Every Sunday here in Nicaragua we gather around 60 children. We gather them to share the word of God and a small meal. We have two groups that meet on Sundays. In the morning a group meets in the community called “Las Esquinas” (The Corners). And in the afternoon, we meet in the Central Church.
We bring the word of God to the children and teach them children's songs, so that they learn to praise God through music. They are also given a biblical education so that they learn about God from a young age. The children participate by directing or sharing, so that they can learn to be leaders. We also do crafts with them about the biblical stories they learn and thus have fun while learning about God.
After the children's service we ended up sharing a meal for them. The children will enjoy eating together after having received a Spiritual meal and then a tasty meal. It is nice to see how the children share their food and enjoy it as a family. Many of them come to find a true family full of God's love in these events. It is nice to be part of being able to share God's love with each one of them and teach them that Jesus says, “I am the bread of life: whoever comes to me will never hunger; and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”
The kids love to come and don't miss a single meeting. We are glad that parents let their children join us in these services for children. As the word of God says in Matthew 19:14, Let the little children come to me, and do not prevent them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to those who are like them. Someday the parents of these children will say as 3 John 1:4 says, “Nothing brings me more joy than to hear that my children practice the truth. Pray with us so that parents can come to the feet of Christ through children.”
 “Allow the little children to come to Me, and do not forbid them, for of such is the kingdom of God. Truly I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall not enter it.” 
Mark 10:14-15
We give all the honor and glory to God and thanks to the brothers who make this possible so that we can bring spiritual and material food to each of these children.
The word of God says in Mark 9:37, "Whoever welcomes one of these little children in my name welcomes me." With your donations you help us receive the children and continue winning souls for Christ.

If you would like to become a one time or monthly donor, please
or send a check payable to:
Global Missions
2020 Bell Ave.
Des Moines, IA 50315
Note: Gaitan’s Children Ministry

The war continues in Ukraine and there are still millions leaving the country in search of shelter and safety, which has caused a big demand for humanitarian aid. The fighting forces of Ukraine have demonstrated amazing valor and persistence. We want to come along our Ukrainian brothers and sisters to help them during this time of crisis. We have Open Bible churches in Krakow, Poland, that have provided shelter for hundreds of refugees who need necessities such as clothes, shoes, food, and water.
Our Open Bible church in Lutsk is also receiving displaced Ukrainians from the eastern part of the country. In addition, people are traveling to places like Ternopil where one of our Open Bible Churches has helped relocate 130 people from the church in Mariupol. They have been providing them with food, clothes, blankets, and hygiene products. They are even providing humanitarian aid for other people in Mariupol and other cities in southeastern Ukraine.
We have over 40 churches in Ukraine and most of our Open Bible people from the churches have not left Ukraine. They need our financial assistance to obtain basic items for survival after the invasion from the Russian troops.
Psalm 146:7 says, “He upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry….” Would you consider giving to Ukraine Relief Aid? The funds received will help hundreds of pastors and their families and communities. Our priority will be to provide food and necessities for their survival.
Thank you for partnering with us. Together we can make a lasting impact through Ukraine Relief Aid and help our Open Bible family as they endure this tremendous hardship and time of great need.

If you would like to give to Ukraine Relief Aid, please click here.
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