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Library eNewsletter | March 2023


Hard Copy or Digital Program Guide for March & April

SSPL prints limited quantities of our Program Guide, which covers two months of programming at a time. This option is for those who wish to have a physical document highlighting our offerings. If you are comfortable with an online format, we encourage you to help us conserve resources by choosing that option, and visiting our online link to the guide or our Events Calendar at www.sspl.org where you will find these, other programming, details, and have the ability to register.


Programming for March & April

This month, we're kicking off our programming cycle for our 2023 SaratogaREADS! community read selection, The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels by Jon Meacham. For a full list of all of our programs inspired by this #1 New York Times Bestseller, visit www.saratogareads.org or our Events Calendar at www.sspl.org.

March Book Madness 2023

Get your picks in TODAY!

Adults 18 and up are invited to participate in March Book Madness 2023 with Saratoga Springs Public Library! The idea is simple: Vote for your favorite books. The books advancing to the next round will be posted every Monday during the tournament. The "Book Champion" will be announced Friday, March 31, 2023. Visit our detailed list online, or better yet, stop by the library to view our display and check out one of our contenders.

Books are available in print, ebook and/or audiobook formats through Libby and Hoopla. If you want to place a hold, you may do so online through the library's website, the Libby or Hoopla app, or by calling 518-584-7860, ext. 210.

Growing Towards Sustainability

SSPL's Battery Recycling Initiative

Have you ever borrowed a Playaway, a portable pre-loaded audiobook, from the library? One battery - provided by us, offers hours of listening to your favorite authors' works through narration. When the battery gets low or is depleted, library staff replace the battery.

Did you ever wonder what happens to the used battery? In the past, we would collect them with the hope that one day, we could recycle them locally. Throwing them in the landfill did not feel right to us. As our collection of used batteries grew over time, we knew we could not wait any longer.

Since 2021, the library has recycled 58 pounds of AA and AAA batteries through Waste Management Lamptracker. Zinc and manganese are metals common in alkaline batteries such as AAA, AA, C, D, and 9 volts. All of these batteries can be recycled to preserve valuable natural resources. Waste Management also offsets the CO2 emission created during the shipping of the full container of batteries.

We invite you to continue to enjoy the option of a Playaway, or other library materials powered by batteries, knowing that we are responsibly disposing of these precious resources.

In 2018, Saratoga Springs Public Library was the 2nd library in New York State to be certified by both the Green Business Partnership and the New York Library Association's Sustainability Initiative, and is now a Certified Sustainable Library.


Gratefulness Gathering

Join approved Gratefulness Gathering host, Susan Meyer online from 7 - 8:30 Wednesday, March 8th, who will give participants the opportunity to explore themes and practices of grateful living within a supportive group. Gatherings will incorporate inspirational readings and videos, poetry, thought-provoking questions, guided meditation, and personal reflections - all designed to nurture a deeper understanding of gratefulness. Be sure to have a journal and something to write with. This program will be delivered virtually via Zoom. Please register online through this link.


Brown Bag Lunch: Behind the Headlines - The History of Women in Journalism

March is Women’s History Month! We’re honoring this year’s theme, “Celebrating Women Who Tell Our Stories,” with a special Brown Bag Lunch program on Thursday, March 9th. Join Barbara Lombardo and Mary Caroline Powers, two of Saratoga Springs’ veteran women journalists, in a wide-ranging conversation about their experiences in the print and broadcast media, ranging from their groundbreaking roles in newspaper and television; discrimination they faced and opportunities they were afforded; how changes in culture and technology are affecting how news is reported, and the role of women in the media. Your questions will be welcome. Please register online through this link to attend in-person or online through Zoom. The Brown Bag Lunch Lecture Series is co-sponsored with Saratoga Springs Heritage Area Visitor Center.


