See what's happening in the lively community of Thomas Jefferson Memorial Church - UU!
Sunday, March 20: Liberation Theology
“Liberation Theology” is an approach to Christian theology that came alive in Latin American Catholicism in the late 20th century that can be summed up as “a preferential option for the poor.”  RevWik will explore in what ways Unitarian Universalism might be said to have a “liberation theology,” and what a “preferential option” might mean for us.  [Note:  the Social Justice Collection will go to support PACEM, and this service will also include a ‘Commissioning of our IMPACT Team Members.’
Religious Education (RE) classes for registered children and youth (infant through 12th grade) are offered during both services on most Sundays. For information about our Lifespan Faith Development Program and classes for children, youth and adults--contact Leia Durland-JonesDirector of Faith Development

The pledge drive for the 2016-17 church year is underway… please pledge now!

  • Indicate your financial gift to the church for the coming year at by Mar 20. If you anticipate not being able to reply by then or would like a visit from a pledge drive member, contact co-chairs Kim Grover and Adam Slate at
  • New this year: if you anticipate not being able to make a gift, you can use the pledge form to request that one be made in your name.
  • Keep an eye on the church website and Facebook group for inspiring testimonials and answers to frequently asked questions about the pledging process.

All-Church Party - March 19!

Save Saturday night, Mar 19, for an all-church party to remember! The party will be held in the new Lower Hall featuring:

  • Food & beverages
  • Music & dancing
  • Giveaways of local sculpture, pottery, and tickets to a local music festival and private film screening

  RSVP  through the facebook invite (let us know if you haven’t received it) or by emailing us at . See you there!

Sunday, March 20 Social Action Collection: PACEM (People and Congregations Engaged in Ministry). PACEM provides thermal shelter during the coldest months of the year to folks who would otherwise be sleeping on the streets of Charlottesville.  We rely heavily on the faith community, those who open their doors and their hearts to shelter our homeless neighbors. PACEM also works collaboratively with other nonprofits, temporarily meeting our homeless guests’ immediate need for safety, shelter, and food, while assisting them in application for more stable and permanent housing, connecting them with necessary mainstream services, and removing barriers to both housing and job stability.  PACEM is a low barrier shelter of last resort, serving those who do not meet the eligibility criteria of other shelters. We have served more than 200 individuals each season since 2008.

Order Easter Lilies, Sunday March 20: The Christian Fellowship is sponsoring our annual Easter Lily Sale. These lilies will decorate our Sanctuary on Easter Sunday (March 27). The names of those honored or memorialized will be listed in the Order of Service. Each Lily will cost $12 (check or cash) and may be picked up after the Easter Service. Please see Jean Newland at the UU Book Store after services on Sundays, March 6, 13 and 20 to place your order. 

Nature Spirit. Sunday, March 20, 10:30AM-11:15AM, Lower Hall 2. Ostara Observance. Please join Nature Spirit between services for an observance of the Ostara holiday. We will contemplate the history of Ostara and the symbolism of the egg. Send questions to

Sunday, March 20:  Dr. James Sofka will speak at the local chapter meeting of the United Nations Association at TJMC, at 3:00 pm in Lower Hall 2.  His topic is “Emerging Fissures in the European Union: Refugees, Migration, and the Limits of Collective Action” in which he will examine one of the great humanitarian crises of our time, the migration of Middle- Eastern refugees seeking asylum in Europe.  Dr. Sofka specializes in international relations at the Brookings Institution and is a former UVA faculty member in the Department of Politics.  The meeting is free and open to the public.

Sundown Celebration "Liberation": Sunday, 3/20, 6pm (NOTE THIS DIFFERENT TIME)
We'll explore the topic of Liberation in the sanctuary using guitar-centered folk-rock music, as well as a time of greeting, a time for silence, and a time for words. All ages are welcome. There will be food and fellowship after the Celebration. Contact Mike Ludwick at for more information or to be a part of helping to organize the Celebration.

See Faith Development section for Lifespan Faith Development weekly activities.

Help Our Blessings Bloom - Spring Auction 2016 - May 7, 4:30-7:30PM

Email us with questions or to make arrangements for us to receive your silent auction items: 

Click on links below to fill out online donation forms. Or stop by the table in the social hall on Sundays for a paper form. 

