MARCH 8, 2023 | | |
This week, we feature Gabe Galanda, the 2022-23 Alumni of the Year winner for the James E. Rogers College of Law. In February, Gabe and other Alumni of the Year awardees from around the University were recognized for their accomplishments and contributions to the University.
This week on campus, it is spring break. Although it’s a bit quiet here now, we are looking ahead to many upcoming events that will be keeping us busy through the second half of the semester. As you’ll see in this week’s newsletter, there is something for everyone, from Constitutional scholars to basketball fans. We hope to see you at one (or more) of the upcoming live or virtual events.
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Until the footnotes,
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Leading Indigenous Rights Attorney Gabe Galanda Awarded University of Arizona Alumni of the Year Award | |
As a high school intern at a small law firm in his hometown of Port Angeles, Washington, Gabriel Galanda (’00) fell in love with community lawyering.
“I loved the way the two named partners in that small firm helped people, even when they could not afford the help,” Gabe recalled. “I wanted to emulate that in my life and that is what ultimately propelled me towards a legal career.”
Gabe, an alumnus of University of Arizona Law’s Indigenous Peoples Law and Policy (IPLP) Program, has done just that. Over the span of his two-decade-long career he has worked as a legal advocate for Indigenous peoples, generously supported IPLP students, and mentored young Native lawyers. On February 3, he received the 2022-2023 Alumni of the Year Award on behalf of the James E. Rogers College of Law for his extraordinary accomplishments and continued dedication to the university.
“In the relatively short 22 years since he graduated from the James E. Rogers College of Law, Gabe Galanda has been a staunch advocate for Indigenous human rights, and a human rights and civil rights lawyer all should respect,” wrote Dean Marc Miller in his nomination. “He is a lawyer and alumnus we will be talking about for years and decades to come.”
To learn more about Gabe’s work and the Alumni of the Year Award, see the full story here.
To hear Gabe in his own words, see the video below.
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From the Class of 2000
A group of Gabe’s classmates shared some of their memories in a congratulatory note and we are happy to include excerpts here:
I met Gabe on my very first day of law school in 1997. Along with a half-dozen other “non-traditional 1Ls” who had come to the College of Law from all over the country, we formed a tight-knit band of brothers that immediately became (and remain to this day) the very best of friends.
As Gabe himself will tell you, his early years growing up were not easy. His path to law school was even far less certain. But Gabe has proven himself to be a force of nature – through his hard work, his drive, his dedication, his passion for justice, and his willingness to fight for those who are at risk of being forgotten, he has become the most unlikely of heroes.
From those first days of law school, Gabe was a friend to all. He is caring, conscientious, and one of the most genuine persons I have ever known, and it’s what makes him such a great advocate.
All of us are so proud of the man, the father, and the lawyer he’s become. We are honored that he chose us to be his people so many years ago, and we are grateful that the University has chosen to honor him – it is a fitting recognition for a man who has given so much to his community, and it is welcomed by all who have had the pleasure of his friendship over the years.
Congratulations, Gabe.
From Justin Ruggieri, Class of 2000 (submitted on behalf of Rafael Gonzales, Michael Canarick, Andre Sabbah, Edward Russo, and so many more)
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Former DEA Administrator Chuck Rosenberg to Join the Prosecutorial Ethics in Real Life Series March 16 | |
Chuck Rosenberg will join the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law’s Prosecutorial Ethics in Real Life lecture series on March 16, 2023. The Prosecutorial Ethics in Real Life series is part of an ongoing effort at Arizona Law to create a national forum for discussion of critical and timely ethical issues in criminal prosecution.
Rosenberg has held numerous senior positions in the United States Department of Justice – as the United States Attorney in both the Eastern District of Virginia and the Southern District of Texas, as the senior counselor for national security to one Director of the FBI and the Chief of Staff to another FBI Director, as counselor to the Attorney General of the United States, as the Chief of Staff to the Deputy Attorney General of the United States, and as the Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration – a position from which he resigned in 2017.
