Uxbridge _ Area Networking Group Logo
Let's Grow Together in 2019
Join us at our Networking Breakfast:

Tuesday, March 12th 8:15 AM - 9:30 AM  at Foxbridge Golf Club
Join us for breakfast next week at Scrambles Restaurant in Foxbridge Golf Club. Enjoy a lively morning networking with local business owners and representatives, entrepreneurs and local organizations.  We have two speakers lined up to talk to us during breakfast on Tuesday morning. 
$2 donation + the cost of your breakfast (Ordered A La Carte) 
**Non-members are welcome to join us on March 12th for an introductory meeting. **

March Speakers: Exercising our skills within
Kathy Normandeau, OGPT, 
Piano Technician & Music Teacher
Topic: "Using music every day"

Kathy will demonstrate some warm-up exercises to help us wake up during our b reakfast.  Kathy will also show us what practising and performing provides us to make us better human beings, more understanding a nd compassionate with our coworkers and clients.

Annie Hardock B.Math, ABS 
Abacus Brain Study
Topic: "Change your view, change your perspective"

Annie will guide us through some hands-on activities for a morning workout of our brain.  She will also help us to see dollars and cents from a different perspective.
Our Network is Flourishing! Welcome to our new members: 
Sylwia Swider, Live LipHe
Dawn Gillespie, Room for a Child
Mirela Lazaroiu, Mary Kay
2019 Spring/Summer 
Uxbridge Networking Magazine is available this month!
Online - March 15, 2019
Printed copies - March 22, 2019, available for free pickup at public locations and from UNG members'.

This is our 8th year in publishing the biannual  Uxbridge Networking magazine.  In this issue, we have highlighted business listings in the Membership Directory of members who advertise in the magazine. 

Congratulations to the Young Canadian Space Club!

Since its launch in the February 2019, the Young Canadian Space Club has inspired our region's future astronauts and space lovers with nebula-sized delight. Offering a fun and educational opportunity for youth to learn about space through interactive activities, this group is the brainchild of UNG Member UNG member Stan Taylor - also known as Stan the Science Man.  
As a former teacher, a current educator in the Scientist in the School program, an attendee of astronaut simulation training at the U.S. Space and Rocket Centre in Huntsville Alabama, and a presenter of workshops to educators at the Space Exploration Educators Conference (SEEC) at Johnson Space Center, this program was a natural extension of Stan's talents. But the program doesn't run on his steam alone. 

UNG members Annie Hardock (ABS Abacus Brain Study), Jennifer Culley (105.5 Hits FM), Stephen Wright (Wright Web Photos & Web Design), Suzie Ebeidi (Nourishing Energy), Heather Ashton (Independent Financial Representative), Swapneet Ranike (Boston Pizza) and Jennifer Gowland (Re/Max Prime Properties, Brokerage) have also volunteered their time and energy to seeing this enterprising program for youth take off.

Congratulations on a successful launch!


Live LipHeLiveLiphe
Sylwia Swider, Co-Owner
Tel.: 416-453-1058
"Hi my name is Sylwia and I was a Police Officer for 10 years. My journey began when my mom passed away from cancer at the age of 53. I was desperate to find a w ay to help her and did extensive research. This really opened up my eyes to all the amaz in g things that are out there that we simply are not aware of and my mission is to share this information with others so they can make better decisions, prevent and live a better life.
We educate and raise awareness about a medical device from Japan that converts your ordinary tap water into "functional water" (rich in anti-oxidants to slow down the aging process, hydrates our bodies 6x better than any water and alkalized to balance the blood pH). After all we are 70% water. But what water are you made of? Not all water is equal.
With one incredible machine we can produce five types of water helping the environment and going green. We have said goodbye to bottled water and chemical cleaners. This water is able to remove oil based pesticides from your food, degrease and disinfect, replace your laundry detergent and stain removers, soften your skin and hair. Book your complimentary appointment today to have your wat er tested and experience the value of this amazing technology."
Learn more at  www.liveliphe.com 
Contact Sylwia at 416-453-1058

Room for a ChildRoomforachild
Dawn Gillespie, Director
Tel.: 647-993-1653

Room for a Child is a registered non profit organization that creates beautiful bedrooms for children living in poverty. This is done with donated furniture and décor items plus volunteer labour. There is no charge to recipient families.
Families are referred to Room for a Child by school principals, social workers, settlement workers and public health nurses. We have served families from Lakeshore Blvd to Keswick and Sutton; from Rexdale to Malvern and many places in between.

In 2016 Dawn moved from York Region to Uxbridge. Now, Dawn is interested in providing their services to Durham families. She is working to build contacts with schools and social services agencies so she will have a network of referring professionals here.

