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Liberty Yoga

meets you where you are!


This Week

at Liberty Yoga

Jan 31, 2022-

Feb 6, 2022

* 22 Day Yoga Body!

Join Today!

Tues & Thurs 6-7pm

* Remembering

Thich Nhat Hanh

*Black History Month

* Weekly Class Schedule

+New Class (next week)

*Coming Soon:

Singing Bowl Concert!

Hello Christine,

Dear Yogis!

A few weeks ago I wrote about reading Will Smith's book and his story about "One brick at a time" where he and his brother built a whole wall over the span of a year! They did not focus on the whole wall but simply on adding one brick at a time until the job was complete.

This week I was listening to the book and loved a story that Will shared about working on the set of the movie "Ali" about the life of Mohammad Ali. He said that one day on the set a crew member was eating a snickers bar and Will's trainer looked at him and said "Why are you eating a snickers bar??? Will is working hard for this role and we should all be supporting him and doing the same." After this everyone working on the set did the same training as Will. They all got up early to run for miles and ate healthy meals, got plenty of rest and trained together. The result was that they all became strong and healthy and together they felt the bond and power of community.

This story reminded me of our Yoga community and the power of a sangha. This sanskrit word means "a group or community of people coming together for a certain purpose." Liberty Yoga is our sangha of like minded people coming together and committing to work together for a purpose. Our purpose is health and well being in mind, body, and spirit. If we as a group (sangha) dedicate ourselves to our practice we can encourage one another towards a common goal! I know when it comes to our practice sometimes our inner dialogue is trying to tell us to skip a day for numerous reasons. This is our ego speaking. But if we observe our thoughts, we can remember that we made a commitment to our regular practice and we have the final say of what we will do. This is the daily battle we must win in order to achieve our higher purpose. Also, the more we involve the people close to us the stronger our resolve becomes. (thank you Alex for your help in offering some of these words of inspiration)

Let's join together and make a commitment to your best health and well being. Liberty Yoga is here to help you to achieve your goals. So, next time your thoughts tell you to skip it, remember your decision to stick to what you said you would do and don't let anything stand in your way. We will support each other in our Liberty Yoga community. See you soon beloved Yogis!

Love, Hugs and Namaste,

Christine, Eleanor, Prithie, Sara, Jean

It's Snow-ga time!


Christine Shaw - Tree Pose

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Sara Cardile- Gate Pose

Grab your yoga clothes, and maybe a coat too, and head out into the snow to show us your best Snow-ga pose! Send pictures to Christine (text: 302-367-5074 OR email:


Thich Nhat Hanh passed away

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The International Plum Village Community of Engaged Buddhism announces that our beloved teacher Thich Nhat Hanh has passed away peacefully at Từ Hiếu Temple in Huế, Vietnam on 22nd January, 2022, at the age of 95.

We invite our global spiritual family to take a few moments to be still, to come back to our mindful breathing, as we together hold him in our hearts in peace and loving gratitude for all he has offered the world.

The Life Story of Thich Nhat Hanh | Plum Village

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a global spiritual leader, poet, and peace activist, renowned for his powerful teachings and bestselling writings on mindfulness and peace. A gentle, humble monk, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. called him "an Apostle of peace and nonviolence" when nominating him for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Read More
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National Black History Month, also known as National African American History Month, during February is a time for all Americans to celebrate the achievements of African Americans. In addition, the month recognizes the central role of Black Americans in history. Other countries, including Canada and Great Britain, have also set aside months to honor Black History.

Read More

Weekly Class Schedule

GROUP and PRIVATE Yoga Sessions

(all classes are held at the studio and on Zoom except for 3 >> Zoom only)

Click HERE to Register for classes

Monday 1/31:

7am- Morning Flow- Sara

10am- Therapeutic (Zoom only)- Eleanor

5:30- YES- Christine

6pm- Beginner - Prithie

Tuesday 2/1:

7am- Morning Flow (FLY) -Christine

6pm- Therapeutic (Zoom only)- Jean

6pm- Vinyasa- 22 Day Yoga Body- Christine

Wednesday 2/2:

7am- Morning Flow- Sara

{9:30am- NEW Therapeutic Class- Beginning Next Wednesday

February 9 (NO Class Feb 16) Resumes Feb 23}

5:30pm- YES- Christine

Thursday 2/3:

7am- Morning Flow (FLY!) -Christine

10am- Therapeutic (Zoom only)- Eleanor

6pm- Therapeutic - Prithie

6pm- Vinyasa- 22 Day Yoga Body- Christine

Friday 2/4:

No Classes

6-8pm: TGIF Events. Next one: February 25

Singing Bowl Concert

Saturday 2/5:

8:15- FLY! Vinyasa- Christine

10am- YES- Christine

11:45- TRX- Christine


New Year! New Body- Mind- Spirit!

