Edition #110! Thank you for reading and sharing! 

"liberty is an acknowledgment of faith in God and His works." Frederic Bastiat 
    Redefining truth by telling lies often enough: "WAR IS PEACE; FREEDOM IS SLAVERY; IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH."   1984, party slogans. (see COS article)
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free...it expects what never was and never will be." 
Thomas Jefferson 
Clearly one of the best speeches we have ever witnessed  HERE
Team Trump is changing the Border by enforcement  HERE
The National Anthem hockey style: Video
(Thanks Janice, Larry and Jim)

All That is Necessary for the Triumph of Evil is that Good Men Do Nothing! | JOIN TODAY!
In This Issue
It's us, or no one!
Short Notes

Human Trafficking in Southeast Michigan! It's happening! 

MCU-SE had a briefing last Tuesday from Oakland County Sheriff Mike Bouchard fresh from a meeting with Attorney General Sessions, FBI and other national public safety leaders.   
 Several local leaders participated including County Commissioner Mike Spisz and Madison Heights Councilman David Soltis who serve on task forces, rescue chaplin Beth Grate and State Rep. candidate Malissa Bossardet. 
 Cases were discussed and issues involved with recruitment, kidnap, trying to identify and extract victims. 
   Related issues include prostitution and drug abuse. Opioid addiction is discussed elsewhere in this newsletter. 
   Participants were impressed with the information, saddened by the epidemic, and resolved to do something about it.       This is an important issue we will visit again in the near future. Join MCU

The United States is 3rd in Murders throughout the World But if you take out just 5 'left-wing' (Democrat controlled) cities: Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, St Louis and New Orleans -- the United States is 4th from the bottom, in the ENTIRE World, for Murders. (Detroit has loosened up it's Gun laws and the gun violence has dropped precipitously).
   These 5 Cities have The Toughest Gun Control Laws in the USA. Do you think maybe the Democrats just might have something to do with all the gun violence......or would it be absurd to draw any conclusions from this data? 
   Now I'm off to check on my spoons. I hear they're making people fat...(Thanks, John)                   ++++++

COS Con job - A flier is circulating that former Sen. Colburn will rally on Michigan's Capitol steps on Nov. 2 and put pressure on legislators to support a reckless ConCon proposal mis-named COS (Convention of States). 
   I n 2007 Coburn told Oklahomans that Obama would someday run for President and "he would make a fine president."  
   In the 2008 GOP primary Coburn endorsed John McCain.
   In 2015 MSNBC reported that Coburn told them "I think Hillary's experience would make her a very effective president." 
  ThinkProgress reported that Coburn trashed nearly every Republican running for president, calling them "not ready for prime time", lacking "integrity", "not capable" and they he wouldn't support one of them even if he got the nomination. 

 - In the novel "1984," George Orwell's unsettling prophecy of a totalitarian society, Newspeak was the official language of Oceania. It was devised to limit freedom of thought. New words were invented, undesirable words eliminated, and the remaining words redefined or limited in scope to further the Party's ideology. If something can't be said, it can't be thought, making a diverging thought unthinkable....
   The Convention of States Project (COS) uses Newspeak to manipulate people into believing that the convention provided for by  Article V of our Constitution is really a "convention of the states" that is controlled from start to finish by State Legislatures.
   On September 24-25, 2011, radical leftist professor Larry Lessig, who has ties to George Soros, and salesman Mark Meckler, who now heads COS, co-hosted a Conference on the Constitutional Convention at Harvard. That conference kicked off the current push for the Left and the phony Right to work together to promote an Article V Convention.
   State Legislatures have no power to limit the scope of a convention to specific topics or amendments.  More 
   The same ploy was tried and failed in the 1970s and 1980s for the same reason  Link

