January 2025 Newsletter

In this edition you will find:

New Justice For Immigrants Webpage at USCCB

From Catholic Mobilizing Network: Petition President Biden to Commute Federal Death Sentences

National March for Life Trip: January 24th

Stay Tuned: Midwest March for Life: May 1st

Pregnancy Resource Center Tax Credit

Prayer and Healing Service for those touched by abortion: February 1st

MCC Corner

Volunteer Opportunities

In the News

Other Calendar Items

New Justice for Immigrants Webpage at USCCB

As we move into a new administration that will likely bring new initiatives and challenges on the migration front, this new JFI page on the USCCB website will provide an opportunity to explore some of the longstanding policy positions staked out by the institutional church on this issue and updated responses to emergent policy issues. 

From Catholic Mobilizing Network: Petition President Biden to Commute Federal Death Sentences

From Catholic Mobilizing Network: "Pope Francis offered a special petition for those on death row in the United States [on December 8th] following the mid-day Angelus. His prayer--which appealed that death sentences be commuted--comes at a time when advocates and religious leaders across the United States are urging President Biden to commute the sentences of all 40 men on death row before he leaves office.

Have you signed CMN's petition urging President Biden to take this merciful action? Add our voice today at catholicsmobilizing.org/biden-petition-2024"

National March for Life Trip

When: Wednesday, January 22nd-Saturday, January 25th

Where: Washington D.C.

Register HERE.

Round-trip bus departing from Old St. Patrick Oratory to Washington DC.

Ages 18 and up.

(16 years and up permitted upon approval from parental guardian and signature waiver. Please see registration for more details)

Younger than 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent.

Departure from Kansas City is 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday January 22nd.

Price- $275 price based on quad occupancy. 

Those unable to attend, please consider sponsoring a Pilgrim. Your intentions will be remembered in rosaries and Mass. Contact Old St. Patrick Oratory at oldstpatrick@institute-christ-king.org.

Save the Date: Midwest March for Life

When: Thursday, May 1st, 2025

Where: Jefferson City, MO

You're Invited!

We're going on a pilgrimage!

Registration Coming SOON!

Please plan to join us on Thursday, May 1st, for a diocesan day bus trip to Jefferson City, MO, to participate in the 2025 Midwest March for Life. There we will participate in continued prayer and civic rallying for our local respect life efforts.

This bus trip will be an excellent opportunity to engage in civil demonstration, enjoy fellowship, and save on gas for your trip to Jefferson City. Win, win, win!

Questions? Email Deb Sheppard at sheppard@diocesekcsj.org.

P9 Days for Life Novena + Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children


Join thousands of Catholics nationwide in the annual Respect Life novena, 9 Days for Life, Thursday, January 16th-Friday, January 24th. Get daily intentions, brief reflections, and more. Sign up at 9daysforlife.com.

January 22nd will mark Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children. The faithful are encouraged to share messages of mercy that day. Is your parish/Life & Justice committee hosting a special prayer service for January 22nd? Share it with us at voboril@diocesekcsj.org and we will promote it with neighboring parishes!

Pregnancy Resource Center Tax Credit


Did you know? Your charitable donation to an eligible pregnancy resource center can also get you a 70% tax credit! For taxpayers to claim tax credits on their 2024 income tax returns, your application must be turned in to your pregnancy resource center of choice by January 23rd, 2025!

For videos explaining the process, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--OA_LGeRF4

For a full list of eligible pregnancy resource centers, visit https://dss.mo.gov/dfas/taxcredit/pdf/qualified-pregnancy-resource-centers.pdf. Eligible PRCs in our diocese include:

Birthright of Carrollton

Birthright of Chillicothe

Birthright of Greater Kansas City

Birthright of Nevada

Birthright of St. Joseph

Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph

Golden Valley Door of Hope, Clinton

Liberty Women's Clinic

Life Options Green Hills, Trenton

New Beginnings, Warrensburg

Parkville Women's Clinic

Pregnancy Resource Clinic of St. Joseph

Resource Health (multiple locations)

The Source Medical Clinic, Maryville

*NOTE*: Some maternity homes also qualify for tax credits. View a list of eligible maternity homes at https://dss.mo.gov/dfas/taxcredit/pdf/qualified-maternity-homes.pdf

Prayer & Healing Service for those touched by abortion

When: Saturday, February 1st, 9:30am-11:00am

Where: exact location disclosed only to registered participants

Have you lost a child or grandchild to abortion?