22 Day Yoga Body

January 18- March 31, 2022

Sign up today to jump start your new year with 22 days of a focus on you!

(more information below)

Our wonderful and talented Team of 500 hour

Yoga Alliance Certified Teachers!



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Thank you for all you do to offer varied and helpful yoga practices every week!



Would you like an in-studio (and Zoom)

Therapeutic Class added to the schedule on

Wednesdays @ 9:30am?


If you wish to attend this as a new class on the schedule please VOTE by clicking HERE to send an email to Christine or text


that you would like this class added to the schedule.

If 8 people express interest it will be scheduled!

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Safety Measures at Liberty Yoga

Your health, well being and safety are our top priority!

Our air filter at the studio has a 4 stage filtration system to remove airborne pollutants!

The studio is cleaned daily.

Delaware has a mask mandate. Please wear a mask, and practice safe distancing and hand washing.

Hand sanitizer is available at the studio.

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When snow falls this winter be sure to check updates online, in an email or text to see if classes will be held at the studio.

We are fortunate to have Zoom as an option. If snow happens we will most likely still hold classes on Zoom!

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TGIF Event:

Singing Bowl Concert

with Gentle Yoga Flow

Bowls: Andy West. Yoga & singing: Christine Shaw


Friday February 25 6-7:30pm

Cost: $30 / $25 each when you bring a friend

(Save the Date! Details & Registration coming soon)

To Express interest click HERE

22 Day Yoga Body!

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NEW You in 2022!

Jump start your 2022 with 22 Days of Yoga based on the book "21 Day Yoga Body" (+ a BONUS day!!)

by Sadie Nardini

Join this 22 day challenge to shape you up

in the new year!

Classes are every Tuesday and Thursday 6-7pm.

In person and on Zoom!

You may join anytime (even though it has started). You will still get the book and all of the daily summary sheets.


January 18, 20, 25, 27,

February 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24

March 1, 3, 8, 10, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29, 31

$100 to join ($50 if you are on AutoRenew)

This Week:

Day 5 Tues 2/1> Deny Drama

Day 6 Thurs 2/3> Act In


What do you get?

* The book: 21 Day Yoga Body

*Daily theme and tracking sheets

*Wonderful healthy and easy recipes

*Vinyasa Yoga classes based on the book

and taught by Christine

$100 back Challenge!

Attend ALL 22 Days and get your $100 back!!

(or $50 if you paid the reduced price)


Click HERE to Register and Pay

If you are on AutoRenew use discount code:

22DAYAUTORENEW for $50 price

Sign up today!

You do NOT have to come to every class.

Commit and do your best!

Love Yoga!!:

The Origami Heart Project


The Origami Heart Project was created to raise awareness about the countless benefits of Yoga!

Please help raise awareness in our community and in the world by making as many origami hearts as you can!

They are easy to make and fun and a wonderful presence (mindfulness) activity! Youtube video directions below.


Yoga is an ancient practice that offers a plethora of health benefits like:

a strong and healthy body *a peaceful mind *open heart * focus * awareness *gratitude *forgiveness *self-care *moderation *purity *kindness *generosity *improved sleep *heart *lung *digestive health love and so much more!



108 is considered a sacred number in yoga.

Let's set the goal to 108 x 108=


We can do it!! One heart at a time!

Each heart represents a person served by the practices of yoga.

By making these garlands of Origami hearts we can adorn the yoga studio with love and we will be reminded to share the benefits and joy and practices of Yoga with as many people as we can!

Once we have a plethora of garlands I intend to contact the News Journal to see if they will do a story on Yoga and its benefits and Liberty Yoga!!


View the youtube video showing you how to make an origami heart!

