The end of FY20 finds us in a strong financial position. Not only were we able to produce a record number of titles this past year, our fiscal stewardship will allow us to extend Phase 1 of Lever Press for an entire year at no additional cost to our members. Invoices for Phase 2 pledges will begin appearing in September 2021.

We began FY20 with a carry-forward of $541,330.92 and realized an additional $274,000 in member dues payments. No gifts or other income was received. Non-payment by two members resulted in a $10,000 loss.

Expenses for the year included $7,700 for acquisitions, $33,338 for book production, and $166,625 in overhead, primarily salaries. While we were able to maintain a rigorous production schedule, COVID-19 resulted in significant savings from unspent personnel costs, travel, and conference fees. Total expenses, including those associated with the sale or donation of print copies, were $209,291. The carry-forward for FY21 was $604,039.

Please contact Dalia Corkrum ([email protected]), Lever Press Treasurer, if you have any questions or wish to see more detailed financial information.