Rosenberg will share highlights and inside stories from his career as a federal prosecutor with a question-and-answer portion directly following.
When: March 16, 2023, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. MST
Where: Lecture will be delivered in person at James E. Rogers College of Law, 1201 East Speedway, Tucson, AZ 85721, Room 164
Who may attend: This event is free and open to the public. Registration is required.
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Rehnquist Center Constitutional Law Conference March 24-25 | |
The William H. Rehnquist Center on the Constitutional Structures of Government is pleased to announce the fifth annual National Conference of Constitutional Law Scholars. Pandemic permitting, this year’s event will be held entirely in-person at the historic Hacienda del Sol Guest Ranch Resort in Tucson on March 24-25.
During the conference, there will be a series of panels organized by subject matter moderated by Distinguished Commentators. To maximize the value of the in-person experience, the program will also include several break-out “lightning sessions,” in which participants deliver short, no-paper presentations on early-stage projects followed by group discussion.
A full program is available here.
The Rehnquist Center was established in 2006 at the University of Arizona James E. Rogers College of Law. The non-partisan center honors the legacy of Chief Justice Rehnquist by encouraging public understanding of the structural constitutional themes that were integral to his jurisprudence: the separation of powers among the three branches of the federal government, the balance of powers between the federal and state governments, and among sovereigns more generally, and judicial independence.
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Join Us This Week in Las Vegas for Pac 12 Tournament Reception! | |
Are you going to be in Vegas this week for the Pac 12 Men’s Basketball Tournament? If so, join us on Friday, March 10 at 2:00 p.m. at Beer Park. We will be there from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Stay the whole time or just swing by to say hello! Registration is closed but if you’re interested in attending, please contact Kate Osterholt at
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Prof. Dysart's New Book “A Short & Happy Guide to Judicial Clerkships” Featured on Notable Book Blog | |
Assistant Director of Legal Writing Tessa Dysart’s new book “A Short & Happy Guide to Judicial Clerkships” was recently featured in the “Lat’s Legal Library” roundup of notable new legal books on David Lat’s Original Jurisdiction Blog.
Tessa’s book, which walks prospective clerks through why, how and where to find judicial clerkships, was released in January and is part of the West Academic Publishing “Short & Happy Guide” series.
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Arizona Law Health Law & Policy Program Professors Speak at Arizona Society for Healthcare Attorneys Annual Conference | |
On February 24, Faculty Director Tara Sklar and Professor of Practice Chase Millea presented at the annual meeting and conference of the Arizona Society for Healthcare Attorneys (AzSHA).
The AzSHA conference is widely attended by attorneys across the state who are employed or engaged by healthcare organizations or deal with legal issues affecting the health care industry. Tara spoke on Health Equity with Digital-Infrastructure Initiatives and Chase spoke on Healthcare Mergers and Acquisitions.
Professors of Practice Tracy Nuckolls (’70) and Leila Barraza, as well as alumnus Tony Caldwell (’15) also attended the conference. In addition, current JD student, Danny McDermott, recently published a blog post with AzSHA: Regulation of PBMs and Health Care Costs Post-Rutledge.
On March 29, Tara will be providing a CLE webinar with AzSHA on Arizona’s Telehealth Policy Landscape and Navigating the End of the Public Health Emergency. Registration coming soon at:
A strong showing at the AzSHA conference, blogs, and webinars for the Health Law & Policy Program!
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Do You Have News?
Your success is the college’s success and we want to celebrate with you! If you have landed a new job, received an award or recognition, stepped into a leadership role or have good news in general, let us know.
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When I was growing up in Los Angeles, my father was a law professor at the University of Southern California. It was the mid to late 60s, and I listened to great legal scholars and civil rights lawyers who came to the house, including Derrick Bell and Bob Gnaizda.
The work Gabe Galanda does is as transformative in our times as the great civil rights lawyers and scholars then. It is an honor to call him a friend.
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