) Annual Golf Outing:
  • Always a great day and it benefits our Scholarship Program. This year we are back at the beautiful Atlantic City Country Club (fee to play). If you aren't a golfer, you can be a supporter! Register as a sponsor for a hole, breakfast, the 19th hole and more.
2) Meet & Mingle/40th Anniversary Celebration:
  • In the evening, we host a fun Meet & Mingle. Get your networking on! This year, we will have a special celebration to commemorate the GNJMA's 40th Anniversary! This event is sponsored by our host Resorts Casino and Hotel.

Thursday, October 7th...

3) Annual Meeting & Brunch:
  • The agenda will include a facilitated panel discussion with fellow Members, titled The Pandemic and Its Impact: Past, Present, and Future, Association updates, FMCSA will share regulatory and compliance updates, Assemblyman Dan Benson, Chair of the Assembly Transportation and Independent Authorities Committee, will offer comments.

4) Mini-Marketplace:
  • Each Allied Supplier & Sponsor can reserve a table! The event will take place in the same room as the Annual Association Member Meeting. This is always a great forum to make new connections and visit with existing clients.

5) Group Leader Marketplace & Appreciation Day:
  • This event will host hundreds of Group Leaders looking to book trips and tours to destinations for 2022 and beyond. Travel destinations and attractions are encouraged to reserve a booth (fee for a booth). Directory ads are being accepted as well!
  • Operators, register to bring a group down! FREE PARKING!
Need A Hotel Room Reservation? 

Special hotel rates are being provided by our host, Resorts Casino Hotel: 
To reserve your hotel room at our special discounted rate of $79.00, please use code VGNJM. 

Room Reservations: 1 (609) 340- 6300  
Group name: Greater New Jersey Motorcoach Association   
Group code: VGNJM
Cut-off date: 9/26/21 5:00PM

BOOK ONLINE: https://bit.ly/3rlOQqy
Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing you in October!
Patricia Cowley
Executive Director
Telephone: 908-750-4538
Website: www.gnjma.com
Contact: Pattie Cowley, Executive Director | Greater New Jersey Motorcoach Association 
908-750-4538 | pcowley@gnjma.com | www.gnjma.com