Let's Play Bridge!

Last Week's winners:

Charmelle Staples/Daniel Heath
Henry Nechemias/Mary Ann Madden
Caroline Grimball/Ellis Tesh
Eddie Crosby/Cassie Jackson
Greg Cummins/Doug Rice
Danny/Jenny Scott

GNT: It is NOT too late to Grab a TEAM and play on Saturday, Jan. 19. This is a TWO session event; bring a sandwich.Call Lauren Alexander if you need help with a partner or team.

There will also be a General Membership Meeting on Jan. 19 between sessions at 12:15. We are initiating a change to the bylaws regarding the nomination & election process. If you are not playing Saturday, please consider coming at noon to vote. You must be a member in good standing and have played at least 10 games in the past 12 months.You can find the proposed by- law the changes here:

Future Life Master Sectional (Columbia) is coming up in February. Make plans now!

52 Facts of Bridge Life or Good Advice to Give Your Partner (so says Eddie Kantar)
39 ) When signaling encouragement with equal spot cards, signal with the higher or highest equal (with A987, signal with the 9).

40) When giving partner a ruff, the card you lead is suit preference telling partner which suit to return after the ruff.

Most games this week are rated as Junior Fund = extra points

Tuesday, January 15, 2019
6 pm - mini lesson; 6:30 pm 0-300 game

Bring a friend!