The Tau Chapter continues its academic merit, posting an average GPA of 3.532, which currently ranks 7th among 21 fraternities across the University of Texas in the Interfraternity Council. Moreover, Tau Chapter boasts a total of 148 active members, ranking 7th in size among all fraternities at UT.
We launched our Rush 2021 campaign by hosting several small fundraising dinners with alumni supporters. Rick Warren provided Warren Wildlife Gallery as a venue for our Austin dinner, and Kip Sowden and Joe Bob Shirley underwrote our Dallas fundraiser. We deeply appreciate their generosity, as well as the support of all of our rush contributors. We hope to continue our success from last year through these smaller events that comply with Covid protocols. We are well on track to reach our goal for the fall semester of signing at least 58 new members.
There are so many reasons to look to the future with confidence. I’m excited to see what the Tau Chapter accomplishes in the coming years.
We realize that none of this would be possible without the support of our alumni and parents. On behalf of the Tau Chapter of Kappa Sigma – thank you.