
You are receiving this email because I noticed you are using Constant Contact or I have worked with you on another project. In 2022 I started a twice-monthly email newsletter with marketing tips.

View past issues here.

If you want to receive more issues of this newsletter, please click here to sign up.- as a bonus, you will receive my tips for How to Send a Perfect Email!

Let's Talk About Your Email Lists.

If you are a Constant Contact subscriber, you should have received an email from them a few weeks ago with the subject "Why grow your email list? Answer inside." linking to this article. In the article they talk about using the segmenting options Constant Contact provides so you can make your emails relevant to your specific targets in an effort to keep people from unsubscribing.


I'm all for growing your mailing list, but as a small business owner, I also know it's important to control expenses. Controlling the size of your email list will control the amount you are charged each month. Using some email list management techniques will help you target your market while also controlling your list size.

If you haven't spent a lot of time looking at the options Constant Contact offers for managing your lists, then we should have a chat.

Let's talk about managing my email lists.
March _1_.png

March Ideas Infographic

Get a head start on your March messaging with the tips in this infographic.

Depending on where you live, while the topic "Spring Begins" is technically true, it may or may not apply! Up here in Minnesota we hope to see the possibliity of spring by late March.

(click to view larger image)

March Infographic

March 2022 Holiday Infographic _1_.jpg

As part of my services, I maintain my certification as a Constant Contact Partner. I'm specifically trained to help businesses like yours. A great first step that I highly recommend is starting a free trial of Constant Contact today. They have the online marketing tools you need to achieve the growth you want and I can help you get set up to leverage this tool to grow your business.

Contact me today, share this email with someone who can use my services, and we'll get started on growing your business together!

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Cheryl Ley

The Bookworm Virtual Business Services

Try Constant Contact for free
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