Issue 6.03
January 17, 2020
"I need an electrician!"
Let’s retrain Delaware’s most vulnerable workers

Exasperated, I yelled out, “I’m calling an electrician!” because my frustration level reached a boiling point. While I can handle simple electrical tasks, I’m not interested in hurting myself or causing a real problem by taking on a project beyond my “happy homeowner” skill-level.

I’m a baby boomer. As I observe many in my generation entering their retirement years, I’ve noticed critical job shortages developing, and getting an electrician to my home was a real chore. This shortage is likely the result of a generation regularly extolling the benefits of a college degree. Personally, I am living proof that a university education has its advantages. However, our years of zealous promotion of four-year degrees came at the expense of the building trades and other very important professions. 

For years, people advocated for a higher minimum wage for workers in entry-level or low-skilled jobs. They argue that those low wages are not enough to sustain a family, and in 2020, they’re not wrong... Read more
This Week in Dover
This week saw the return of the General Assembly into the second leg of the 150th General Assembly. As a reminder, all bills that were active last year, remain so, meaning bills like raising the minimum wage and legalizing recreational marijuana are still alive and kicking.

Speaking of which, this week also saw a rally at Leg Hall by members of SEIU, a service employees union, calling for raising Delaware’s minimum wage to $15 per hour. As you may recall, the State Chamber has engaged on this issue highlighting the need for investments in skills training for low-skilled workers to retrain them into careers with growth potential. It has been, and remains, the policy of the State Chamber that arbitrary increases to the minimum wage place pressures on those businesses that can’t afford to raise wages, and ultimately hurt those workers by forcing companies to reduce hours or reduce personnel. The State Chamber looks forward to working with members of the General Assembly and the Administration to secure training funding to help change the lives of Delawareans for the better. More on that to come.
Next week the Governor will give his State of the State speech, with his recommended budget to come the week after.
What is the most important policy issue to your business?
Cost of health insurance / health care costs
Marijuana legalization
Workforce development and talent
Minimum wage
Regulations and permitting
150th General Assembly

The Joint Military Affairs Committee (JMAC) of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce and New Castle County Chamber of Commerce, along with the Military Affairs Committee (MAC) of the Central Delaware Chamber of Commerce announced the recipients of the Warrior Friendly Business Award this week.

The award recognizes both company’s outstanding efforts and focused approach to hiring, preparing, and advocating for veterans, service members and their families. Congratulations:
Small Business
(under 50 employees)
Large Business
(above 50 employees)
Join us on February 14 for the State of the Guard event where both businesses will be honored:
for the benefit of Delaware's
business community

The Association of Chambers of Commerce of Delaware is comprised of 14 individual chambers who represent the businesses that make up our fine State. In 2019 the Association went back to adopting a legislative agenda, which would cover two to three years. This agenda contains the top issues affecting the business community. The agenda includes: health insurance/health care costs; support of tourism; workforce development; infrastructure/technology development; and regulations/permitting. These issues were selected as the most commonly heard by all our members across the State. Read more
In Case You Missed It

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