Saturday, September 3 at 10 am, Chris Webb offers a game for our 0-1000 players! Come enjoy a morning of playing and learning!
Sunday, September 4, is the ever popular INDIVIDUAL Game at 1:00 pm. Come for a lesson at 12:15. No Partner Needed.
NO GAME! Enjoy the Day!
FREE BRIDGE CLASSES taught online by Jim Ricker will be available beginning September 2 at 10:15 am. Please click here for more information and registration. Jerry Helms "Bridge Festival" will be October 19 & 20 at St. Simons Island. His topic is "Bid, Play and Defend". Click here for information. Jerry will also conduct a "bridge brush up" on October 18. Registration is separate from the seminar. Please click here.Check CBC website for these and more learning opportunities.