Dear Libby
Dear Libby:
I know services start at 9:45 each Shabbat. But when should I arrive?
Dear TOFL:
That's a good question. When you arrive tells a lot about you. Most people fall into one of the following categories:
Always arrive by 9:15 for Mishna study
- these people are true tzaddiks and there is a special place in olam haba for people like them
Skip Mishna study but arrive well before 9:45 to make sure not to miss even a minute of davening
- these people are known as "the gabbai"
Don't care much about p'seukeh d'zimrah but have to be there for beginning of shacharit
- these people are known as barchunatics
- Don't care about shacharit but wouldn't think of missing Torah reading
- these people are known as leyniacs
Don't care about Torah reading, but wouldn't dare miss the d'var torah
- these people are known as drashaholics
Don't care about the drash, but make sure to get there by Adom Olam
- these people are known as Sandra Lepson
Then there are the JFKers ("just for kiddush") who have no idea what they are missing.
Hope to see you sometime tomorrow. Shabbat shalom!
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