L&I Newsletter

September 2023

Announcement / Engagement

IAS Accreditation for L&I Building Operation 

The Department of Licenses and Inspections was recently reaccredited by the International Accreditation Services (IAS). The Department has been accredited by IAS since 2013, demonstrating the Department’s competency and commitment to public safety based upon nationally recognized standards. 

Our triennial reassessment took place during the week of September 11th. A team of expert building code officials from across the country conducted an in-depth review of our permitting process. They shadowed our staff in every stage of permitting and inspections, conducting interviews with key stakeholders, assessing standard policies and procedures, and evaluated overall performance.  

This accreditation renewal is a testament to the Department’s continued excellence in code enforcement. Thank you to all our stakeholders who participated in these interviews and congratulations to our L&I staff.  

L&I information sessions

The Department of Licenses and Inspections is offering regular information sessions to assist stakeholders in navigating L&I processes and keeping them informed of code changes. A list of current offerings is provided below. Customers can also sign-up for this and future webinars under the “Events” section of the L&I homepage (www.phila.gov/li).

  • L&I eCLIPSE Q&A session – The Department of L&I will be hosting a 90-minute open Q&A session to address specific permit application questions for users with some experience using eLCIPSE. This session will be held on Thursday, October 5th, from 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. via Zoom. Please register if your are interested in attending this information session.

  • Short Term Rental webinar - L&I will be conducting a 60-minute public training session on the license and permit requirements for Short Term Rental properties. In 2021, Mayor Kenney signed Bill No. 210081, changing the zoning and licensing requirements for owners or renters that offer their properties as short-term rentals in Philadelphia. This information session will explain these new requirements. The session will be held on Tuesday, October 17th, from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. via Zoom. Please register if you are interested in attending this information session.

  • Remote Inspections webinar – Learn more about the Department’s pilot program for virtual inspections on certain construction permits. This information session will provide details around planned implementation for specific permit and/or inspection types, explanation of procedure, and demonstration from the contractor’s perspective. This session will be held on Tuesday, October 24th, from 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. via Zoom. Please register if you are interested in attending this information session.

Note: Capacity is limited and to accommodate all stakeholders, we ask that you only register if you plan on attending the session and, if your circumstances change, please cancel your registration.

Focus group summary

The Department recently conducted annual focus group sessions to garner feedback and identify potential improvement initiatives. Thanks to your support and feedback, we were better informed over this year to make some important improvements: 

  • Permit Navigator pilot design 
  • Expanded remote support operations, including increased hours for chat and increased virtual appointments 
  • More webinar offerings 
  • Development of eCLIPSE enhancements, including plan review comment summary and hold status, both of which are expected to launch in early 2024.


This year you took the time to again provide feedback that we can use for the coming year. The feedback received during this year’s sessions include the following:

  • Would appreciate further efforts to improve communication of code requirements both between inspectors and end users
  • Virtual sessions are great; it’s nice not having to wait for hours for an in-person appointment
  • eCLIPSE takes getting used to, but is improving every year
  • The Chat function, informational webinars, and newsletters are great
  • Would like if L&I included better support for people who don’t speak very much English

Department Action:

In the coming year, the Department will continue to focus on improvements to process, communications, and technology to better serve you. Again, this is because of your continued commitment to helping us make Philadelphia the premier city for business. Areas of focus include: 

  • Continued improvement to language access 
  • Transparency and clarity of property or project specific information on both the public website and eCLIPSE portal 
  • Enhancements to chat functionality to better direct your inquiries 
  • Expansion of permit navigator 
  • More effective response in addressing project specific roadblocks 
  • Continued commitment to those initiatives that you found helpful, including virtual assistance, newsletters, and webinars 

We thank you for sharing your experiences and helping us to better serve all stakeholders. We look forward to continuing to improve our services and hope you join us for our Focus Group feedback session next year!


