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Library eNewsletter | May 2023

Program in Hand?

The Hard Copy or Digital Program Guide for May & June

SSPL prints limited quantities of our Program Guide, which covers two months of programming at a time. This option is for those who wish to have a physical document highlighting our offerings. If you are comfortable with an online format, we encourage you to help us conserve resources by choosing that option, and visiting our online link to the guide or our Events Calendar at www.sspl.org where you will find these, other programming, details, and have the ability to register.

Growing Towards Sustainability

SSPL participates in Sustainable Saratoga's

No Mow May Campaign

For the second year in a row, Saratoga Springs Public Library will put away our electric lawn mower in order to give bees a chance. Lawns that remain "unmown" allow more flowers to grow, which helps the bees pollinate, and in turn supports other plants to grow. No Mow May does not violate any laws in the City of Saratoga Springs - the City requires property owners to mow their lawns in June, July, and August, but not in May. If you live outside of Saratoga Springs, you may want to check your local ordinances regarding lawn care requirements. For more information, visit our friends at Sustainable Saratoga. 

PROGRAM NOTE: Kelsey Trudell of Sustainable Saratoga will teach students in grades 2 - 5 about our "No-Mow May" pollinators, focusing on Monarch Butterflies. Afterwards, children will decorate a pot for some milkweed seedlings that they can take home and plant in their garden or park to attract these colorful butterflies. Please register online for this May 17th Children's Program.

Our Friends are Hiring!

The Friends of Saratoga Springs Public Library are looking for an individual who wants to join our team as the new coffee shop manager! If you or anyone you know is looking for an opportunity and wants to help us make this venture a success, send them here.

The Friends are also looking for volunteers to staff the coffee shop as cashiers. See what this volunteer position entails through this link.


Talking Poetry at Caffé Lena

For this month's pre-open mic poetry discussion, on-site at the famed Caffè Lena, we'll read and discuss poems about the natural world and about environmental concerns. Handouts will be provided at the event, and will be available at the SSPL Information Desk, and sent to registrants electronically beforehand. Stay around afterward to read your poem at Lena's Poetry Open Mic! Join us at at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, May 3rd at Caffè Lena. Please register online.


Drumming: Discover Your Rhythm with Joe Green

Join us in the Community Room from 4-5 p.m. Friday, May 5th when Joe Green will demonstrate how to play a variety of percussion instruments, including cajons, conga-cajons, Udu drums and bucket drums. He will touch upon the history of the instruments and the therapeutic/social benefits of drumming, within a small group setting. There will be ample time for, and an emphasis on, providing a hands-on playing experience for all participants! No experience necessary. Please register online.


Better Off Read Book Discussion Group

Join us for a monthly book discussion covering a variety of genres, including some narrative nonfiction on Tuesday, May 9 (or Tuesday, June 13), 11 a.m. - Noon. Better Off Read meets on the second Tuesday of the month in the Glasby Room or the Susman Room of the library. Our book for May is All the Lonely People by Mike Gayle (Friendship/Cultural Heritage Fiction). Copies of each selection may be placed on hold or borrowed through the library. Visit the Information Desk for assistance. Please register each month through our online calendar.


Brown Bag Lunch - The Spa State Park: The Formation of one of Saratoga's Greatest Assets

The Saratoga Spa State Park is a tremendous story of hard work and vision by many people in the early years of the 20th Century. Our presentation on Thursday, May 11th will provide the timeline and the stories of how such a great park was created and for what reasons. Join Saratoga Springs History Museum President, Charlie Kuenzel as he tells the story of health and history that is truly Saratoga. The Brown Bag Lunch Lecture Series is co-sponsored by the Saratoga Springs Heritage Area Visitor Center. Please register to attend either in-person or online.


The Birds of Vischer Ferry

John Hershey will talk about his experiences birding at the Vischer Ferry Nature and Historic Preserve over the last 20 years, and give a pictorial tour of some of the main birding spots and trails in the Preserve. Most importantly, John will share some of his favorite bird photos illustrating the species characteristic of the Preserve and its habitat. These include ducks, woodpeckers, swallows, warblers, blackbirds, shorebirds, herons, rails, and bitterns. He will also talk about the “mega-rarity” Violet-green Swallow (discovered there in April 2021) and a few other lesser rarities as well. This May 24th program is co-sponsored by the Southern Adirondack Audubon Society. Please register online.

