Dear Farms Residents:

I wanted to reach out to thank all of you for doing your best to stay home and help slow the spread of COVID-19. While so much of humanity is about coming together, whether at work, over dinner, Little League or a community event, we must all do our individual part to keep our family and neighbors safe, even when we are walking or riding our bikes around our city. Indeed, that same humanity asks us to stay at home to help our health care workers, first responders, city employees patrolling and cleaning our streets and all their families. The best way to thank them for their heroic efforts and sacrifices is to stay safe and healthy. 

I also want to thank the many essential businesses that remain open for observing CDC guidelines to keep their workers and customers safe. Many of these businesses have donated food, meals, money and personal protection equipment to our area hospitals and public safety department. Please thank them when you have the chance, especially by safely patronizing those that remain open.  

This week many of us will be celebrating Passover or Easter which usually means getting together with family and friends. While it may not happen in the same way this year, I hope that you can create special memories by doing things a little differently this year, like a video celebration or visiting the Easter Bunny at Pier Park from your car on Saturday from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

Regardless of your beliefs, we must remember the important things: caring for the people around us; being grateful for all that we have in our lives; being mindful of people less fortunate than we and those who have lost loved ones; and being grateful for those who put themselves in harm’s way for the greater good.

Our city has seen a lot. Multiple Wars. The Great Depression. Multiple economic recessions. Each and every time we have come out the other side just as strong or stronger. Soon enough things will change. And, while we may have to alter some of our social behaviors moving forward, it will be okay. 

On behalf of our City Council, City Administration and employees, I wish the best to you and your family. 

Take care and be safe.

Louis Theros
Mayor, Grosse Pointe Farms