Meals and Events: 

Items and Services:  

Themed basket donations will be accepted through March 27th.  All other donations will be accepted until April 10th.  Please email us at to make arrangements with our team to receive your donations.  

Now collecting donations for our Spring Auction.  Stop by the Auction table on Sundays in the Social Hall. We have many ways to donate talents or treasures.  

  • Our Giving Tree is in bloom.  Stop by our table and pick a flower from our tree to donate requested items for themed auction baskets.  Quick and easy way to contribute! 
  • Purchase 50-50 Raffle Tickets.  Winner takes ½ of raffle proceeds. Raffle Tickets are $5 for one ticket or $20 for five tickets.
  • Donate your favorite book to our mystery book sale.
  • Donate your favorite wine to our wine raffle.
  • Donate your treasures for our silent auction—artwork, funky and classic furniture and other treasures.
  • Offer services such as babysitting, gardening, computer help, cleaning and organizing and massage.
  • Share a dinner with TJMC friends—ever popular dinners cooked and hosted in one another’s homes. 
  • Did you know dinner sales are our most profitable auction item? 
  • Dinner Matchmaking available—stop by if you love to cook and need a host or if you have a table and need a cook!  We will pair hosts and cooks to allow for half the work and twice the fun!  

All Church Easter Celebration Finger Food Potluck Sunday March 27. Please bring finger foods to share in the social hall following both services next Sunday as we honor this joyous day and celebrate the coming of spring. Sponsored by the Children and Youth Religious Education Committee. Questions? Speak with Committee Chair Elaine Chapman or Committee Member Lorie Craddock.

Please join the Campus Management Group for a work party on Saturday, April 2, 9:30-2:30. There will be jobs for all skill levels and all ages. We will be prepping for painting, painting, repairing plumbing and woodwork, installing gutter extensions, all in an effort to make our church building as spruced up as the Lower Hall. Join us for an hour or five or if you can't join us, help provide snacks and lunch for the workers. More volunteer opportunities are coming: Grounds Work Party on Saturday, April 16, 9-1 and More Painting and Fixing on Saturday, May 14, 9:30-2:30. Save the dates! 

Mark your calendar:  April 9 Workshop for Planning for End of Life. Come receive support as you reflect on how you can live your values in your final days.  Learn about how to put that on paper now and communicate it to your doctor and loved ones. Open to anyone in the local community, so please invite others from outside our church. For more information or to volunteer, contact Alex McGee or Shirley Paul.

Save the Date for IMPACT Rally. Tuesday April 12 at 6:30 at the Church of the Incarnation for Team and Network Members. We will hear updates on the issues and solutions and prepare for the Action. For more information contact Sarah Peaslee, or 434-293-4854.  Read More

April 16: Shake your booty!  Live African Drumming at the 2nd Annual African Potluck on Saturday, April 16 in the Social Hall.  Potluck -- 5 to 6PM.  Performance -- 6 to 7PM.  Drumming workshops for young adults -- 3:30 to 4:45PM;  for youth --  4:30 to 5PM.  Watch for more information.  RSVP, 717-420-0031.

Save the Date for Nehemiah Action. Tuesday MAY 3, 6:30 at the Charlottesville High School MLK Auditorium. Join us to call for action on Eldercare and on our planned Women’s Substance Abuse Treatment Program. For more information contact Sarah Peaslee, or 434-293-4854.  Read More

Ways You Can Help

The notebooks containing the job descriptions of the councils, committees and groups at TJMC are missing.  If you have a copy of a job description from 2007 to the present, please send it to Vice President Sally Taylor at  

TJMC needs ushers.  Ushers choose the service, 9:15 am or 11:15 am, as they wish, as well as to pick the Sundays the want to usher.  Both services need 2 ushers per week. Usually ushers serve one service per month. Contact Dick Somer 434 296 4287 or

Our Soup Kitchen is seeking new volunteers. TJMC volunteers come together each week to serve a home-cooked meal to those in our community who are in need. We are looking for individuals or families who would be interested in providing food and serving the meal once every six weeks. Please consider joining our group or reaching out to find out more information. Contact Jen Larimer at

Free Money for TJMC! Do you buy groceries?  Gasoline?  Fill prescriptions?  Eat out?  Shop online?  Each time you use Scrip physical GiftCards or e-GiftCards instead of other payment methods at participating retailers, TJMC is given 2-18% of your purchase.  If you aren’t already using Scrip regularly, please start.  Scrip for selected retailers is available every Sunday in the social hall after services, hundred more retailers are available online via; check out the complete info on the TJMC website.

