Dear Church Family,
Easter is almost here! First of all, a huge “Hallelujah” that we are going to be online and in-person this Easter! I am so incredibly thankful for this small thing, which we used to take so for granted, that we can gather together to praise God on Easter Sunday. And that those of us who are not yet able to come in-person can join us online. 

  • 8am- Traditional, Outside on the lawn between the sanctuary and education building
  • 9:30am- Contemporary, Sanctuary
  • 11am- Traditional, sanctuary

One way you can help this Easter is to come to our 8am Outdoor worship service. It’s a traditional service, outside in the grassy area between the two buildings. Coming to this service will be an act of love by our “regulars” to those who will visit FUMC for the first time. Easter always brings searching people and this year, our sanctuary has limited seating because of COVID spacing. You can offer a gift to God by worshipping at 8am. As a bonus, we will have an extra special egg hunt (chocolate candies- won’t melt that early) and a couple of awesome golden eggs for our early birds. 
And now, some good news from the past week for you! And at the end, all the info you’ll need for our Palm Sunday/Good Friday/Easter services!
  • Our FUMC Preschool recently celebrated 100 days of healthy learning! The school is doing a wonderful job of keeping things clean and healthy for our little ones as they learn. Praise God for 100 days of joy and learning! 
  • Did you notice the flower beds around our Sanctuary have been cleared and trimmed of dead plants? A dozen hard-working volunteers from our church came out to clear away what the freeze killed and make way for new, spring growth. Thank you so much to these wonderful servants! 
  • Inside Outreach continues bringing the light of God’s love to those who are going through difficult times. Here are some of our Confirmands working on care packages for the Rainbow Room, which cares for children who are in CPS custody. You regular giving provided the funds for us to make these amazing care packages and all the other outreach projects we’re undertaking. Wow!
  • Speaking of outreach, we are so thankful to be hosting Mercy Chefs, who are providing thousands of meals to migrants at the border. Jesus said when we offered food to the hungry, we were serving him. We cherish the ability to bring good, wholesome, delicious food to the very least. We know as we do, we’re offering a gift of love to Jesus himself. “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’” Matthew 25:40
  • Youth group is getting back into gear, and enjoyed Spring Break activities like movie night. Starting, Wednesday, April 7th, at 6:30 p.m. the youth will be gathering outside in the courtyard for Picnic Talks and on Sunday, April 11th, at 5:00 p.m. Open Gym resumes every week. 
  • Confirmation has started up with 7 students and 7 mentors. Confirmands are meeting each Sunday at 2:30pm for an amazing time of learning about their faith as they get ready to make their own declaration to follow Jesus and join our church family. 
  • We served 167 families at our last drive-thru Food Pantry. Each family received 5 bags of perishable and non-perishable food. We also began offering a station where folks could stop for Prayer and Communion in English or Spanish. This was so moving, my friends. About 75 people stopped for communion. One woman was so moved, she returned with her friend, so that her friend could share the sacrament. I prayed for people who had lost spouses, for those undergoing treatments, and for folks just needing strength for the week ahead. It was good. 
  • Alissandro and Alizma Nassiff were baptized in their swimming pool just before Spring break. Ali and Mima were ready to declare to the world that they belong to Jesus! What a blessing to welcome them into God’s family. If you missed the video we shared in worship, you can find it HERE. 
  • Ready for some good financial news? January and February were strong months for us! We met our expenses and had enough left over to put towards the rebuilding of our depleted operating capital. Our goal is to rebuild reserves that are equal to 3-6 months of expenses. At the end of December, we had less than a month’s worth of operating capital. We’re now back to almost 2 months of reserves. This is a huge celebration! 
  • Speaking of celebrations…. Remember how I told you about our energy contract that was variable rate? We had been trying to get out of the contract for months. Then the polar vortex hit and variable rate customers were reporting astronomical bills. A few weeks ago, I asked you to pray for us. Well! You started praying and incredible things have happened! We learned that the energy company had gone under, which gave us the chance to find a new provider at a FIXED rate! Friends, this is an answer to prayer! We have still not seen the February bill. Let’s keep praying for that: that the bill comes and is normal, or that we don’t have to deal with it at all. Plus, Trinity UMC in Huntington, Indiana learned of our plight and their board voted unanimously to send us $1000 to help cover our utilities. What an incredible, generous gift from a church that believes in our ministry on the border. Wow. Thank you for praying- please continue to lift the ministry of this church in prayer. Your prayers have a powerful effect.
Finally- Easter is coming! Here are FUMC’s Holy Week services and experiences:
  • Palm Sunday (THIS Sunday!) (9:30am and 11am). We’ll wave palm branches, children present will process, special music from our new handchime choir and our own Meldi Martinez will make for a very moving Sunday of worship. The children’s choir will also share a song via video. 
  • Holy Thursday (one week from today- April 1)- 5-6pm Communion to Go in the parking lot along McColl Road. This is the day Jesus and his disciples eat their last meal together, the Last Supper. It’s also called “Maundy Thursday” which comes from the Latin mandatum, meaning "commandment" or "mandate” and referring to the new commandment Jesus gives his followers: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another.” John 13:34 
  • Good Friday (April 2)- 3-6pm Stations of the Cross. This is the day that Jesus was tried, convicted, beaten and nailed to the cross. The stations of the cross follow Jesus on this journey, allowing us to walk with him as he offers his life up for us. We’ve created a self-guided worship experience will take place at 14 stations throughout the FUMC grounds, ending in the sanctuary. Some of our musicians will be stopping in throughout this time. Come for a contemplative, self-paced walk with Jesus through the last hours of his life. 
  • Easter Sunday (April 4) (all three services are followed by an outdoor egg hunt for the kids)
  • 8am- Outdoor Easter Worship – hymns and the chance to rejoice in our salvation under the freshly-risen sun. Bring your own chairs or blankets. We’re encouraging all our regulars to come to this outdoor service so we can make room at 11am. There will be a special egg hunt (with chocolate and golden eggs) following this service.
  • 9:30am- Contemporary Worship – inspiring music, prayer, and worship on Easter morning. Egg hunt will follow the service.
  • 11:00am- Traditional Worship – beautiful hymns, prayer, and worship on Easter morning. Our bell choir is assisting on the final hymn. Egg hunt will follow the service.

Pastor Laura
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