Poetry Café: Emily Dickinson

Join us for a librarian-led poetry discussion group online Thursday, March 9 from 6 - 7 p.m. Continuing with our "Dead Poets Society" theme, we'll read and discuss a less anthologized, but no less powerful selection of poems by Emily Dickinson, and look for new surprises in her more familiar work. In the process, we might dispel some outmoded notions about the poet and her poems! Please register online through this link. This program is inspired by our 2023 SaratogaREADS! Selection: The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels by John Meacham and Women's History Month.


Fresh New Garden Ideas for 2023

Give your garden a fresh start in 2023 by exploring new ideas for your yard and planters with Suzanne Balet Haight of Balet Flowers and Design Thursday, March 16th from Noon - 1 p.m. Suzanne will cover tips and planting suggestions to have your garden looking its best and most beautiful. This is a hybrid program offered both in-person or online through Zoom. Please register for either in-person or online attendance through this link.


Kickstart Your Health: The Power of Your Plate

Learn the basic concepts of healthy, plant-based eating with Deb Czech of Planted Platter, as she prepares three easy recipes you can make at home in this online Zoom program. A short video from the Physicians Committee will explain why a plant-based way of eating can be effective against many chronic diseases. This virtual program will take place from Noon - 1:30 p.m. Friday, March 24th. Please register through this link.

Kids & Teens Corner

What's New in March for Kids, Parents, Teens, & Their Families

Click on the links below to check out these offerings for Kids, Teens, and their Families:

Tweens & Teens

Minecraft Monday | Mondays, March 13 | 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. | Grades 4 - 8

Dungeons & Dragons Online | Tuesdays, March 14 - 28 | 6 - 8 p.m.| Grades 6 - 12

The Teen Room is open to students entering grades 7-12 Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays, 3 - 6 p.m. & Wednesdays, 2 - 6 p.m.

Children & Families

Paws4Reading with Keeva | Thursdays, March 9 - 30 | 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. | Reading Age

American Sign Language (ASL) Class for Kids | Fridays, March 3 - 31 | 4 - 5 p.m. | Grades 1 - 5

Foodie Science Cooking Club | Tuesday, March 14 | 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. | Grades 2 - 5

Afterschool Art: Yarn Turtles | Monday, March 20 | 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. | Grades K - 6

Preschool Read & Play | Friday, March 24 | 10 - 11 a.m. | Ages 3 - 5

Family STEAM Night: Oil Spill Cleanup | Tuesday, March 28 | 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. | Grades K - 6 with their Families

Early Reader Chapter Chat | Wednesday, March 29 | 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. | Grades K - 2

Please check our Events Calendar for Story Times, Music & Movement, Musical Babies, Parachute Play, Take & Make Crafts and Art Kits, Baby Bounce, and Toddlertime program availability, registration, or to join an existing wait list.

Download the Libby App Today!

Access Digital eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines

If you've been using the OverDrive app, it's time to switch to Libby! If you're new to accessing digital eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines online with your library card, we invite you to download the Libby app. For more information on how to do this, please watch the video below or click this link. Please note: The Overdrive app will be discontinued next month.

Watch the video to learn how to download and begin using the Libby app.

Current Library Hours & Services

The library is open seven days a week and indoor seating is available. Current hours of operation are Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. | Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. | Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sunday: Noon - 5 p.m.



For a full list of services and additional updates, please visit the Library Announcements section of our homepage at www.sspl.org.

How to Find Out About

Programs at Your Library

Are you participating in programs at your library? View our Events Calendar at www.sspl.org or follow us on your favorite social media platform to stay in the loop!

Facebook: @SaratogaLibrary

Instagram: @SaratogaSpringsLibrary

Twitter: @SaratogaLibrary

TikTok: @SaratogaLibrary

Watch Us on YouTube!

Over the last few years, our librarians and presenters from a great many Saratoga Springs community organizations have been diligently working to produce online content for our YouTube channel. We're showcasing everything from children's story times, crafts, community conversations with local non-profits, book talks, gardening, travel, local history, art, tech tutorials, and so much more! As we continue with online programming, additional videos are added all the time, so please check out what's currently available and/or subscribe through the link below.

SSPL YouTube Channel

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