Empowering Our Youth to Strengthen Our Democracy

July 26, 2024

Dear Debbie,

WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! We need you to get your friends and families involved in writing postcards again! We will send you a box of postcards and stamps for free in mid-August as long as you commit to getting them in the mail by mid-October.

We are going to send tens of thousands of postcards to 18 -29-year-old registered voters of color in NC, GA, WI, MI, and PA. These postcards will be mostly preprinted with a message that urges young people to vote in this upcoming election because their generation is counting on them! The cards highlight issues of importance to young people: abortion rights, climate justice, economic justice and more. They will have a QR code that will take recipients to a site that will enable them to check their registration and identify their polling locations. 

All that is needed is a small personal touch--adding a bit of colorful decoration, and then signing the card with your first name. See the image below of a card from a similar recent campaign for an example. The ones we are sending out will have some different wording, but will look very similar. Again, stamps will be provided. We estimate that it takes no more than 2 to 5 minutes to write each card. 

The postcards will be ready to ship to you around August 15 and you can mail them anytime between then and early October.  

If you can participate in this important outreach, please fill out this google form (https://forms.gle/L8QEMZeRy9Tfipgg8) telling us your mailing address for mid-August and the number of postcards you'd like to receive. We encourage you to get your friends, family, co-workers, congregations, and campus organizations involved. It's a fun and easy way to do voter outreach for the most important election of our lifetime!!

With continued hope for our democracy,

Claire Ullman & Sandra Radoff



Students for Voting Justice

c/o Center for Common Ground

PO Box 235, Ladysmith, VA 22501

Tax ID # 82-4589218

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