April 16, 2021
Dear Hennepin Youth & Families
Let's support our neighbors in Brooklyn Park.

Our community is once again shaken by senseless loss of life and by violence in our streets. HAUMC is collecting non-perishable food items, paper goods, formula, diapers, and monetary donations to help our friends in Brooklyn Center. Donations are being collected in the East Entry of Hennepin, M-F from 10am-4pm. Checks can be made out to Brooklyn UMC – Community Help Fund. Pastor Judy and her husband, Lyndy, will deliver all donations directly to Brooklyn UMC for distribution to those most affected by the rioting and destruction of businesses.

Grace and Peace,

Upcoming Events

4/18 - Youth Night on Zoom
4/25 - Youth Night on Zoom
5/2 - Youth Zoom Night
8/3-8/5 - Serve MSP (Local Justice Mission)

Join the Weekly Youth Night Zoom Call by clicking the link below!

Thanks for Watching!
I am so please to hear that so many benefitted from last Sunday's conversation about supporting stressed teens. The video, which is still able to be viewed on our Facebook page has already received 270+ views and been watched in at least nine states.

We'll be looking to more conversations like this in the near future so stay tuned.
Want to Connect With Students from the Other side of the World?
Ann Carlson, former Director of the Dignity Center, and tireless advocate for students in Baiwalla, Sierra Leone, joined our Youth Night Zoom call last Sunday with an offer for our students.

She invited our students to become pen pals via email with the students in Baiwalla as a way to increase cultural exchange and help the students improve their English skills. If you're interested in becoming a pen pal with a student in Baiwalla, please contact Rick. (
Save the First week of August for Serve MSP!
I want to invite you to save the first week in August for the upcoming Local Justice Mission. As an intentional response to the inequities that have been illuminated and amplified by the pandemic and killing of George Floyd in the hands of the Minneapolis Police, Hennepin youth will have the opportunity to join youth from all over the Twin Cities for a week of service. The local justice mission is a collaborative effort from five area United Methodist Church's and is open to middle and high school students. More details are coming soon. Please mark your calendars.
Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for? (Audience) Why should they care? (Benefit) What do I want them to do here? (Call-to-Action)

Create a great offer by adding words like "free" "personalized" "complimentary" or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take an action, so think about inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"
Earth Day is Coming

Youth and parents should are invited to participate in Earth Day Activities on April 1-22. Climate Bingo, is an activity where you download bingo cards and do the required action in them. Some of these actions are as simple as to turn your water off while brushing your teeth, not going over the speed limit, picking up trash, and recycling. When you do the actions, take a picture and post it on HAUMC Facebook page, Twitter, and/or Instagram. Make sure you tag #HennepinHOPE. Every household that posts pictures will receive a free box of Energy Star LED light bulbs!

Get your Climate Bingo and more!

Sunday is Youth Night on Zoom