
Proverbs 3:1-6

My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you peace and prosperity. Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
Letting the Light Shine !!
2 Corinthians 4 : 1-6

Please make a reservation via these options:

  • Call the church office at 941-747-4406
  • Email
  • Let the volunteers know when they check you in on Sunday morning if you'll attend the following week

We are asking everyone to PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY - at least 15-20 minutes prior - as many are arriving at the same time and we must safely check you in before the service starts.

We will continue to follow the guidelines as set by the Conference and the CDC with:   
  1. Requesting you wear a mask
  2. Use the hand sanitizers at the door 
  3. Have your temperature taken at the door 
  4. We will have social distancing with the seating
  5. We will not be singing out loud, but you may hum along with the songs played

Thank you for your understanding as we navigate this new normal!
"Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." ~ Jeremiah 17:14

Please pray for the following: 
Bonnie Addario, Rosemary Althoff, Rev Sherry Angus, Gerald Bailey, Roger Betten, Greg Brady, Rev Gary Buhl, Vivian Clarke, Bev Clapper's daughter ~ Stephanie, Susan Clouse, Ann Gooden Combs, Rev. Dennis DeWitt, Haley Doty, Lu Edwards, Josephine Farley, Connie Hamilton, Bill Howard, Bob King, Don Kinnaird, Sue James, Duane & Margot Moore, Lou Pomrenke, Bonnie Richardson, Jerry Shelso, Art Shewbridge, Jeannie Shewbridge, Tim Swafford, Linda Theiss, Cande Vermeulen, Penny Weiskerger, Mary Woltz, Charlie Wooten, Carolyn Wright
Today's flowers are placed on the altar in loving memory of my husband, Angelo Qualich
by Ruth Qualich

We have open dates for altar flowers to be purchased in memory or honor of your loved one.
Please contact the church office for available dates.
We are now streaming services on FaceBook Live.
Be sure to LIKE our page to see the services as they are posted live.
Wednesday Service
 February 17th
@ 1:30 in Church Sanctuary
Or live stream on the Website or Facebook


Order your Easter Lily Plant in honor of a loved one, family, friend or yourself.
Flowers are $7.00ea
Order forms are located throughout the church and in the church office. If you would like a form mailed to your home, please contact the church office at 941-747-4406

DEADLINE to order lilies is Wed. March 17th 2021
Our 2021 Church Directories have arrived!
Please call the church office to make arrangements for pick up or stop in during office hours.
CWS Fights Hunger

End Hunger One Step at a time with a:

Hunger Walk.

George Strawn is sponsoring the yearly CWS Crop Walk for Hunger. Details and donation envelopes are in the entrance way of FUMCB or contact George at 941-705-0156. Make checks payable to Peace Presbyterian Church

Interested in joining


Please contact
Bev Clapper for information at 941-756-9091



Are you looking for some reading material, bible literature, history or a good book?


FUMCB has a small Library that you can use. Located on the 2nd floor. Contact the church office for inquiries. 941-747-4406
United Methodist Women will be selling Equal Exchange Fair Trade Candy & Coffee beginning in January, 2021 to support our local Mission Program. 

The sale will be every Sunday or orders can be made by phone and/or picked up on Sundays or from the Office during the week. 

Candy Bars are $4.00 each and Coffee is $10.00 lbs. 

Available will be Ground Coffee and K-Cups both Decaf and Regular. For candy there are 2 dark Chocolates – (Orange 67% Very Dark 71%) and Milk Chocolate Caramel Crunch 55%.  

Sales will be every Sunday at the elevator entrance Patio area. 

Questions contact Vicki Taylor 942-747-7984 
Ushers Are Needed

If you would like to join the Usher Team, please contact Bill Howard at 941-756-0427

Ladies are encouraged!
If you’d like to join, your more
than Welcome, every Tuesday!

Topic: GriefShare Session In Person
Where: First United Methodist Church of Bradenton
13 weeks beginning 1/19/2021

Time: 10:00 am to 12:00 noon
High on Jesus

We meet every Wednesday @ 7:00-8:30pm
in Fellowship Hall
for information contact:
Justin Halas or Church Office
COVID-19 VACCINE Information
for Manatee County Residents.

Manatee CO website:
Who: Residents over 65
What: Vaccine Information
Where: Bennett Park
400 Cypress Creek Blvd.
or 280 Kay Rd (both take you there)
Bradenton, FL 34208
When: To make an APPOINTMENT-CALL 941-742-4300
Must have Consent Form: Click Below on Vaccine Consent Form
(church office has some) Vaccine Consent Form

Must bring Consent Form, Registration Ticket and Valid ID

4 ~ Darrol Thompson
4 ~ Elinor Donnelly
9 ~ Jim James
13 ~ Irv Zamikoff
14 ~ Jan Greene
16 ~ Bill Leonard
17 ~ Elaine Sands
17 ~ Corinne Hill
17 ~ Ethan Hill
21 ~ Judy Moyer
22 ~ Patti DeBolt
23 ~ Marlene Blalock
23 ~ Patty Gentile
24 ~ Elizabeth Neal
25 ~ Hayden Hill
26 ~ Bill King
26 ~ Wayne Sitzler
28 ~ Ann Moon
January Anniversaries
14 ~ Niki & Charlie Hackney
Our Next Monthly Drive-thru
Food Collection will be
Wednesday & Thursday
MAR. 10th & 11th
February's Food Drive collected a Record Breaking 421 lbs of food for the Manatee Food Bank. Well Done FUMCB !
Would you like to receive professional counseling in a Christian context at affordable fees? Our church provides this ministry to its members (& non-members) with licensed
counselors. For details or an appointment, contact Richard at 941-926-2959 or 813-331-7395.
 First United Methodist Church of Bradenton 
603 11th St. West
Bradenton, FL 34205