It’s the Friday before Christmas, so this will be the last "Liberating Word" for the year. My daughters arrive Sunday afternoon, and I will spend the next week with them. It is something I look forward to every year.

Bill and I stopped exchanging gifts years ago, at least anything significant. That is a practice David and I have continued. Avoiding shopping certainly reduces the holiday stress. Still, every now and then, I see something I want to give someone, and I’ve been wishing there was something I could give to you. 

For 20 years, I have written down my thoughts, and feelings, and fears, and dreams and sent them to you. Some of you have been reading "Liberating Word" since it began shortly after George W. Bush was reelected. Karl Rove, the evil political genius who did great damage to America, ran Bush’s campaign and used the "threat" of same-gender marriage as a means of motivating the conservative base. It was so irritating when they called those people "values voters." I railed that we, too, are "values voters." It’s just that our values are not so bigoted. 

"Liberating Word" was born as a tool to help us better articulate OUR values and biblical principles. Writing all these years has been a good exercise for me, but it would be pretty meaningless had it not been for you reading my rants and ramblings. That is the gift you give me, and I am grateful. 

For Christmas this year, I give to you my promise that, each time I write a "Liberating Word," I will pray for you. My words are valuable only if they somehow stir YOUR wisdom, passion, and intent. 

May this Christmas energize and embolden you, redoubling your resolve to be "a champion for peace on earth and justice for all."


Rev. Dr. Michael Piazza

Rev. Piazza is a nationally-known author, activist, and church growth consultant. He is the founder and president of Agile Church Consulting and the senior pastor of Arlington Congregational Church in Jacksonville, Florida. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.

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