The Law
 By Frederic Bastiat -  original French title   La Loi

A free true translation of this conservative 
classic   Here

 A work written by the French  political philosopher and economist Frederic Bastiat in 1850, investigates what happens in a society when the law becomes a weapon used by those in power to control and enslave the population.  Among Premises:
  • Life Is a Gift from God.  What three gifts of God precede legislation? How is property gained by use of our talents? Where does law fit in the scheme of things?  (Answers and Links in our Kirk section near the end.) 
  • Law Is Force! 
  • The Law Defends Plunder. 
  • Perverted Law Causes Conflict.
  • What is the nature of the political struggle?
  • What is the nature of liberty?
  • Socialism Is Legal Plunder.
  • How may socialism be opposed? 
  • What is the fatal desire of the socialist writers? 
  • What is the evidence that they want philanthropic tyranny or dictatorship?
  • What sort of despotism do they seek to impose? 
  • What is the triple hypothesis of these philanthropists?
  • How do they attack liberty? 
  • How does Bastiat mock them?
  • Where does their right to advocate their ideas stop?
A conservative classic
The Law by Frédéric Bastiat
Full audio book  Here
   "It is not true that the mission of the law is to regulate our consciences, our ideas, our will, our education, our sentiments, our exchanges, our gifts, our enjoyments.    
   Its mission is to prevent the rights of one from interfering with those of another, in any one of these things. 
 Law, because it has force for its necessary sanction, can only have the domain of force, which is justice. "        

Black Lives Matter, Racism: A (black) Conservative Perspective (Larry Elder Interview)   Video

(What members are thinking)
Jodie Brown - Parents, Just because you can allow your daughter to join the Boy Scouts of America, Doesn't mean you should. How long before the first sexual harassment charge will be filed against a boy? Or a Scout Master?
   Should there be coed showers and Bunk houses? You know, because they're equal and all.
 This truly saddens me, the once productive institution of the BS that was successful in building skills, leadership roles and timeless values in our young boys, has succumb to political correctness. I imagine other groups like Trail Life USA and other similar groups like the BS will only increase in membership.
Torey Robinson - Doing laundry is racist...always have to separate colored from the white. 
Dave Alan Ryan - The NFL has been setting some fine examples to our young people.
1. Drug dealing.
2.Dog fighting.
3.Wife beating.
4.Drunk driving.
5.Sexual misconduct.
6.Multiple out of wedlock pregnancies.
8.Poor sportsmanship.
10.Shall I continue?
Priscilla Miller - Via Christian Marcus: Some of you may have heard that there is a long slow whining sound coming from the left in Michigan about redistricting of voting lines.  Of course when they had control of the house and had a Democratic majority this was not an issue but now that they're losing .,expect to come upon so-called non-partisan valid initiatives. You, a family member, or friend may have recently been approached by someone asking you to sign a petition to end gerrymandering, and that voters not politicians should be drawing district lines. They may or may not tell you they are part of a non-partisan or independent group.
   BE AWARE! They are attempting to pull the wool over your eyes. This group, Voters Not Politicians, is not an independent non-partisan group. It is a group of Democrat activists, past candidates, and donors attempting to stack the deck in favor of Democrats. Since they have not been able to win at the polls, they are trying to better their odds by redrawing districts to give them a better advantage at the ballot box.
Dave Agema - Trump continues his home runs. $1.7 billion given by Obama to Iran who are enriching uranium for the purpose of NUCS was crazy. He's correct on the anthem, the flag and over paid football players. He stands for religious freedom, the second amendment and being tough on North Korea. The age of appeasement by Obama is over. That's a good thing for future generations and even our own generation.
  I stand amazed at the destruction Obama has caused in America in a short 8 years. I stand even more amazed that democrats still stand behind perhaps the most corrupt, incompetent president of all time who ruined us fiscally, morally and constitutionally. I can't help but wonder if Obama's ancestors who were communist Muslims impaired his judgement.         Everything he touched he ruined. He accomplished the very goals of the Muslim Brotherhood for America. What a mess Trump inherited! Wake up democrats. You've been useful idiots for a corrupt regime.


Conservative Principles:
Dr. Russell Kirk's  The Conservative Mind Condensed

MCU Membership Application at the bottom.  The goal is for all participants to have the knowledge and tools to enable self and fellow volunteers to prepare for conservative governance. Our most significant event each year is the spring Michigan Conservative Political Action Conference. 
   We strongly encourage you to plan and budget to participate at MiCPAC 2018 in Holt, Mi,. April 7, 2018. The cost is typically about $50 and includes two meals plus all day activities of excellent speakers, briefings and networking. 
 We will have an UPCPAC (Upper Peninsula Political Action Conference June 9, 2018 10am - 3pm at  Highland Golf Club, Escanaba.
   We encourage those who can, to join Michigan Conservative Union. The annual cost is less than a buck a week. If you truly want to be most effective, become a partner and member of the team!  Apply HERE! Thanks!      