You may use any size square paper. The best type to use is origami or wrapping paper. Simply cut squares (at least 10), follow the directions and start making your hearts. Once you are finished, string ten hearts on a piece of ribbon or string (there is a fold on the back of the heart to easily slip the ribbon through) and drop your garlands off at the studio!

How long will it take us to reach the goal of 11, 664??

Let's find out!

-----> LOVE & Yoga <-----

How to Make an Origami Heart

Youtube video: How to make an origami heart


THANK YOU to those of you who have made hearts and delivered them to the studio. The heart garlands are looking great in the space!

So far we have over 200 hearts!

Thanks and Happy Yoga-ing for your best health in 2022 and beyond

January Pose of the Month:

Bind to unwind

Binds allow the body to relax, deepen, hold postures longer, and find alignment integrity

You can actually unwind (relax) when you bind!

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Bound Lunging Twist

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Bound Lord of the Fishes

February Pose of the Month:

Heart Openers

Let your love shine and your heart to be ope to all experiences, gifts, gratitude, people and love!

Here are 10 benefits

  1. Healthy, more flexible spine
  2. Flexible rib cage
  3. Better breathing
  4. Helps with cleansing out old emotions
  5. Reverse bad posture
  6. Create anatomical balance
  7. Be more open to love and feelings of love toward self and others
  8. Clear the Heart chakra
  9. Increase energy
  10. It just feels good! (from

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Affordable Yoga Prices:

Purchase online from the website, through the Liberty yoga App, call (302-367-5074) or stop in


Drop in- $16

4 Class package- $60 (30 day exp)

Morning/ Evening flow only- $75 (30 day-autorenew)

10 Class package- $150 (90 day exp)

Monthly Unlimited AutoRenew - $108 (30 day-autorenew)

STUDENT RATES: (w/ current student ID)

Drop in- $12

4 Class package- $40

10 class package- $100


*with an AutoRenew contract. Purchase at the studio OR Call





Buy one. Get one 30% off!

Buy A Monthly Unlimited AutoRenew Membership for you ($108) and get one for a friend at 30% off ($75)!!*

{*New AutoRenew students only. AutoRenew Contract rules apply}

{You could share the discount cost between the two of you $91.50 each}

Offer ends February 28

To claim this deal call (302) 367-5074


Private Yoga Therapy Sessions

$75- single session

$250- 4 session package

$400- 8 session package

Read more about private sessions below

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Yoga Therapist

500 hour Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher, Yoga Therapist, meditation teacher, Level 2 Reiki practitioner, Spiritual leadership certified. Founder of YES- Yoga for Emotional Support.

Click HERE to Schedule a Free phone consultation to see if private Sessions are right for you.

Call Christine:


Yoga Therapy for YOU!

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy is a way of empowering individuals to progress towards improved health and well being in mind, body, and spirit through the application of Yoga based practices.

Enjoy transformation with Christine as your guide. We will work together to develop a plan and program tailored to your specific needs and goals


Goals of Yoga & Therapy: 

Yoga- Reduce or eliminate suffering, awaken to our true self and potential to find happiness in the present moment.

Yoga Therapy- Reduce / manage the symptoms of suffering. Improve function and address reoccurrence of a problematic conditions in body, mind and/or spirit. Move towards greater health and well being. Change your relationship to your condition or diagnosis.

Led with Love- Each session is led with care and kindness. I offer yoga based practices and action steps just for you so you can see changes right away in all areas.

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Yoga for Emotional Support.

Practices for Befriending Yourself

Click to learn what YES Class is all about!

Click to learn what YES Class is all about

See you this week for YES

Monday @ 5:30pm

Wednesday @ 5:30pm

Saturday @ 10am



Join the 22 Day Yoga Body

and receive a gift!

It's up to you to come in and claim your gift.

~with love,




Private Meditation or chanting sessions for individuals or small group

Click HERE


Book a Reiki

or private Yoga Therapy Session with Christine

(Level 1 Yoga therapist & Level 2 Reiki Practicioner)

Click HERE



Friday February 25


Singing Bowl Concert with yoga flow

How you can help Liberty Yoga to stay in business:

1) Buy a package / membership

2) Attend classes in the studio (preferably) and on zoom

3) Refer your friends to do the same!

Thank you!

We appreciate you!


Click the icon below to follow us.

Earn rewards points and prizes!

Facebook  Instagram / 302-367-5074