Louise Todd, Owner
Tel.: 705-241-9850
Barrie, ON

After 30 years of working with children and their families Louise has seen firsthand how  important family roots are. She believes, and  studies have shown, that knowing your family history makes a huge difference in people lives.

"Let's take the mystery out of your family history"

Parachute Virtual ServicesParachutevirtualservices
Rachel Leslie, Owner

Parachute Virtual Services is a Virtual Assisting  and Event Management company.  We support businesses and freelancers with tasks that are crucial to running a successful business. By supporting business owners with general administrative duties, marketing and other tasks that you need off your plate, you will have more time to focus on the parts of the business you enjoy and do best.  
Rachel comes from over a decade of planning and managing large events (meetings, conferences and tradeshows) across north america. We offer support with event management, whether you need an event planned from start to finish or support in planning your meeting, conference or tradeshow.  
Rest assured, Parachute Virtual Services is there for you to support you through the process.

Contact us today for a free 30-minute consultation and let us support you so you have more time to focus on your passion, your business!

Mary KayMaryKay
Mirela Lazaroiu
Tel.: 647.990.3616

Enriching women's lives through the latest technology and leading-edge products in skin care, body care and makeup. 
I'm an easygoing girl who loves to have fun and make lasting memories with friends.  You can often find me gardening or relaxing with a great book.  That being said, I also take my business very serio usly.  I love what I do and that's why you can always expect the best from me.  I can help you find your perfect skincare or beauty match and we can have fun while doing it!  You're a beautiful, confident women and I'm so excited to help you discover your true beauty.  Let's Talk! 
UNG 2019 Meeting Schedule UNGMeetingSchedule
Networking Breakfast/Lunch at 
Scrambles, Foxbridge Golf Club
Networking Breakfast
Tue. Mar. 12, 8:15 - 9:30am
Tue. May 14, 8:15 - 9:30am

Networking Lunch
Fri. Apr. 12, 12 Noon - 1:30pm
Fri. Jun. 14, 11:30 - 1:30pm (Outdoor BBQ at Scrambles)

Non-members are welcome to join us for an introductory meeting. 
RSVP Annie Hardock at 905-852-6686, or 
March 8th, 2019
It was International Women's Day on Friday March 8th and Staples helped to celebrate women entrepreneurs at an in-store event from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm. 
Uxbridge Networking Group was part of this event and hosted a booth during the day.

Toronto Business and Toronto Women's Expo
Date: Tuesday, March 26th, 2019
Paradise Banquet Hall,  7601 Jane St., Vaughan, ON
7:00 am - 10:00 pm

The UNG is going to be an exhibitor at this year's Toronto Business Expo/Toronto Women's Expo at the Paradise Banquet Hall in Vaughan. The Toronto Business Expo focuses on connecting businesses with potential clients, as well as creates an atmosphere for personal growth. 

Annie Hardock, Founder of the UNG, Jennifer Culley from 105.5 Hits FM, Arlene Lyon of A L Designs and Sally Morgan of Mediation Inc. will be representing the UNG at the Expo this year.

UNG HQ is coming soon!

The Durham Lifestyles Show
May 4th 2019 at Mill Run Golf Club
Durham Lifestyles is a group of local businesses who have come together to expose consumers to the myriad of businesses within Durham.
Booths are still available!
Contact: Bob Smith, Custom World  Vacations

Thank you to our Sponsors:
BDO Canada LLP The Uxbridge Cosmos 105.5 HITS FM Uxbridge Radio
Annie with radio host Taylor B.
Annie with Jennifer Culley at 105.5 Hits FM

With Kind Regards,

Annie Hardock
Annie Hardock
Founder & Chairperson
Uxbridge & Area Networking Group
Established in 1998
Tel.: 905-852-6686

Abacus Uxbridge Inc. O/A ABS Abacus Brain Study
92 Brock St. W., Uxbridge
UNG Annual Membership
Membership Includes:
- Receive monthly UNG e-Newsletter.
- Membership listing on the bi-annual Networking Magazine (publish in March and August).
- Business listing on  UNG Website, and  Uxbridge Online Business Directory.
- Being promoted on social media, such as  UNG Facebook Page.
- Participate in monthly breakfast and luncheon meetings from September to June.
- Participate at Uxbridge Networking Group display booth in event such as the annual Uxbridge Fall Fair to promote their product and services. 

Membership Fee:
Effective March 1st 2016,
members who participate 5 or more networking Group functions (including participations in meetings/ events/ advertising) in a year, renewal rate is $99+HST. First year membership is $125+HST. Annual membership fee is due each year on the month that you join the Networking Group, except for members who join in March or September, their membership fees are due in February and August, respectively. This will ensure that the Networking Group brochure (publish in March and in August) has the most current memberships listing.