Dear Tau Alumni & Parents, 
Despite the COVID-19 global pandemic, this is an exciting time to be a Kappa Sigma at the University of Texas. We were able to initiate the largest pledge class in the history of the Tau Chapter, finishing with 58 exceptional young men in PC’ 20. Furthermore, we have made significant improvements to the Kappa Sigma property with new outdoor tables and chairs, a grilling area next to the basketball court, and a pool table and ping pong table in the living room. These additions allow us to share more time together while keeping a safe social distance. We also have plans for a new game room in the back of the Lodge.
First, I would like to thank all of the alumni and parents who have donated their time and money to support our success during these trying times. I feel deeply honored to serve as the Grand Master of Kappa Sigma and to see this fraternity continue to move forward with such strong momentum.
We continued our philanthropic efforts this year by raising $550 through a poker tournament for the Folds of Honor Charity (with plans for a second tournament soon). We also partnered with the Neighborhood Longhorns Program to provide tutoring for 3rd - 8th graders (via Zoom) at Kealing Middle School on various subjects. And, we raised $500 for the Military Heroes Campaign and $1,890 for the Endowment Fund during the Stephen Alonzo Jackson Weekend of Giving.
Kappa Sigma remains a strong presence at the University of Texas. Tau brother Alejo Orvañanos ’19 currently serves on UT’s Interfraternity Council as Vice President of Recruitment. Furthermore, we have members that are active in various organizations on campus and in business fraternities. We also continue to be well represented in Texas Silver Spurs, where former Kappa Sigma treasurer Jake Kinnear ’17 serves as one of four Handlers.
The Tau Chapter continues its academic merit, posting an average GPA of 3.532, which currently ranks 7th among 21 fraternities across the University of Texas in the Interfraternity Council. Moreover, Tau Chapter boasts a total of 148 active members, ranking 7th in size among all fraternities at UT.

We launched our Rush 2021 campaign by hosting several small fundraising dinners with alumni supporters. Rick Warren provided Warren Wildlife Gallery as a venue for our Austin dinner, and Kip Sowden and Joe Bob Shirley underwrote our Dallas fundraiser. We deeply appreciate their generosity, as well as the support of all of our rush contributors. We hope to continue our success from last year through these smaller events that comply with Covid protocols. We are well on track to reach our goal for the fall semester of signing at least 58 new members.

There are so many reasons to look to the future with confidence. I’m excited to see what the Tau Chapter accomplishes in the coming years.

We realize that none of this would be possible without the support of our alumni and parents. On behalf of the Tau Chapter of Kappa Sigma – thank you. 


Jared Jong ‘18
Grand Master
Kappa Sigma Tau Chapter
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