Dear Peabody Community,
As we witness and process the events of the last week and the protests around the world, we are all asking, “What can we do?” It has been an emotional week and, we too, share in the many feelings you and your children are experiencing. At Peabody School, we have committed to not only discussing issues of equity and social justice, but to acting as well. This spring, we entered into a partnership with the Virginia Center for Inclusive Communities (VCIC) to provide guidance and support as we commit to this crucial work at Peabody School. This upcoming year, we are committed to having these conversations and partnering with VCIC to provide guidance and direction for our faculty as they work with our students in the classroom. Additionally, our parent community will be part of a broader conversation about how we all talk to our children about racism, bias, diversity and social justice. This work is not optional. It is a shared responsibility and we must be accountable to each other for being a participant.
There are so many resources out there that can help you, as a parent, talk to your children about what they are hearing and seeing. The VCIC sent along some great resources for us to consider as we engage with our children. I have shared these below and would ask that you spend some time choosing some to read.
This work is hard but as we have seen this past week, it is necessary. The time to act is now and together, as Peabody Community, we can do our part to change the future. Please reach out to us this summer if you need guidance and support. We are here for you.
In partnership,