As the Year Winds Down!
photo © Judi Iranyi.
on exhibit in the Founders Gallery
Dear Friends:

It has been quite a year for the Griffin.  
Our long-time and wonderful Executive Director, Paula Tognarelli announced her retirement effective December 31, 2021. To mark her achievements, we have established a fund in Paula’s honor to recognize outstanding talent in the photographic community.  
The Board unanimously voted to promote our very capable Associate Director, Crista Dix to take Paula’s place as Executive Director.  
In 2021, the Griffin Museum installed 43 exhibitions over 6 live exhibition galleries and 17 online exhibitions. The museum produced 63 online programs and 17 live programs consisting of artist talks, professional panels and an intensive Photo Book Week Symposium connecting publishers and artists from across the globe. We hosted over 2000 persons in our daily and evening programming. We presented 40 live and virtual educational programs and 42 weekly member reviews with the executive director. Our average daily attendance to our exhibitions is 16 visitors per day. Paula and her team accomplished all of this with a small but mighty staff of four (2 full time and 2 part-time employees) along with the support of our interns and volunteers on our exhibition and program teams to help keep the museum running smoothly.

We at the Griffin have not let Covid hamper our plans or our programs.
Additionally, we have finally raised enough money to replace the floor in our main gallery.

We need to continue this momentum in order to maintain the Griffin’s position as a leading powerhouse in photography and to maintain its promise well into the future. This is where you can help.
In this season of giving, we are asking all members of the Griffin Community to dig deeply and give as much as you can to help support photography, photographers and the photographic arts. This is your Museum. We cannot prosper on membership fees alone.
Can we count on you to make a tax-deductible contribution this year for photography?                                                                       
Maybe even more!
Best wishes for a wonderful upcoming Thanksgiving season and thank you on behalf of the Board and our staff.

Andrew D. Epstein
President of the Board 
Griffin Museum of Photography, Inc.