Did you pay for an abortion? Were you her driver?

Did everyone else tell you what to do? Did you feel alone in your decision?

Did you marry someone who had an abortion in his/her past and it is affecting your relationship?

Experience God's love and mercy at this Prayer & Healing Service.

To register to attend, text or call: 816-591-3804

or email project.rachel@diocesekcsj.org

All inquiries are confidential

Location will only be disclosed after registering.

This is a free event.

MCC Corner

The Missouri Catholic Conference promotes the sanctity and dignity of human life in public policy advocacy in Jefferson City, MO on behalf of the Missouri Catholic Bishops. One of the bills which the MCC opposed in 2024 was bill HB1545, which would modify provisions relating to minimum sentences. Per the MCC: "Mandatory minimum sentences replace a judge's discretion in sentencing with rigid formulas, which do not always serve the purpose of punishment for crimes. Adding additional offenses for which minimum sentences must be given moves Missouri in the wrong direction and places additional pressure on Missouri's already overcrowded prisons."

Read more about HB1545 at https://house.mo.gov/Bill.aspx?bill=HB1545&year=2024&code=R

Contact your legislators to show your support at https://www.votervoice.net/MOCATHOLIC/Address

Learn more about this bill and others that MCC advocated on at https://mocatholic.org/wp-content/uploads/End-of-Session-Report-2024.pdf

Volunteer Opportunities

Many volunteer positions are available within our office programs and with our community partners. Highlighted today are just four:

Get involved with Liberty Women's Clinic!

Collaborate with the Knights of Columbus on one of their many Faith in Action programs.

Become a friend of the Fertility Care Center of Kansas City.

Discover the many volunteer opportunities available at InterServ in St. Joseph, MO.

For these and more volunteer opportunities, please visit www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/volunteer or call 816-714-2375.

In the News

Where do you encounter Life and Justice in the news and broader world? Here are some headlines to watch related to Life and Justice issues:


CDC: Abortions declined slightly following reversal of Roe v. Wade


Missouri agency shares adoption resources

Contraception/Birth Control:

White House backs off enforcing underage contraceptive rule in Texas

Criminal and Restorative Justice:

Michigan lawmakers consider bills to offer a 'Second Look' at sentences or productivity credits

Death Penalty:

Pope Francis and advocates add to pleas for Biden to clear federal death row

Economic Justice:

'Loads of Blessings' Offers Hope, One Basket of Laundry at a Time


How can higher education help democracy? By boosting civic participation, this group says.

Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide:

Alberta government considers new euthanasia regulations

Fetal Development:

Vitamin C boosts placental health, changes gene activity in smokers

Human Trafficking:

Advocates Push for Finding the Lost Migrant Children

Immigration & Refugees:

Immigrants need a medical exam to become citizens. Cheap options are hard to find in Kansas City

Mental Health:

Mental Health Association Launches Hub to Help Rural Residents


India: Religious sisters in Tamil Nadu care for victims of violence and abuse


Robbie Williams shares 'most difficult' time after Nicole Appleton's abortion

Racial Harmony:

Celebrating the anniversary of the Black Catholic bishops' letter means recommitting to radical action

Religious Freedom/Conscience Protection:

As Aleppo's Christians Face New Ordeal Church Leaders Call for Courage and Faith

Reproductive Technology:

No expansion of military IVF coverage included in final defense policy bill

Stem Cell Research/Human Cloning:

Want to Live to 100? 'Superagers' Stem Cell Research Could Make It Possible

Stewardship of Creation:

Supreme Court probes environmental review of Utah oil railway

Other Calendar Items

Did you know that on our social media we share awareness topics saint feasts and ways to pray about them, take action, and support local groups which address the topics? Here are some examples of some upcoming "awareness" topics and saints:

Month of January: National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month

January 4th: World Braille Day

January 8th: Our Lady of Prompt Succor

January 21st: St. Agnes

January 27th: Holocaust Memorial Day

January 8th: International Reducing CO Emissions Day

January 31st: St. John Bosco

Keep watching our social media to see how we address these topics and more!