Dear friends,
Beginning April 11, we are adding new opportunities to worship! We have worked hard to provide multiple options for everyone to worship safely and according to their comfort levels. Take a look at our new Sunday morning offerings!
Indoor Worship - 9 and 10:05 in the Sanctuary and Dyer Hall. It’s been a long time since we have shared Sunday morning worship in our building! We will be wearing our masks, limiting our seating capacity, and following safety protocols. Come join us.
Outdoor Worship - 11:10 at the Hub Pavilion. If you don’t feel comfortable gathering indoors, or if you’d just like to spend time outside on a beautiful spring morning, join us for an outdoor service led by our Sanctuary and Wellspring teams together.
Online Worship - Sanctuary at 10:05, Wellspring at 11:10. I’ve heard from a lot of you all how much you like staying at home and worshiping in your pajamas (don’t worry, I won’t name names). Our online services will be live at their regular times on our website and Facebook.
Sunday School. Children and youth are coming back to Sunday School, and some adult classes are beginning to gather as well. Talk to your class leaders for more information.
Of course, we will continue wearing masks and following safety protocols at all of our in-person gatherings. As more people get vaccinated, this is a critical time to take care of each other. We are always monitoring numbers and talking with health experts - we will change our plans as needed.
Thank you for your faithfulness over the past twelve months. You have shared the heart of Christ during difficult times. We will keep being the Church - indoors, outdoors, and online.
Pastor Tommy