Dear Church Family,
When Simon the fisherman became a disciple of Jesus, he got a new name: Petros, which in Greek is “Rock.” A fellow pastor told me once that they thought Gospel writers used Peter’s name as a hint how he’ll be acting. If he’s “Peter” in the story, he will be acting faithfully and boldly, like the Rock on which Jesus builds the church (as in Matthew 14:28, when he asks to walk on water). But if it’s “Simon,” he’ll be the doubtful, faltering fisherman (as in Mark 14:37, when he falls asleep). And you see “Simon Peter,” it could go either way (like in Matthew 16:16ff when he proclaims Jesus is the Messiah, then tries to tell Jesus that Messiahs don’t die).
I wondered if my friend was right, so I looked up the usage of these names. What I saw was that Jesus almost invariably called this first disciple “Peter,” whether he was behaving badly or with honor. It’s just that one time in the garden (Matthew 16:16) that Jesus calls him “Simon.” I was glad I looked because I found something wonderful: the reassurance that Jesus called Peter by his new name on good days and bad ones. That’s a deeply hopeful truth.

Jesus always sees the best in us, even when we are at our worst. Friends, lift your heads and hearts. You are loved and chosen, so precious to our Savior that he died so you might live. We all mess up. But Jesus looks at us with love and calls us by our new names, on our good days and our bad ones.
Here are some of the good days we’ve shared in ministry this past week at FUMC:
  • We gave brand new Bibles to 3rd graders at all three of our worship services last Sunday. Most joined us online, and here are a few pictures of those wonderful kids and their new Bibles.
  • We had our first Communion Sunday outdoor worship service. The weather cleared up and we enjoyed worship under the stars. One family even enjoyed that this was finally a worship service where a dog could come. Quite fun. Each time we do this, we’re learning and improving. 
  • Pastor Jon started his Spanish Language Bible study this week! You can join him online every Wednesday at 12 noon on YouTube or on Facebook. We’d love for you to share this video (and all others on our page) with your friends. It’s a great way to extend our ministry digitally!
  • The bell choir met for the second time and thoroughly enjoyed making music together. Apparently there is one open spot and room for some back-up ringers, too. So if you’d like to join the group, we’d love to have you. They are working on a piece for Easter Sunday! Contact Leslie for more information on practices (currently Monday nights from 6-7pm):
  • It was Charlene’s birthday and we celebrated with a grapefruit pie made by Susan! A very happy Birthday to Charlene, our Business manager.
  • A rare Say’s Phoebe was sighted outside the office. This is a bird that nests as far north as Alaska and is only here in the winter. It was a fun sighting. Remember to keep your eyes open for the amazing surprises God sends your way this week, my friends.
Here’s a few of the special worship services and events happening at FUMC in February:
  • Children's Inside OutReach Lenten Activities begin Sunday, February 21st during the 9:30 a.m. worship service! Each Sunday during Lent children ages 3 through 5th grade are invited to join Lee Ann Clemons for fun Bible lessons, outreach projects, music, and more on following Time for Children. Remember to wear your masks!
  • Ash Wednesday, February 17
  • Drive-Thru Ashes to Go, 7:30-8:30am (Parking Lot) Pastors will be standing along McColl Road. Just pull into the parking lot and we will pray for you and impose the ashes. 
  • Worship service (Sanctuary), 12pm Worship in the sanctuary: reflective and contemplative. Join us as we recall our own mortality and turn our faces towards Jesus on the 40 day journey of Lent (the time between Ash Wednesday and Easter). 
  • Drive-Thru Ashes to God, 5:00-6:00pm (Parking Lot) Pastors will be standing along McColl Road. Just pull into the parking lot and we will pray for you and impose the ashes. 
  • Food Pantry update. In January, we fed 703 families! That’s 1691 adults and 1014 that had food because our church family packed, sorted and distributed 31,250 pounds of food. Wow! Our delivery now comes to our Food Pantry in a semi-truck and is brought in with pallet jacks. Our delivery man is wonderful! His name is Omar! Our staff, who helps unload, has become great friends with him. He has blessed us with several “free” items that he knows we would want. He has brought fresh apples and pears by the pallet. He also has brought us baking mix, oatmeal and other great things!  Mark and Raylene West brought us some more fruit to distribute this month, as well!
  • Last week, the Disaster Response Executives of Salvation Army were in McAllen and visited our Food Pantry assembly last month in the Gym. We showed him around and he asked if we would want some dehydrated Lentil and Vegetable Soup Mix. We said that we would try it with our Food Pantry recipients. On Friday we will receive two pallets of these packages. There will be enough to prepare over 1,000 meals. Praise God! 

  • The FUMC Day School provides children with the necessary tools to build a strong foundation for learning. We have had a very successful and illness-free fall and are already off to a great start this spring. Registration for our 2021-2022 school year has begun and we have 30 children already enrolled. If you have any questions or would like to set up a tour, please call the school at 956-668-9009. This next Monday, Feb. 15th 9am-3pm, registration will be open to the public. Please share this great opportunity with any friends- our preschool is the BEST!
I’ll see you Sunday!

Pastor Laura
First United Methodist Church McAllen |