Remember, Trump carried the GOP. 
October 16, 2017
Some browsers do not show all the content unless you scroll to the end and click a link. Please do so. We try hard but if a typo slips through please accept our intent to improve with each issue.  We consume much information to try to bring you the most relevant. We hope you enjoy and can use this digest. Please share. Have a great week!

Trump/Sessions memorandum to all government on religious liberty  Here
COMMENT:  This is a broad reaching statement assuring religious freedoms for individuals and groups. We are grateful it allows people of faith to live their faith. Our question is, does it allow mutilations, stonings, beheadings, severing hands and feet, beatings, etc. as mandated by some "religion"? 

The role of Communism in the World -
The role of America in the World - Bishop Fulton Shee n  Historic Video  (Thanks, Jake)

The 59 deaths in Las Vegas was terrible. We pray for the victims and their families, friends, neighbors and businesses. 
Put in perspective, 91 Americans die each day from Opioid overdose. 

M ichigan opioid OD deaths jumped 54% between 2015 and 2016.  A total of 1,365 died from opioid overdoses in 2016, compared to 884 in 2015 and 426 in 2012.  That doesn't include include heroin deaths, which actually went down from 391 in 2015 to 324 in 2016. There were 222 heroin deaths in 2012.   Including heroin, opioids accounted for 72 percent of all Michigan's drug overdose deaths in 2016.
   While the U.S. has about 5 percent of the world's population , it consumes about 80 percent  of the global supply of prescription opioids.
   Michigan received more than $16 million in federal funds in April to promote prevention and increase access to treatment.  More

++ "Christmas Medical Miracle"  signed by Obama last December, the 21st Century Cures Act., gives one billion dollar$ to updated drug abuse programs and provided $1 billion for prevention and treatment efforts. See the hype from sponsor Lamar Alexander (R-TN)   

Laws restricting drugs can be and are broken, as can laws restricting guns.
No Federal Power over Guns, Even if the 2ndAmendment Never Existed  Link 
(Thanks, Dennis) 

Did you know our Freedom To Work laws should save workers in Michigan $125 Million a year when fully implemented? And deny union bosses from lavish spending. Union political donations are about 97% Democrat and left wing.  Our work continues to defend these laws, promote more jobs and assure labor freedom. Donations welcome.  MFTW, POB 658, Oxford, Mi 48371

    We change public policies by changing public knowledge and perceptions.  You may notice as you scan the articles and information that some are submitted by readers, facebook friends, and interested individuals. Feedback is always welcome by emailing [email protected].
  Because we receive so much information daily, it is not possible to include everything. We try to include links to some of the most important and interesting.  Let's keep the faith and fight for a free USA and opportunities for our children and grandchildren as we had. 

National and International
++ U.S. Leaving Unesco, Capping a Stormy History Story

"And above all, we know this: In America, we don't worship government- we worship God," 
the President stated at the Values Voter Summit last Friday.  Link

++ Tax Reform (CUT!!!)  The President announced that, under his tax plan, the typical American family will get a $4,000 pay raise. This is yet another reason Congress must get behind the President's plan to reduce family and business taxes. Congress should never forget exactly why voters sent them to Washington - to get things done and make life better for the American people. Please keep contacting your U.S. Representative and Senators and tell them to support President Trump's tax reform plan to make the "Middle Class Miracle" a reality this year. (WH Briefing)
     White House Tax Reform PLAN HERE


Trump Signs Executive Order on Healthcare

 - Frustrated by heathcare failures in Congress, President Donald Trump directed his administration Thursday to rewrite some federal insurance rules as a beginning of renewed efforts to undermine "Obamacare," the program he's promised to kill.
   "With these actions, we are moving toward lower costs and more options in the heathcare market," Trump said before signing his directive in the Oval Office. Trump said he will continue to pressure Congress to repeal and replace former President Barack Obama's Affordable Care Act.  More  
   Read the President's full remarks  here.