Kids & Teens Corner

What's New in May for Kids, Parents, Teens, & Their Families

Click on the links below to check out these offerings:

Tweens & Teens

Enchanted Forest Book Nook | Saturday, May 6 | 3 - 4 p.m. | Grades 4 - 8

Minecraft Monday | Monday, May 8 | 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. | Grades 4 - 8

Dungeons & Dragons Online | Mondays, May 9 - 30 | 6 - 8 p.m. | Grades 6-1

The Teen Room is open to students entering grades 7-12 Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays, 3 - 7 p.m.; Wednesdays, 2 - 7 p.m.; and Saturdays, 12 - 4:45 p.m.

Children & Families

Paws4Reading with Keeva | Thursdays, May 4, 11, & 18 | 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. | Reading Age

Preschool Read & Play | Friday, May 5 | 10 - 11 a.m. | Ages 3 - 5

Enchanted Forest Book Nook | Saturday, May 6 | 3 - 4 p.m. | Grades 4 - 8

Story Time Science | Friday, May 13 | 10 - 10:30 a.m. | Ages 3 - 5

C3 Hip Hop Dance Performance & Workshop | Saturday, May 13 | 11 - 11:45 p.m | Ages 6 - 17

Llamas in the Library | Sunday, May 14 | 15 minute time slots from 2 - 3:45 p.m. | Children & Their Families

Afterschool Art: Fuse Beads | Monday, May 15 | 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. | Grades K - 6

Foodie Science Cooking Club | Tuesday, May 16 | 4:15 - 5:15 p.m. | Grades 2 - 5

Drop-In Craft: Mini Coin Bank | Wednesday, May 17 | 4 - 5 p.m.

No Mow May Pollinators | Wednesday, May 17 | 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. | Grades 2 - 5

Family STEAM Night: Moon Lander | Tuesday, May 23 | 7 - 8 p.m. | Grades K - 6

Butterflies & The World of Insects | Saturday, May 27 | 11 a.m. - Noon | K - 5

SSPL Visits the Saratoga Farmers' Market | Wednesday, May 31 | 3 - 6 p.m. | Children & Families

Please check our Events Calendar for Story Times, Music & Movement, Musical Babies, Parachute Play, Take & Make Crafts and Art Kits, Baby Bounce, and Toddlertime program availability, registration, or to join an existing wait list.

Download the Libby App Today!

Access Digital eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines

If you had been using the OverDrive app, it's time to switch to Libby! If you're new to accessing digital eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines online with your library card, we invite you to download the Libby app. For more information on how to do this, please watch the video below or click this link. Please note: The Overdrive app has been discontinued.

Watch the video to learn how to download and begin using the Libby app.

Current Library Hours & Services

The library is open seven days a week and indoor seating is available. Current hours of operation are Monday - Thursday: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. | Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. | Saturday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. | Sunday: Noon - 5 p.m.


Spring Staff Development Day - Friday, May 19 - Library Open 1 - 6 PM

Memorial Day - Monday, May 29 - LIBRARY CLOSED

For a full list of services and additional updates, please visit the Library Announcements section of our homepage at www.sspl.org.

How to Find Out About

Programs at Your Library

Are you participating in programs at your library? View our Events Calendar at www.sspl.org or follow us on your favorite social media platform to stay in the loop!

Facebook: @SaratogaLibrary

Instagram: @SaratogaSpringsLibrary

Twitter: @SaratogaLibrary

TikTok: @SaratogaLibrary

Watch Us on YouTube!

Over the last few years, our librarians and presenters from a great many Saratoga Springs community organizations have been diligently working to produce online content for our YouTube channel. We're showcasing everything from children's story times, crafts, community conversations with local non-profits, book talks, gardening, travel, local history, art, tech tutorials, and so much more! As we continue with online programming, additional videos are added all the time, so please check out what's currently available and/or subscribe through the link below.

SSPL YouTube Channel

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