Upcoming Events
Every Tuesday during the month of September, the Greater Houston Partnership will host the One Houston Together webinar series.

Focused on building knowledge and awareness, this series acts as a starting place to inform concrete actions and next steps in addressing racism, inequities and injustices.

Join us as we work on understanding how these areas need to be addressed in us as individuals, organizations and systems and how we can advance Houston as a great global city for all.

Watch Past Webinars

Tuesday, September 1

Tuesday, September 8

Register for Upcoming Webinars

Tuesday, September 15

Tuesday, September 22

Tuesday, September 29
The Partnership is bringing together HR executives, diversity and inclusion officers, and employee resource group leaders to explore how Houston can take a leadership role in addressing diversity and inclusion in our workplaces.

On Friday, we will arm you with a wealth of information from thought leaders on diversity and inclusion, employee resource groups and employee networks. Use the weekend to think about what you learned and come back on Monday ready to join your peers for topical discussion forums.

October 16, 2020
Keynote & ERG Best Practices Panel
12:00 - 1:00 PM

October 19, 2020
Discussion Forum: ERG Best Practices
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Discussion Forum: Diversity & Inclusion
12:00 - 1:00 PM

Early Bird Registration*
Members: $30
Non-members: $50

*End bird pricing available now through September 27
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
Work-Life Integration
Mental Health & Wellness
Have something to share?
Send your talent stories, resources, trending topics and events to Sara Roberts at [email protected] to be featured in next months Let's Talk Talent newsletter.

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