Let's Catch-up: February 2024
Our mission is to empower families to foster resilience and prioritize mental health and emotional wellness in their children through educational programming, access to resources, and peer support. 
Valentine's Day is coming up next week, but that's not the only day to share our affection.

Let’s show up with love everyday by: 

  • Listening and validating friends and family
  • Accepting people for who they are
  • Caring about and giving to others
  • Respecting everyone's differences
  • Seeing each other’s pain and struggles
  • Caring for our own minds and bodies
  • Finding the glimmers and filling our hearts with them

When we show up with love, others - especially our children - feel it and know they are enough. Isn't that what matters?
In this Issue

  • SECOND DATE ADDED: Become the Parent You Want to Be: A Book Discussion
  • New Lunch & Learn Programs
  • Lessons from Michelle Icard
  • Parenting the Mental Health Generation Podcast: Grade Addiction
  • Parent Support Network
  • 5K for CATCH
  • Community Events
NEW DATE! Become the Parent You Want to Be
A Book Discussion Facilitated by Linda Davis, Author of Food Fight

Wednesday, February 28 & Thursday, February 29, 7pm - 8pm
The Book Bin
1151 Church Street, Northbrook

Do you struggle with uncertainty and self-blame as a parent?

Join us for a conversation about Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be by Dr. Becky Kennedy, a psychologist often referred to as the Millennial Parenting Whisperer.

Her realistic and practical parenting model prioritizes connection over correction. It will help you find confidence and sturdy family leadership.

Good Inside is an effective resource for parenting kids of all ages, offering strategies to help children develop emotional intelligence and resilience.

Together, we’ll talk about how to implement her empowering solutions.
Lunch & Learn
Curious, Not Furious
How to get your kid to come to you with the tough stuff
Tuesday, March 12, @ 12pm via Zoom

Learn how to build non-judgmental relationships with your children based on trust and openness.

Coming up in April...
Demystifiyng ADHD
What is it? What isn't it? How does it affect a child's mental health?

Tuesday, April 16 @ 12pm
via Zoom


Registration link coming soon.
Recordings of all CATCH Lunch & Learn events are available on the CATCH YouTube Channel.
Lessons from Michelle Icard
Turning Your Child's Setbacks into Success
Forget about helicopter parenting. Michelle Icard, Author and Speaker, taught us about greenhouse parenting during her presentation last month. Watch and learn.

She also explained her three-step process for responding to your child's setbacks and failures.

Thank you to our friends at Northbrook United Methodist Church for hosting us and to the Book Bin for bringing stacks of Icard's books to sell.
Parenting the Mental Health Generation
CATCH Podcast
How often are you checking your child’s grades? Are you obsessed with the school’s online portal? How is that impacting your relationship with your child?

In this episode of Parenting the Mental Health Generation, we look at the toll of a parent’s grade addiction and learn about a cleanse that can benefit the entire family.
Find the CATCH podcast anywhere you get your podcasts.
Parenting the Mental Health Generation is also available on the CATCH YouTube Channel.
Parent Support Network
CATCH Conversations

Are your child's mental health struggles impacting you and your family? Are you wondering how to start finding help?

We recommend seeking support for yourself first with a CATCH Conversation.

Sign up and a CATCH volunteer will reach out to schedule a time to talk, meet for a cup of coffee, or go for a walk to give you a chance to share what's going on and learn how CATCH can support you. 
Parents Connect: Peer Support
Plenty of parents are facing challenges raising children with mental health struggles. 

When we come together and support one another, we build a community that makes each day easier. 

Parents Connect groups are meeting weekly. Find the one that's right for you.

Looking for professional support?
CATCH is here to help you find a mental health provider.

Look through our lists of providers or send a confidential email to CATCH, and we will provide you with names of trusted practices that might meet your needs. 
5K for CATCH
On the move for mental health!
Saturday April 13 @ 8am
Techny Prairie Activity Center
180 Anets Dr, Northbrook

Registration: $25/person

Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to raise awareness about mental health!

We will walk, run, talk, listen to music and connect with our community.

Special thanks to GBN Sophomore Nate Nayman for organizing this special event!
Community Events
Teen Mental Health First Aid Training
Monday, February 19, 10am - 3:30pm
1135 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook

Teens will learn about:
• Identifying common signs and symptoms of
mental illness and substance abuse
• Responding to children in crisis and trauma
• Connecting a person to help 

Follow CATCH on Social Media
Are you following CATCH on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram? Stay up-to-date on all things CATCH and mental health in our community.
CATCH is dedicated to making a difference in our community.
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