Would you like to provide the Altar Flowers on Sunday to mark a special occasion or to honor someone or just to help create beauty in our sanctuary? Your name and the occasion you are marking can be included in the order of service. Contact Leia Durland-Jones ( or sign up on the bulletin board outside the church office. You can bring the flowers yourself or make arrangements with Leia to have them purchased.

Young Adults At TJMCUU
The Young Adult Group is generally people aged 18-35 who share in social gatherings and programming to support spiritual practice and social justice values. Most Sundays after the second service we share lunch outside on the labyrinth or in the LH Kitchen, depending on weather. 

If you have questions about the Young Adult program, contact  Rev. Alex McGee .

Notes/For Your Information

The process for the congregational approval of "TJMC-UU Congregational Public Witness in Support of the Black Lives Matter Movement and Racial Justice" is moving forward.  Come to the table in the social hall after services to talk about it and to sign up for a cottage meeting.  What does it mean for us as individuals and as a church?  Get copies of the recent New Yorker article, "The Matter of Black Lives" by Jelani Cobb and "Five Ways to Support Black Lives Matter" by Kenny Wiley.

Board meetings: Board meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 pm, in the Social Hall. Meeting materials are available on the TJMC website ( 

If you are going through an illness, loss, or transition, and want the ministry staff to know, please tell us! Our church is a large vibrant community, and we need your help to alert us when you might need support including meals or a pastoral visit. You may contact Revwik,  293-8179 ext. 1#,  Alex McGee at 293-8179 ext. 2# or Leia Durland-Jones, 293-8179 ext. 3# .
Pledge Payments with Credit Cards: Click HERE.   

Click HERE to read the Lifespan Faith Development E-news.
Religious Education (RE) classes for registered children and youth (infant through 12th grade) are offered during both services on most Sundays. For information about our Lifespan Faith Development Program and classes for children, youth and adults--contact Leia Durland-JonesDirector of Faith Development
Wednesday Worship, 11:45-12:30 PM. Join others on the outdoor labyrinth for this mid-week sacred pause. In addition to the labyrinth, stones are available for stacking/meditation under the oak tree outside  the social hall. Linger in the Remembrance Garden as you make your way to the sanctuary for readings, reflection, meditation, candles of Hope and Remembrance and/or writing in the sands of Atonement and  Forgiveness. Bring your journal and write. Close your eyes and rest. Give yourself the gift of renewal during the week. All are welcome. Come and go as you need. Leia Durland-Jones is our worship leader this week.  

Wednesday Wonderings, 12:15-1:15 PM, Church Parlor. Join us for thoughtful readings and discussions in an open-minded and open-hearted atmosphere. Of late we have been reading and reflecting on passages from "The Book of Awakening" by Mark Nepo. Take a mid-week break to feed your mind and spirit. For more information, contact Mike.

Adult Faith Development Spring 2016 Exploring and Deepening our Unitarian Universalism, A Series of Classes on Sunday mornings. Come to all, or only one.  Free.  As part of an experiment in our congregation’s Adult Faith Development, this spring we are trying out classes on Sunday mornings: Where:  In the new Lower Hall classroom, accessible by elevator or stairs. When:  11:15 AM, at the same time as the second worship service.  So, feel free to come to 9:15 am worship, and then stay for a class, or simply come for class, or for worship.  * Second Sundays Rev. Erik will facilitate discussions on Soul Matters monthly theme. Please contact him ahead to receive preparation materials: (April 10:  Creation, May 8:  Blessing) * Fourth Sundays Rev. Alex and Achsah Carrier will offer classes to deepen your relationship with Unitarian Universalism so that you can be more fulfilled in your faith journey and active in our congregational life. This class is great for newcomers and long-time UUs.  (March 27:  Governance/Polity and some History of TJMC, April 24:  Philosophy of Religious Education, May 22:  UU theology)  

Events are happening at the Mountain Retreat and Learning Center.
Click HERE for more information or visit these links:

Useful Links
TJMCUU Weekly Update submissions should be emailed to    
by 12:00 noon Wednesday.  Holiday schedules may alter this deadline.