Welcome Back Tigers!
Greetings, LC Families:
Below are welcome letters for ninth and tenth-twelfth grade families chock full of info about thoughts for the start of the year and, most importantly, critical information regarding upcoming conferences and “stuff” distribution for all of our students. We are so very committed to supporting your teen in this most unusual environment.
Next week, teachers will spend the entire work week learning about how best to do school with your children this year. We will discuss the mental and emotional challenges that CoVid has and will continue to create in student lives, we will dig into how to translate and distill content into the most essential elements for virtual instruction, we will talk about creating community in classrooms that are linked only by screens and microphones, we will begin our deep dive into equity for all students in this new and even the traditional environments, we will talk about safety in the CoVid era, and we will prepare for Launch Conferences the following week.
We are trying to be very ready for your students.
You can assist right now by signing up for your Launch Conference. An email was sent to you this morning from Spokane Public Schools with directions to set up your appointment time with your Tiger’s advisory teacher. All conferences will take place the week after Labor Day – September 8-11. You can pick your conference time easily online, but please know that if you cannot do a virtual conference as planned for any reason, we can arrange to have a phone or in-person conference set up for you in some instances. Just call our office at 354-6888 and we will take care of you. Use this same number if you didn’t get the email and we can set up your appointment over the phone.
You can also help by reviewing the days that same week when your student will need to come to LC and gather all their belongings. On that day, please make sure your Tiger is masked and ready to carry out a LOT of stuff. Your student can return last year’s technology and pick up the speedy new laptop they will need to be successful in this year’s remote environment.
Folks, this is going to be a wild start to the year. Our district has CRUSHED the organization of meal service to thousands and thousands of students across the city, the distribution of thousands and thousands of laptops to students across the city, the instruction of thousands and thousands of students across the city, their teachers, their school buildings and a million other matters large and small in order to bring your children and our grownups together in a virtual world to learn and grow together.
I’m going to ask for your continued kindness and patience as we all onboard during the next several days – know that everyone here loves your kids, is working as fast as they know how, and is every once in awhile having to put down the phone or close the laptop and just pause to ask, “Could we ever have guessed this would be what this school year would look like?” The answer is, of course, no – but here we are, eager and so very hopeful that we can together make this a year wherein your Tiger understands that the adults knocked themselves out in service to the cause of all kids.
THANK YOU for your amazing children, your wonderful families, and the grace and support you’ve offered us thus far. We won’t let you down – keep us posted on all we can do for your Tigers. We are excited to see them again soon!
Contact Info:

Marybeth Smith, Principal  [email protected]
Theresa Meyer, Assistant Principal - Curriculum [email protected]
Phil High-Edward, Assistant Principal - Student Services [email protected]
Carole Baumgartner, Assistant Principal ELD/SpEd [email protected]
Sarah Pooler, Principal's Assistant Grade 9 [email protected]
Veronica Steel, Principal's Assistant Grade 10 [email protected]
Dave Hughes, Athletic Director [email protected]

Kathy Blancher, Counselor A-E (10-12) [email protected]
Lesa Renner, Counselor F-K (10-12) [email protected]
Stacey Donahue, Counselor L-R (10-12) [email protected]
Emily Magnuson, Counselor S-T (10-12), ELD (9-12) [email protected]
Alana Pazevic U-Z (10-12), SpEd (9-12) [email protected]
Tatriana Muravez A-Z (9) [email protected]
Charlene Dupper A-Z (9) [email protected]