ECLIPSE changes

Several changes were recently made to eCLIPSE that may impact the public experience:

  1. Improvements were made to permit expiration rules to ensure that trade permits remain active with the associated building permit. The building permit establishes activity and expiration for all related permits.
  2. Plumbing and fire suppression permit applications were modified to eliminate service size options that are no longer available. As a reminder, PWD discontinued the 3” service connection due to supply issues.
  3. Additional instructional text has been added to the inspection scheduling page. 

The following permit resources were recently added to the website (www.phila.gov/li): 

  • Code Bulletin A-2001-R1 Construction Permit Expiration for Projects was updated to highlight the following items:
  • The parent building permit establishes status of all related trade permits.
  • Date entries in the Department’s electronic record visible to the public do not supersede expiration laws identified in the Philadelphia Administrative Code and listed on the permit.

  • Fire Alarm Monitoring FAQ – This document provides clarification about when fire alarm monitoring is required for existing buildings under the Philadelphia Fire Code.

  • The Modular (Industrialized) Building Information Sheet was updated to reflect new Pa DCED regulations governing modular commercial construction. Any permit application for commercial modular construction filed on or after January 1, 2024 must comply with the new program requirements established by Pa DCED and as described in the information sheet.

  •  Building Demolition Site Safety Plan forms  – The Contractor and Public Information forms were updated to incorporate party wall protection requirements for complete demolition projects.

Multiple electrical service connections

The newly developed Pre-Authorization of Multiple Electrical Service Connections information sheet outlines the conditions under which multiple electrical service connections to a building may be permitted. This document includes the application process and submission requirements necessary to obtain a permit or other written approval that is often required by PECO.


The following license resources were recently modified:

A Limited Lodging Operator License may only be issued to a natural person and will not be issued in the name of a company (LLC). Only owners or tenants living in the property as their primary residence is eligible for this license. The Limited Lodging Operator License Application and Limited Lodging FAQ have been updated to clarify this requirement.


The Department will be hosting an information session on October 17th to provide clarification around Limited Lodging. See the ‘Announcement’ section for the registration link. 


Audits & Investigations

Enforcement priorities

AIU would like to call your attention to the following enforcement priorities:

  • Contractors and Subcontractors Information - In accordance with the Philadelphia Code Title 9-1004, contractors who hire a subcontractor to perform work authorized by their permit, must list the subcontractor on the permit in eCLIPSE within 3 days of the commencement of any work authorized by that permit, unless that permit is for a residential building of two dwelling units or less. If the Department establishes that a contractor has failed to do this, the contractor will be cited with a violation of 9-1004(8). That citation is accompanied by a $2,000 fine.  

  • Subcontracting - Subcontractors must always be licensed. They must carry a valid contractor or trade license (for trade work) whenever they are working. A subcontractor is any person or business hired to perform work authorized by a permit, who is not identified on that permit’s application as the prime (or responsible) contractor.

  • Worker Certification - Every worker at a Philadelphia construction site must have OSHA-10 training and carry their card with them when they’re on the job. If a building more than 3 stories or 40 feet tall is being constructed or demolished, an OSHA-30 trained site safety supervisor must be on site whenever the site is active.

Violation data report

The Department issued $44,000 in license violation fines in August 2023. Of that total, $18,000 in fines were issued for the use of unlicensed subcontractors or failure to adequately disclose subcontractor usage and $10,000 were issued to contractors for using workers without the required OSHA training.

License discipline

Platinum Construction and Development - The Department issued a 2-month suspension to Platinum Construction and Development for employing unlicensed contractors, disregarding Department approved plans and specifications, and failing to comply with all provisions of The Philadelphia Code.



New L&I regulation

The Department promulgated the below regulation which has been advertised and posted to the City website and shall become law after 30 days should no public hearing be requested.

  • Chimney and Vent Extension - This regulation outlines the responsibilities of the builder and the property owner when construction impacts the chimney or vent clearance on an adjacent property. The Department has prepared a draft Information Sheet to provide a better understanding of how this regulation will be enforced, should it become law.


Back issues of the L&I Newsletters are available on the L&I website under Resources.