Good day Westside Democrats!

I hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving holiday.

I am thankful for so much. I am thankful for my health and prosperity. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that my girls live in a world that is much more inclusive and inviting today than it was on November 7th.

I am also thankful for the Westside Dems and the volunteers that made that last point possible.

As such, it is time to celebrate… you. Without the help and dedication of the WSD, there is a strong possibility that we would have lost ground, particularly on the westside. Instead of that outcome, not only did we protect our incumbents, but we also flipped CD2! Just fantastic work!
There are a few people to thank for that result. I would be remiss if I did not personally thank Cheryl Harris and Dorothy Wilkinson. Without their efforts, I would have feared the worse. Additionally, the strong work of the County Party and our chair, Flora Lucero, also bears mention. Tireless work by our fierce leaders! They made the ask and I am grateful to all of you who answered their call.

New Mexico is Blue because of you! Let’s celebrate our wins, while we plan for the future of the WSD!  

Please join us next Sunday, December 4th, 4 to 6pm, for our VIP party!

Register below.

In appreciation,
Ken Scott
Chair, West Side Democrats

Dues are $10.00 per calendar year.
You may donate any amount.