February 2, 2024

Candle-lighting 5:07 p.m.

Dear Friends,

This week two longtime Minyan members and current members of the Steering Committee -- Jules Kamin (Finance Chair) and Howard Fredman (Head Gabbai) -- are both celebrating their 80th birthdays and are jointly sponsoring the kiddush to share their simchas with the entire kahal. Come help honor these two Library Minyan stalwarts.

Also in this week's Update:

  • Shabbat Services - 9:45 am in the Dorff-Nelson Chapel
  • Mishnah Study (Live and on Zoom)
  • Voting Continues This Week
  • 36th [sic] Anniversary Books Available
  • Upcoming Calendar
  • Donations
  • Dear Libby
  • Haftarah Plethora
  • Jewish Trivia

If you have questions, suggestions, or want to include something in a future Weekly Update, please email Joel Elkins at [email protected].


Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat Services will begin at 9:45 a.m. in Dorff-Nelson Chapel, followed by a kiddush in the ballroom sponsored by Jules Kamin and Howard Fredman in honor of their 80th birthdays.

Mishna Study (Live and on Zoom)

The move last week to a hybrid session seemed to work well, and so Mishna study will once again be live from the Whiteman Conference room beginning at 9:15 a.m. and simultaneously on Zoom. Henry Morgen will lead us in the sixth mishna of Chapter 9 of Tractate Shabbat.

Voting Continues This Week

Voting on the adoption of the new charter and other issues raised at the last General Meeting will remain open for another few days. If you have not already done so, please do so here. Results will be reported next week.

36th [sic] Anniversary Books Available

Boxes of the book Many Ways into God's Palace: Essays in Honor of the 36th Anniversary of the Library Minyan, edited by Michael Berenbaum and Mitch Malkus for the minyan's double chai anniversary have been discovered. Copies will be available free of charge at the entrance to the Chapel for the next few shabbatot. Feel free to take one.

Upcoming Calendar

Below is a list of upcoming special kiddushes and events. If you would like to contribute to any of these (or to add another kiddush-worthy occasion), please click here and indicate the event in the notes.

2/10 - Lunch & Learn w/ OneLA

2/17 - Baruch Link Scholar in Residence Weekend

3/2 - Aufruf for Tal Link and Ben Richards

3/9 - John Antignas' 90th birthday

3/16 - Lunch & Learn with Michael Berenbaum

3/30 - Torah Club/Annette Berman's bat mitzvah anniversary

4/13 - Lunch & Learn with Joel Rembaum

Donations This Week

Rina Carmel & Steve Lavender

-in honor of the Aufruf of Tal Link and Rabbi Ben Richards

Annette Berman

-in honor of Jules', Howard's and John's birthdays, and Tal and Ben's aufruf

Dear Libby

Dear Libby:

We are called the Library Minyan, yet I see that Pilch Hall is the one that has recently installed bookshelves. Is there anything we can we do to make our services feel more like a visit to the library?


Dear Viva:

Funny you should ask. The Steering Committee has recently voted to institute the following new policies: the gabbai will be on the lookout for people talking too loudly during services and instructed to sternly shush violators; people wishing to use a shul siddur or chumash during services will be asked to check it out at the newly installed circulation desk; copies of the Jewish Journal will be available as you enter, but will be attached to long sticks; and because of budget cuts, the Library Minyan will hereby be closed on Saturdays.


If you would like Libby to answer your questions or solve your problems, submit your questions and/or kvetches to [email protected].

Haftarah Plethora

In a reprise of Haftarah Plethora for Yitro, Larry is befuddled by the selection of this Haftarah for the Parsha, while Rick describes the Ashkenazi additions to the reading as a conundrum. The boys agree that the inclusion of “Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh,” one of the most famous and liturgically important verses of the entire Tanach, makes this week’s Haftarah very special. Shabbat Shalom.

You can see all of Larry and Rick's recordings here.

Jewish Trivia

Last week's question: The narrative

When the two groups came face to face, the companions of Moses cried out, “We are overtaken for sure.” He said, “No! Indeed, with me is my Lord; He will guide me.” So We inspired Moses: “Strike the sea with your staff,” and the sea was split, each part was like a huge mountain.

is from Chapter 26, verses 61-63 of what book? Answer: The Quran!

Now for this week's questions:

  1. What multi-award-winning British progressive/hard rock group from the 1960s-80s got its name from an 18th century English agriculturist?
  2. What sitcom character did Max Baer, Jr. portray from 1962 through 1973?
  3. In what way are the above questions even remotely Jewish Trivia?

(Answer next week.)

The Chesed Fund supports Library Minyan members during the birth/adoption of a child, illness or death in the family. The Outreach Fund supports new, particularly youth, membership. The General Fund goes for everyday expenses, primarily kiddushim. If you would like to make a donation to any of these funds, click here.