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Library Survey
We know you are a big fan of our newsletter, but we'd like to hear about all the different ways you find out about our library programs and services.

Please take our (very!) short survey and tell us how you learn about what's happening at Beebe Library. We are always looking
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Buzz Around the Building
Youth Room Seating
In addition to the filtered-water bottle filler we mentioned last week, we've added colorful new chairs to our Young Adult area.

These fun chairs for kids and teens are a comfy place for conversation, reading, or just hanging out. Beebe Library appreciates the gifts and grants that make improvements like these possible. We're grateful to be able to create welcoming spaces for patrons of all ages to gather and connect.
Featured Resource
hoopla Binge Pass

Meet the BingePass, hoopla's newest streaming resource. It gives you unlimited access to collections of great online content for 7 days… all with just a single borrow!

This gives you more flexibility to bounce between different magazine titles or courses while using just that one hoopla Instant borrow. BingePass is designed for you to “binge” the content that interests you!

Questions? Stop by the Reference Desk!

Featured Programs
Conversations About Whiteness

This important 5-week series returns beginning Thursday, March 3 at 7 pm. Guided by two facilitators the discussion will center on how white people may not fully see how their whiteness affects their life experiences.

The program uses video clips, articles, and group activities to help participants reflect on unconcious bias, white privilege, race, and racism.

Introduction to Local Wildflowers

After such a wet and icy weekend it's hard to believe that spring will arrive next month! Now is the perfect time to learn about our beautiful local wildflowers.

Bill Gette returns in March to guide us through images of plant and blossom parts, showing photographs illustrating important keys to identification. 

This program will be presented on Zoom.

Upcoming Events
Monday 2/14: News & Views
Wednesday 2/16: Books by the Lake
Thursday 2/17: Books on Tap
Thursday 2/24: Board Games and Beyond
Staff Picks
Erin's Recommendations