Debby Quigley
Who is Debby Quigley
Debby trains, teaches, and competes in agility, rally, nose work, and obedience. She started off teaching her own dog just the basics and went on to competing and teaching dog sports. She finds a great deal of satisfaction in helping people achieve their goals with their dogs.

Her accomplishments include:

Over 200 AKC Obedience High in Trials
Over 150 AKC Obedience High Combined
Three times placed at AKC Invitational
Multiple AKC Otch’s, Mach’s, PACH’s, TD’s, as well as competing in herding, fieldwork, nose work, scent work, and freestyle.
Author of “Success is in the Proofing” book
Multiple wins and placements at AKC National events.
Numerous National rankings

Her knowledge and resources provide the opportunity to view step-by-step instructions with visual demonstrations of skills that create great performance and companion dogs. You will be amazed how the dog training techniques, concepts, and philosophy I can show and teach you will enhance your relationship with your dog, and subsequently your experience in training and showing.
About the Workshops
Debbie will be in town for three workshops in September
September 14th - Agility Workshop
Teaching Contacts, Weaves, and Basic Crosses
This is a 2-hour seminar for beginner dogs. Learn How to build desire and teach a solid foundation.

Workshop: $100
September 15th - Agility Workshop
Rule of Wings
Understanding the best way to set the tightest lines and the most consistent way to communicate with your dog.

Workshop: $100
September 16th - 17th / Obedience Workshop
Building Confidence with
Focus, Attention, Desire, and Understanding Pressure

Working Spot: $400
Audit: $200
$500 for all 4 days
Audit $300 for all 4 days