++ Republicans are angry with the GOP, but not with Trump  - Sixty-three percent of Republicans say they are "angry" at the GOP, according to a CNN poll released Sunday, but that number has climbed by nearly 30 percent since March compared to the number of Republicans who are "angry" at Democrats. Thirty-seven percent in March said they were only angry at Democrats, but only 14 percent are upset with the party now. A vast majority of Republicans disapprove of GOP lawmakers, with just 20 percent overall saying they think Congressional leaders are doing a good job compared to 39 percent in January.  More

++ President Donald Trump said Friday he is not recertifying the Iran nuclear deal , which sets off a 60-day process for Congress to debate the issue. Trump made the announcement during a White House speech Friday afternoo n.
   "As I have said many times, the Iran deal was one of the worst and most one-sided transactions the United States has ever entered into," Trump said.
   "Based on the factual record I have put forward, I am announcing today that we cannot and will not make this certification. We will not continue down a path whose predictable conclusion is more violence, more terror, and the very real threat of Iran's nuclear breakthrough."   Article & Video

++ Upton, Huizenga call for Bumpstock gun controlTV Report

++ Public Schools have failed  It has now become de rigueur for America's public school students to study their country's history through a  (pervades the writings of MarxFreud, and Nietzsche). Most are not intellectually trained to be patriotic and proud of their nation's past, but rather,  to see it as primarily built upon a foundation of patriarchy, oppression, and violence
  Moreover, repeated curriculum changes and misguided educational theories over the past 100 or so years have left today's schools ill-equipped to give students a solid training in the three Rs of "reading, writing, and 'rithemetic."       As proof of the decline, take a look below are the most-recent proficiency numbers for American students in a variety of subjects:
  And if that's not enough proof for you, just ask any college professor about the reading comprehension level and writing ability of most of his/her students, a large percentage of whom have to take at least one remedial course. 
   Systems are human creations designed to accomplish certain goals. When it's clear that they are no longer accomplishing those goals, and all amounts of tinkering have been exhausted, then it's time to scrap the system and go back to the drawing board.   More

++ Campus Free Speech - The Justice Department is ramping up its support for students who sue universities claiming their free-speech rights have been violated - including conservatives "who've been silenced in many ways," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Tuesday. "Too much suppression of free and open speech on college campuses today," Sessions said. "Particularly conservatives being silenced in many ways. "Controversial speakers are being blocked. You have the veto by the heckler, who threatens to protest and disrupt the speech so the college may withdraw the speaker's invitation so they won't be a disturbance. These kinds of things really threaten the entire educational system in my view, the integrity of it."
  "We have a heritage of free speech," he continued. "It's in our Constitution, it's deeply embedded in our whole approach to life and we need to push back so we are going to push back."   More

++ Every Migrant Who Believes In Sharia Law Should Be Deported? Do you Agree With Newt Gingrich's Idea?    More   (Thanks, Brian)

Stop the lies! Bring our Country back!  Link

In the words of Vice President Mike Pence, the tax code is 10 times the length of the Bible, with none of the good news.

Dow Posts First 8-Quarter Win Streak in 20 Years                 

Only Democrats owned slaves: Denesh DSouza   Link  (Thanks, Brian)

++ Plans for World Reorganization: The problem of Power. This article outlines the debate between historic realists and idealists and was originally published in Christianity and Crisis 10/19/1942. The debate centers around the future of the international "community'"  
++ A man accused of killing  a South Carolina high school student had been protected from deportation under the DACA program...  More        ++++++
Michigan Brief 

++ Exciting times with many candidates filing and announcing for a number of positions  and several petitions being circulated. One provision we strongly oppose is a proposal by the Governor to eliminate the Michigan State Board of Education with a Board to be appointed by the Governor. More on this and some of the races in future issues.

