Donate to Send Our Staff to Conference

Dear Crystal,

As a former board member of Make-A-Wish South Carolina, have experienced firsthand the joy of wishes and the light they bring to wish kids and their families.


This fiscal year, our beloved South Carolina team is poised to grant an amazing 255 wishes to deserving children – the most ever granted in a single year. But, the team is preparing to do even more, and that’s where you can help.


Today, you can help equip the staff for even great work ahead. One of the best learning opportunities for the team is the National Conference hosted each year by Make-A-Wish America. Due to COVID, the team has not been able to attend the conference in two years. But that’s about to change the first week of November!


Will you join us in supporting the staff travel and registration for the national conference? The total cost for the conference is about $40,000. You can donate now and help equip the team for the incredible mission of creating joy and renewing strength for critically-ill children in South Carolina.


Each of us is making a personal commitment to send the staff to Orlando, FL for this incredible learning experience. They will share best practices with other chapters, learn the latest and greatest in fundraising and wish granting, and hear uplifting stories from wishes, volunteers, and philanthropists, all with an aim to increase wish-granting capacity for the children of South Carolina.


Thank you for your consideration. Your gift will support the team as they embark on another record-breaking year of wish-granting, which brings strength and hope and joy to South Carolina kids who need it most.


Together, we can help transform even more lives, one wish at a time.


Thank you so much,

Phil Gregory

Board Member, 2014-2020

Scott Harrison

Board Member, 2014-2020

Bill Williamson

Board Member, 2014-2020

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To transform the lives of children with critical illnesses, please make a donation. Please add [email protected] to your address book to ensure future delivery.

©2019 Make-A-Wish Foundation® of America, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Make-A-Wish and the Make-A-Wish swirl-and-star logo are marks of Make-A-Wish Foundation of America. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.