Liberty Yoga

In this Email:


July 1



Summer dates. See Below


Self-Care Sunday- 1 Day Retreat

June 30



June 10-16


Monday, July 1

Click HERE to Register

$25- Early Bird

$30 after June 22

Brian is Back!

Monday July 1. 6-7:30pm

Early Bird Price $25 good until June 22 Regular price $30

The Wandering Monk is returning to Liberty Yoga!

Since we have been learning about the Yoga Sutras, this is the perfect time for Brian to come and share about connecting to our Higher Consciousness.

Last June, Brian, the wandering Monk shared his journey and offered our group insight and practices into spiritual awakening and meditation through Satsung (See Flyer Above)

Join this not-to-be-missed special event!

Register for the Wandering Monk by Clicking HERE


Join Angie Hall as Kula SUP and Liberty Yoga partner up again to offer you fun in the Sun and on the Paddle board for Yoga!

We will meet at the Bohemia River for Morning Yoga on Saturdays and Sunset Yoga on Mondays.

PLEASE Click the Survey below to say "Yes!" to the date you would like to come. When we get a minimum of 8 we will book that day!

Hurry and register now so we can make sure Angie will hold these dates for our Liberty Yoga Community and friends!

Cost $40 per person

SUP Yoga Dates:

Sunset -7pm

Morning- Sat: 10am / Sun: 9am

Monday July 8

Sunday July 21

Monday August 12

Saturday August 17

Sunday September 15

Mondays- 7pm

Monday July 8
Monday August 12

Saturday- 10am / Sunday- 9am

Sunday July 21
Saturday August 17
Sunday Sept 15

Survey- We will HOLD the Date you would like

to attend. Just Click YES by any/ all dates

you are interested in.

Self-Care Sunday- 1 Day Retreat

at Kula Kamala Ashram

Click HERE to view the website. Scroll down on the Home page to the video to see all about the Ashram!

Self-Care Sunday 1 day Retreat to

Kula Kamala Ashram in Alsace, PA.

Enjoy a day of Yoga, Wisdom talk, Great food and "What is Meditation" talk


We will meet in the Parking Lot of Liberty Yoga

and travel to Kula Kamala Ashram (90 mins away)

The Schedule:

8am- Leave from Liberty Yoga- Carpool

10-11:15am- Yin Yoga Class

11am-1pm- Brunch at Food4 All Cafe

11:30am-12:30pm- Wisdom Circle / Talk

1-3- Walk the grounds and the Labyrinth

3pm-5pm- Travel back home

Teacher of Yin Yoga and Wisdom Circle/ Talk Swamini Shraddhananda Saraswati

OR SwaminiJi

Click HERE to Register for this

One Day Retreat! Here's how:

Go to the schedule and click on each event to make a donation. Pay what you wish for each part ($8, $10, $12, $15 or more) Yin, Brunch, Wisdom Talk,

**Be sure to let Christine know you wish to attend

and we will plan the carpool(s).

Click HERE to Send her and email to let her know OR just call or text 302-367-5074**


The Yoga Sutras!

This whole year we will be exploring The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to live a Yogic life according to these 196 sutras (short teachings).

In class your teachers will share the Sutras and give you handouts of sheets to explain more (for many of them---not all)

June 10-16: Sutras 2.52-2.53

Yoga in the Park

Join Christine for Yoga in the Park- Papermill Park- Every Tuesday (7am) Thursday (7am) and Saturday (8:15am) Mornings {Weather permitting}.

Connect with nature. Welcome the day!

SUMMER Yoga Special Price!

3 Months of Unlimited Yoga for $290!!


Click HERE for this GREAT Offer!

(The 3 months begins on the date of your first visit)

{Begin May, June, or July}

Coming Soon:

YES Book Launch Party!


Christine's Guru!!: Special Guest

Christine Shaw Picture.jpg

Christine Shaw

Yoga Therapist

500 hour Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher,

Yoga Therapist, meditation teacher,

Level 2 Reiki practitioner, Spiritual leadership certified,

Founder of YES- Yoga for Emotional Support.

Click HERE to Schedule a Free phone consultation to see if private Sessions are right for you.

Call Christine:


What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy is a way of empowering individuals to progress towards improved health and well being in mind, body, and spirit through the application of Yoga based practices.

Enjoy transformation with Christine as your guide. We will work together to develop a plan and program tailored to your specific needs and goals


Goals of Yoga & Therapy: 

Yoga- Reduce or eliminate suffering, awaken to our true self and potential to find happiness in the present moment.

Yoga Therapy- Reduce / manage the symptoms of suffering. Improve function and address reoccurrence of a problematic conditions in body, mind and/or spirit. Move towards greater health and well being. Change your relationship to your condition or diagnosis.

Led with Love- Each session is led with care and kindness. I offer yoga based practices and action steps just for you based on love so you can see changes right away in all areas.

Yoga Trade

Are you on a tight budget and want some Yoga?

We are in need of help at the studio.

YOU can be an important part of helping the studio to thrive!!

Please contact Christine for Yoga Trade.

We need help with website, studio organizing, cleaning, computer and paperwork, and social media.

Click here to email Christine or call 302-367-5074

if you would like to trade yoga classes for serving

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