
Let the Jehu Anointing and Mantle Arise!

Let the Jehu Anointing and Mantle Arise!
Dr. Sandie Freed
This morning I heard the Lord say, "I am breathing afresh upon the Jehu mantle of authority. This mantle will empower My people to rise up in authority against the powers of darkness that oppose My Spirit. I am releasing an anointing to put the Jezebel spirit underfoot and destroy a demonic domain that is attempting to abort destiny. These are perilous times, but if my people will appeal to the Courts of Heaven concerning the injustice upon the earth, I will empower the Jehus to not only touch this generation, but also the generations to come."
As I pondered this word from the Lord, I had a vision of many unborn who had been aborted and never achieved their destiny. It became clear to me that just as God "knew" Jeremiah before he was in his mother's womb, God also "knew" these children before they were in the womb. Jeremiah was anointed by God before he was born! During the vision I saw that millions of anointed children never reached their destiny because their lives were taken prematurely.
As a Christian, I cannot endorse abortion. Why? Because God opposes abortion. It is not about politics with me- it's about life and Kingdom living. I heard someone once say that approximately thirty percent of the population had been aborted since Roe vs. Wade was passed. My thoughts are, How many children were anointed by God to be senators, governors....presidents? How many children were gifted as prophets, teachers, apostles...how many were anointed to lead our country in perilous times such as this? What would have happened if Esther had not been born? What about Moses, King David, and yes...Jehu? Just as in biblical times, we need leaders, kings and priests that advance the Kingdom of God and establish God's government upon the earth. We need leaders that are like Queen Esther who will not consider their own lives, but rather lay down their lives to save a nation and promote godliness, as she did. I believe God desires to defeat Jezebel in this hour over our nation, but I also firmly believe He desires to destroy and expose the spirit of Haman who is falsely testifying concerning God's children. Haman sought a kingdom; lied to illegally seize it! So did Jezebel. Precious Saints, let receive our fresh mantles of authority! Read on to see why we need it so desperately!
We Need The Jehu Mantle!
I think you might agree with me that we are living in perilous times. It will take a Jehu mantle to overthrow the evil spirits, especially a Jezebel spirit, that is attempting to destroy destiny! Allow me to quote a passage from my previous book, Destiny Thieves, Defeat Seducing Spirits and Achieve Your Purpose in God(www.lifegatechurch.org):
"We live in very perilous times, and the enemy thrives in fearful situations. In fact, he even devises plans against us to bring fear. The word perilous is a Greek word meaning "troubled." The Enhanced Strong's Lexicon goes further to translate the word as "dangerous to the point of being fierce and savage." It also states that the word relates to becoming slackened and relaxed and going from a higher place to a lower place..."
To make this even clearer, allow me to show you step by step what happens during the seasons of 'perilous times' as the enemy seeks to attack us:
  1. It is a dangerous time
  2.  It is so dangerous that the attacks from the enemy are fierce and even savage
  3.  Seducing spirits are extremely active
  4.  The enemy strategizes to seduce us into becoming slack and relaxed in our commitments to God
  5. If we do slack off or get relaxed, then we are removed from a higher to a lower place (in authority)"
What I am attempting to point out is that the enemy is fiercely attempting to cause Christians to slack off from exercising their spiritual authority. We have backed away for taking a godly stand concerning biblical standards, praying in public, advertising Christmas and boldly declaring the Word of God in our pulpits. Surely we don't believe Satan has more power than we do...or do we?
Believers, the Word states clearly that we are the ones seated in heavenly places; we have been given all power and authority over the enemy. We have a "high calling." Philippians 3:14 states that we are to "press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling." (with emphasis). I can honestly say that I have pressing lately...but I am now going to press harder against unrighteousness once more. A boldness is arising within me to fight against the powers of darkness and the spirit of deception that is blinding America. Yes, I am embracing a Jehu mantle and anointing! And it's more than simply being about "me" or what "I" need... or about what any one individual might need...we are in a war concerning the future generations. Many in the Body of Christ have been awakened to this need already! And, we are warring for our nation. And yet, it is my belief that no matter who wins the presidency on November 8th, we, as believers, must still remain mantled with a Jehu anointing to protect the generations to come. If we become slack in our determination to stand for righteousness, our generations will suffer spiritually.