++ Senators get a new office, we get the bill. About $134B for merely five floors. A.G. Schuette refuses to review the deal, took donations from Boji? Article with TV video     Contact Senate Majority Leader Arlan Meekhof:   HERE

++ Students Religious Rights violated in Dexter schools   Link  (Thanks, Nikki) 

++ Drone interfers with accident - One man is dead following a crash that occurred in Tuscola County, and a drone operator could face charges for interfering with the investigation.  More     (Thanks, Tamarya)

MANY bills are perking as legislators keep proposing regulations and tax/fee increases. It is truly baffling!  More next issue. Some we are watching: 
++ Auto Insurance Reform  - Michigan auto insurance is twice the National average and 20% higher than the 2nd highest state. Unlimited medical coverage, often billed much higher than normal, has created a gold mine for "providers" as an unelected Board have jacked up a $22 Billion fund under their control. Interest on an annuity would cover draws without touching principle, but government (and regulators) still wants more.    Link
HB 5013  (Lana Theis) is a big step, giving insureds alternatives and holding billing in line. 
Bill official Analysis  (We find faults in this).
++ Pension Reform - often promised. Time to deliver!  The Michigan Constitution restricks retracting reckless promises made by previous Adminsitrations. There MUST be a way around this to ratchet by huge "legacy" costs. We appreciate recent reforms that adjust future public pensions. Republicans got this right. Discussion
++ Tax reform  - Many bills have been introduced to roll back taxes a very small amount ($ 0.001) and they will not pass; and for special purposes like exempting feminine hygiene and incontenance products, teacher's supplies, pension benefits, certain conservation clubs, some veterans, based in age, etc., etc.      Some bills would take back deductions. One wants a graduated tax increase. A Lions Club foundation wants a check-of on your 1040 to give them money. Several bills are proposed to increase fees, like motocycle. BUT NO TAX RELIEF IS PASSING.  See Bills & Links Here
++ HB 5037   sponsored by Rep Peter Lucido  would allow for "incapacitated" people or children to have microchips implanted inside their bodies, without consent.

If you observe the legislature and the other branches of government Michigan and National, you must agree there is a need for a regular CONSERVATIVE presence to hold down government regulations and taxes and to alert us to what is happening!  MCU IS that organization.  Show us your support! 
More resources allow more results. 
Together we can accomplish great things! Please JOIN MCU! memberships the remaining of this year cover all of 2018.

Dr. Russell Kirk's   
The Conservative Mind  began the modern conservative movement and was the guide Barry Goldwater, Ronald Reagan, Wm.F. Buckley, Jr., and others looked to for clarity and focus on "the permanent things."  
Linked here a
Worthy of study by all conservatives and other makers of public policies. 

   "How is it that the law enforcer itself does not have to keep the law? How is it that the law permits the state to lawfully engage in actions which, if undertaken by individuals, would land them in jail?
   These are among the most intriguing issues in political and economic philosophy. More specifically, the problem of law that itself violates law is an insurmountable conundrum of all statist philosophies.
   The problem has never been discussed so profoundly and passionately as in this essay by Frederic Bastiat from 1850. The essay might have been written today. It applies in ever way to our own time, which is precisely why so many people credit this one essay for showing them the light of liberty.
   Bastiat's essay here is timeless because applies whenever and wherever the state assumes unto itself different rules and different laws from that by which it expects other people to live.
The Law Study Guide  Here
   "Socialism, like the old policy from which it emanates, confounds Government and society. And so, every time we object to a thing being done by Government, it concludes that we object to its being done at all. We disapprove of education by the State - then we are against education altogether. We object to a State religion - then we would have no religion at all. We object to an equality which is brought about by the State then we are against equality, etc., etc. They might as well accuse us of wishing men not to eat, because we object to the cultivation of corn by the State."
   "How is it that the strange idea of making the law produce what it does not contain - prosperity, in a positive sense, wealth, science, religion - should ever have gained ground in the political world? The modern politicians, particularly those of the Socialist school, found their different theories upon one common hypothesis; and surely a more strange, a more presumptuous notion, could never have entered a human brain."

You with us? 

Our children and grand children need us to be good stewards of our blessings, including freedoms and liberty! 

Conservatives believe in truth, and the other permanent things. Please consider joining and/or supporting Michigan's Conservative Team. 


THANKS! Michigan Conservative Union; Michigan Freedom To Work; Up Right
Michigan PAC and Unique Strategies, LLC  all contribute to Conservative Choices Newsletter, as do many individuals. We will consider your thoughts and article. Email [email protected]

On Facebook (secure limited site)http://www.laborfreedom.com
52 East Burdick # 658, Oxford, MI 48371