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Hey People,

When we all come together with one voice, a unified set of demands and information that is accurate and rooted in our communities - we certainly can kick some ass!!

While most, but not all, of the mainstream press ignored us, enough alternative media came, wrote about or published our pieces/event that our campaign is already being recognized across the country.

Check out below to see our impact on the 18th and check out our website to hook up with what is sure to be a serious, serious campaign!

Video Coverage, click here >>>>


Media Articles >>>>>



Homeless Exclusions Districts Report UC BerkeleyLaw REPORT: How California business improvement districts use policy advocacy and policing practices to exclude homeless people from public space.

Do you know what a BID is? Read Fact Sheet

For More Information, click here >>>>>

Become a WRAP Monthly Sustainer in September and October and Get a Peace Calendar!

Hey everybody, WRAP and San Francisco Print Collective Art Hazelwood and Michelle Williams' Mural, Housekeys not Handcuffs, is in the 2019 Syracuse Cultural Workers Calendar entitled Uprising!!

The calendar celebrates political artwork from many struggles and WRAP is proud to be featured along with art that highlights the power of youth, Palestinian rights, women, reparations, Indigenous rights, Stonewall and much more. What month are we? October!

You can preview the calendar here and you can get one mailed to you by becoming a monthly donor for WRAP today. Your donation will help sustain our work that fights the privatization of public space that leads to the criminalization of people who are homeless and poor.

Thank you Syracuse Cultural Workers and thank you WRAP volunteers, donors and sustainers!