We Need the Mantle and Anointing of Jehu
There is much to learn from Jehu. God anointed him to end Jezebel's evil and corrupted reign and destroy false worship in the land. The mantle of authority with which Jehu carried out his mission is revealed within his name and generational lineage. Yes, Jehu had a "generational anointing" which was a mantle of authority upon his family. First, Jehu's grandfather (the one who seems to be the first generation with the mantle) was Nimshi and his name means "one who sets free" and "rescued." We can conclude, therefore, whenever we consider the importance of names in the culture at that time, that God had mantled him as a type of deliverer. The mantle upon the generations was meant to remove yokes of oppression. The mandate upon Jehu's generation is the same that was upon Jesus. We read about this mantle and mandate in Isaiah 10:7:
And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.
God desires to remove the yoke from our nation, individual lives and generations! Now, let's look at the name of Jehu's father. His father, Jehoshaphat, when translated means "Jehovah judges." When considering the fact that the generational mantle was meant to set people free from an oppressive yoke, we are now reminded that the Lord is just and that His presence brings justice into ungodly situations. Jehovah God is the righteous judge; it is our responsibility to align with Him and His Word.
Jehu 's name means "Jehovah." I believe that when Jehu destroyed Jezebel, He not only did it in the name of Jehovah, but also that the spirit of the Lord Jehovah came upon him. Yes, God clothed Jehu with Himself and, therefore, mantled him with His strength.
Will We Be "Yoked" or "Mantled?"
In my book, The Jezebel Yoke, (www.lifegatechurch.org) I go to great length to discuss how devastating it is to be yoked with Jezebel and darkness. For the sake of this article, I will cut to the chase concerning the difference between a yoke and a mantle of authority.
A yoke with darkness and oppression occurs when we come into agreement with the enemy and his lies. Jezebel is very seductive and co-labors with the sons of Belial to steal our inheritance. This inheritance is often a natural inheritance from our generations, but it also involves our spiritual inheritance. Jezebel seeks to steal our godly inheritance, our promises, as children of the King. If we believe the lies of the enemy we are yoked with the evil spirits behind the lies. Those lies sound like this:
God doesn't care about you.
You'll always be poor.
You'll never measure up in life.
God cannot use you because of your shameful past.
Dear ones, we cannot afford to believe anything opposite about ourselves that God doesn't say! Some of you reading this article are yoked with the lies of the enemy. Let me encourage you to get in the Word, now, and declare all that God says concerning you and your destiny.
We can learn a lot from Gideon's mantle whenever we study about mantles. As I mentioned earlier, the spirit of the Lord came upon Jehu- just as it did with Gideon. Gideon was anointed to lead Israel out of their bondage to the Midianites. Israel had become yoked with poverty, idolatry and hopelessness and the Lord chose Gideon to lead them out of their captivity. The Lord prophesied to Gideon's potential and called him a "mighty man of valor," but Gideon was himself yoked with unbelief and despair. This is why the Lord had to clothe Gideon (mantle him) with Himself:
But the Spirit of the Lord clothed Gideon with Himself and took possession of him...Judges 6:34 (AMP)
From that point forward, Gideon walked in the authority of God to defeat the Midianites. Gideon had to decide whether or not he would invest himself into the next generations as he co-labored with God for the next generation. One of the definitions of "invest" is "to clothe!" Dear ones, are we willing to allow the Lord to clothe us- are we willing to invest in the next generation by being like Jehu- the one who went full strength against a Jezebel spirit, an evil spirit of deception, idolatry, corruption, and sacrifices the next generation? Jehu had zeal to destroy the enemy of God. Let's receive the zeal of the Lord today!
My prayer for you:
Father God, because the Jezebel spirit opposes repentance, I desire to repent for myself, others and our nation for tolerating a Jezebel spirit. We have not used full strength to drive out her evil influence. Today, Lord, mantle us and clothe us with Your Spirit to use our full strength to establish Your Kingdom on this earth. Father, empower us as Esthers to destroy every yoke of Haman that opposes the fulfillment and destiny of each of your children. Empower us with the keys of the Kingdom to bind the enemy, bind unrighteousness and corruption and loose heaven's government upon our land. Thank you that as we rise up as Jehu, and exercise our godly authority, that fruitfulness will be our portion.
In Jesus' name.

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