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Library eNewsletter | August 2023

Growing Towards Sustainability

SSPL's Partnership with PrintReleaf

The library needs to print things out in order to communicate with each other and you, our community. One of the ways we give back to the forest, is by working with the company, PrintReleaf. PrintReleaf measures our paper consumption over time, calculates how many trees were harvested to make the paper, and then they reforest areas around the globe. Saratoga Springs Public Library has offset the equivalent of 83.3K letter pages of paper consumption by reforesting 10 trees since joining PrintReleaf in August 2022. Follow our progress as we minimize printing and plant a few trees at https://printreleaf.com/SaratogaSpringsPublicLibrary.

Program in Hand?

The Hard Copy or Digital Program Guide for July & August

SSPL prints limited quantities of our Program Guide, which covers two months of programming at a time. This option is for those who wish to have a physical document highlighting our offerings. If you are comfortable with an online format, we encourage you to help us conserve resources by choosing that option, and visiting our online link to the guide or our Events Calendar at www.sspl.org where you will find these, other programming, details, and have the ability to register.

On the Road with the SSPL Mobile Library

This summer, Saratoga Springs Public Library launched its Library-On-Wheels! Our Mobile Library has begun regularly visiting Gavin Park and the Porter Corners Fire Company. We have new and popular books and more for kids, teens and grownups, as well games and activities at each event. You can check items out from the van just like you would at the library, grab a schedule of summer events, sign up for Summer Reading, get reading recommendations, and more! For dates, times, and locations, visit this link.

All Together Now

Summer Reading 2023

It's August, and our 2023 Summer Reading Program, "All Together Now" is still moving along. As in past years, we are offering programs and reading challenges for children, teens, and adults.

Please visit our website, www.sspl.org, online Events Calendar, and social media channels for more information.

Access More Online in August

Bonus Borrows with hoopla

Bonus Borrows with hoopla is back this August! Patrons can choose from more than a hundred titles in the Bonus Borrows collection. These hoopla titles are at NO cost to our library and require ZERO patron borrows. In addition to these titles, patrons will also continue to have access to hoopla's collection of over 1,000,000 audiobooks, eBooks, comics, movies, TV shows, and more! Click here to get started with Hoopla today!

Action Films in August

Start Streaming with Kanopy

Cue the car chases and prepare the pyrotechnics because Kanopy is presenting a thrilling new collection entitled Action Films in August. To get your heart pumping with these cinematic highlights, check out the titles throught this link. Get free access to thousands of movies with your Saratoga Springs Public Library card. Not using Kanopy yet? Click here to get started!


Digital Literacy for Spanish Speakers

¡Alfabetización digital para hispanoparlantes!

Join Librarian Kate Federiconi, Mary Ann Rockwell and Immigration Navigator Miguelina Sanchez for this 2-part class!

Session One: Friday, August 4, 10 a.m. - Noon

Learn the basics of using a computer, writing emails and searching the internet. This class will be interpreted from English to Spanish. Ask any questions you may have! Register online.

¡Únase a esta clase para aprender conceptos básicos de computadora e internet! .Esta clase será interpretada de inglés a español.¡Sus ideas son bienvenidas! Regístrese en línea.

Session Two: Friday, August 18, 10 a.m. - Noon

Go job hunting! Practice creating cover letters, resumes, and completing applications online. Ask whatever questions you may have! This class will be interpreted from English to Spanish. Register online.

¡Practica escribir un currículum y una carta de presentación y solicitar puestos de empleo en línea! ¡Sus ideas son bienvenidas! Regístrese en línea.


Screen Time Awarness & Embodiment Practices

Join Shannon Hoffman from the Skidmore Counseling Center Wednesday, August 9 from noon - 1 p.m. for a discussion of the impact of screen time on our nervous systems. Shannon will discuss the ways in which we use our phones, tablets, computers, desktops, and televisions for social connection, learning, avoiding stressors, and distraction. While considering cultural diversity concerns and differences, namely generational differences, this session will deeply explore what it means to be the fish within the sea of today’s fast-paced technological advance, and will encourage participants to consider their relationships with their phones, other people, and their own bodies in a new way. Please register online through this link.


Indian Music Caravan at The Tang and More!

The Indian Music Caravan is a series of free public concerts featuring Veena Chandra on sitar and Devesh Chandra on tabla. The Caravan takes listeners on a journey through classical and folk music of India. Veena and Devesh provide opportunities to interact and give context to Indian music and culture. Audience members are encouraged to come closer and view instruments and ask questions. Listen to the Indian Caravan on the roof of the Tang Teaching Museum on the Skidmore Campus from 6 - 7 p.m. Thursday, August 10th. In the case of inclement weather the performance will be held inside the museum. More listening opportunities are September 9 and 30, 2023 at the Saratoga Farmers' Market and Saratoga Arts in the Park on September 16th.

