Library Update
Issue 2
May 2021
A Message from J.D. Victor Fitch

I have an exciting update: we broke ground for the new library on May 2, 2021. Many of you attended the ceremony over Zoom, reminiscing with us about the history of “the Hilltop,” and rejoicing with us as we finally saw this dream becoming a reality. 

During the ceremony, we heard from current librarian, Sheila Clark, and from faculty and students; all emphasized the importance of libraries in undergraduate education. The excitement of student leaders was palpable as they spoke of the ways that the beautiful new building will improve their educational experience. Former librarians Joyce Tinkler Van Scheik and Carol Anderson Nicks offered prayers that the new library will strengthen Burman’s legacy of academic excellence and global service, and emeritus professor Denise Dick Herr and former librarian Keith Clouten explored some of the Burman library's unique history. Congratulatory messages from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada and from local dignitaries revealed that this library will enhance Burman’s service to both the Church and the central Alberta community.
J.D. Victor Fitch
President Emeritus
Chair, Campaign Advisory Team
If you were unable to join us for the ground-breaking livestream, you can still see the ceremony at the link to the right. I think you will especially enjoy “coming with us” on a virtual tour of the envisioned building.

You can also enjoy—as I frequently do—
a “bird’s-eye view” of the ongoing construction through our live camera.

To see the building go up, Click Here

Click Here to Watch the Ceremony
What Our Donors Are Saying 
Burman University is a ‘United Nations microcosm.’… The new library will serve professors and students in their quest for learning, connecting, and belonging.
Gail Misek, Lead Donor
To read more about what inspired others who gave to our “Shaping the World” campaign, Click Here

The construction currently in progress would never have been possible without the faith our generous donors have in Burman’s future.
How Is Fundraising Progressing?

The total cost of the library is $6 million: this includes not only the building itself, but also the furnishings, technology, landscaping, paving, and repayment of internal reserves that were loaned to enable timely construction. We are blessed to have received $4.2 million in cash and pledges. Our next goal is to raise $1.8 million. Your continued support of this project will help complete a vital part of Burman’s mission and future.

For naming opportunities and for the complete library brochure, Click Here
6730 University Drive
Lacombe, AB T4L 2E5