This program is sponsored by the Saratoga Springs Public Library in partnership with Saratoga Arts. Saratoga Arts made this program possible through the Community Arts Regrant Program, funded by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.

Kids & Teens Corner

What's New in June for Kids, Teens, & Their Families

Click on the links below to check out these offerings:

Tweens & Teens

Teen Crafternoon: Perler Beads | Thursday, August 3 | 1 - 2 p.m. | Grades 7 - 12

Parachute Games for Tweens & Teens | Friday, August 4 | 1 - 1:30 p.m.

Teen Advisory Board | Monday, August 7 | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Grades 7 - 12

Teen Lemonade Bar | Thursday, August 10 | 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. | Grades 7 - 12

For more information about the Teen Room and Summer Hours, visit this link.

Children & Families

Mister G. Performance & Book Signing | Thursday, August 3 | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. | Children & Families

Paws4Reading with Stella and Roxie | Multiple Dates & Times | Reading Age

STEM Building Challenges | Fridays, August 4 & 18 | 2 - 4 p.m. | Children & Families

Community Activity Book Pick-up | Starting Monday, August 7th while supplies last | Children & Families

Book Buddies | Tuesday, August 8 | 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. | Reading Age

Star Lab Planetarium | Thursday, August 10 | 10 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. | Grades K - 6

Tiger Stripes | Friday, August 11 | 11 - 11:45 a.m. | Ages 3+ and Grades K-2

Tiny Town | Monday, August 14 | 2 - 3 p.m. | Ages 2 - 5

Celebrate the End of Summer Reading with Jester Jim | Tuesday, August 15 | 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. | Children & Families

Ice-Cream Social | Tuesday, August 15 | 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. | Children

Build Your Own Fairy House | Wednesday, August 16 | 2 - 3 p.m. | Grades 4 - 8

Drop-In Surprise Craft | Wednesday, August 12 | 2 - 4 p.m. | Children

Stuffed Animal Sleepover | Thursday, August 24 | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Ages 3 - 8

Afterschool Art: Fuse Beads | Monday, August 28 | 4 - 5:30 p.m. | Grades K - 6

SSPL Visits the Saratoga Farmers' Market | Wednesday, August 30 | 3 - 6 p.m. | Children & Families

Please check our Events Calendar for Story Times, Parachute Games, Baby Bounce, Music & Movement, and Toddlertime program availability.

Visit the Friends Coffee Shop!

The Friends of Saratoga Springs Public Library have brought coffee and more back into the building! The Friends Coffee Shop is located on the first floor of the library and offers coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. A variety of snacks and baked goods, provided by The Bread Basket, are also available. Looking for something cool? A number of cold beverages are also available. Hours are Monday – Friday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. (subject to change). All profits and tips help the Friends fulfill their mission to support the library.

Please feel free to reach out to our Friends with any questions at hello@fsspl.org.

Not a Friend of the library yet? Join today!

Download the Libby App Today!

Access Digital eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines

Have you started using the Libby app yet? If you're new to accessing digital eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines online with your library card, we invite you to download the Libby app. For more information on how to do this, please watch the video below or click this link. Please note: The Overdrive app was discontinued in the spring.

Watch the video to learn how to download and begin using the Libby app.

Current Library Hours & Services

The library is open seven days a week and indoor seating is available. Current hours of operation are Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. | Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. | Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sunday: Noon - 5 p.m.


Labor Day - Monday, September 4 - LIBRARY CLOSED

For a full list of services and additional updates, please visit the Library Announcements section of our homepage at www.sspl.org.

How to Find Out About

Programs at Your Library

Are you participating in programs at your library? View our Events Calendar at www.sspl.org or follow us on your favorite social media platform to stay in the loop!

Facebook: @SaratogaLibrary

Instagram: @SaratogaSpringsLibrary

Twitter: @SaratogaLibrary

TikTok: @SaratogaLibrary

Watch Us on YouTube!

Over the last few years, our librarians and presenters from a great many Saratoga Springs community organizations have been diligently working to produce online content for our YouTube channel. We're showcasing everything from children's story times, crafts, community conversations with local non-profits, book talks, gardening, travel, local history, art, tech tutorials, and so much more! As we continue with online programming, additional videos are added all the time, so please check out what's currently available and/or subscribe through the link below.

SSPL YouTube Channel

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