July 2024 Newsletter

In this edition you will find:

Summer Catholic Social Teaching Activities

World Population Day: July 11th

Our Lady of Mount Carmel: July 16th

World Day of International Justice: July 17th

National Parents' Day: July 28th

News on Missouri Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative

In the News

Other Calendar Items

Catholic Social Teaching Activities for your Family this Summer


While your family is busy this summer with activities, trips, and family time, build in fun and engaging ways to incorporate Catholic Social Teaching. Some ideas include:

Make a “bingo card” checklist of practical things you can do as a family to serve in your community over the coming year. Set some dates on your calendar to go out and do them!

Learn more about opportunities to know and get involved in supporting your community. Catholic Charities is a great place to get started. Other ideas of community organizations can be found at www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/community-resources.

Have a plot at a community garden, and then take the produce to food pantries or shelters.

Visit a senior center and bring greeting cards and games to play.

Research a pillar of Catholic Social Teaching together as a family (available at https://www.usccb.org/beliefs-and-teachings/what-we-believe/catholic-social-teaching/seven-themes-of-catholic-social-teaching) and discuss with each other at your next meal how that theme is lived out in life, at work, in school, and in your family.

World Population Day

When: Thursday, July 11th


We would like to flip the narrative on its head as the world observes “World Population Day” by reminding everyone that overpopulation is a myth, and that the real culprits are unfair uses of resources and use of space (see Laudato Si' 50 and Evangelium Vitae 16). Our current fertility rate in our nation (1.70 births per woman) is unsustainable for our economy going forward and will lead to grave consequences.

Prayer: We must celebrate life! Our office offers a very popular Spiritual Adoption program to help parishes celebrate and support moms. Here’s one of our accompanying prayers: “Jesus, I love you very much. I beg you to protect the preborn baby I have spiritually adopted.”

Almsgiving: Help your parish implement a Spiritual Adoption program! You can learn more at: https://www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/spritual-adoption.

Action: We would love for each parish to adopt a Walking with Moms in Need program, a parish-based initiative which walks with moms and couples to identify resources in their area. Talk to your pastor about getting involved if your parish already has a program running, or to start one up if your parish does not yet have one. Visit our website to learn more about resources we have available to you to implement a great Walking with Moms in Need program: https://www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/walking-with-moms-in-need. Let’s celebrate life together!

Our Lady of Mount Carmel

When: Tuesday, July 16th

On July 16th the church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. The history of this feast is long and interesting, but did you know that it is also tied with the anti-war movement in America? As it happens, on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in 1945, the first atomic bomb was tested in New Mexico. In 1990 Melkite Catholic priest Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy began a now-annual prayer vigil at the site of the atomic bomb test site to pray for peace and the elimination of nuclear weapons, especially asking the intercession of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. May our Lady continue to instill peace into our hearts and convert our country and the world away from nuclear armament.

World Day for International Justice

When: Wednesday, July 17th


July 17th is World Day for International Justice. We continue to pray for peace to reign in all hearts and for true, Christ-like justice to rule the world.

Prayer: “Merciful God, to whom the secrets of the heart lie open, who recognize the just and make righteous the guilty, hear our prayers for our brothers and sisters held in prison; grant that through patience and hope they may find relief in their affliction and soon return unhindered to their families. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.” (Source: https://www.catholiccharitiesusa.org/prayers_reflections/year-of-mercy-visit-the-imprisoned/)

Almsgiving: Consider giving of your time, talent, and/or treasure within our diocesan prison ministry, MAX. Individuals with computer and administrative skills are especially needed. You can learn more about how to support this special ministry here: https://www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/max-prison-and-jail-ministry.

Action: Social isolation and stigma is often attached to family and friends of those who are incarcerated. If you know someone with a loved one in prison, consider making them a meal and making sure they are invited to parish and community events, letting them know they are loved and not alone.

National Parents' Day

When: Sunday, July 28th


While Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are both very well-known celebrations, one which may not be as eminent is National Parents’ Day, celebrated every fourth Sunday of July. Parents’ Day recognizes the teamwork of parents in the family system, and the role of parents in building a stable family and society.

Prayer: Parents need our prayers for heathy partnerships and marriages! Consider making your next Adoration visit for the intentions of parents in general, or parents in your life. You can even offer babysitting to parents you know so that they can make it to an Adoration hour!

Action: Parents’ rights are under attack in the state of Missouri. A proposition on our November 2024 ballots threatens parents’ rights in taking away consent or notification for reproductive decisions for minors. Become involved and learn more by visiting www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/missoruiproabortionballot.

Almsgiving: Set up parents for success with community resources and pregnancy supports! Did you know that our local pregnancy resource centers offer not only free ultrasounds and baby items, but also often include parenting classes, budgeting assistance, as well as access to community supports such as rent and utility assistance, legal aid, and food, as well as much more? Visit www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/communityresources and search the “Pregnancy Resource Centers” tab to find a local PRC to support!

Updates: Missouri Pro-Abortion Ballot Initiative


As we await verification of signatures gathered in May for the pro-abortion ballot measure to be on the November 2024 ballot, we ask for your continued prayers against this initiative, and for a conversion of hearts and minds away from abortion. Visit https://www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/missouriproabortionballot to stay up-to-date on the latest movements and how you will be able to be involved over the coming months.

In the News

Where do you encounter Life and Justice in the news and broader world? Here are some headlines to watch related to Life and Justice issues:


Hearts for Life: A New Sanctuary for Expectant Mothers in Crisis


Sisters in Kenya shelter infants born of incest and high maternal mortality

Contraception/Birth Control:

Senate Rejects 'Trojan Horse' Right to Contraception Act

Criminal and Restorative Justice:

My son died from gun violence. His story matters.

Death Penalty:

Court sets execution date for Missouri man despite prosecutors arguing he's innocent

Economic Justice:

Missouri and Kansas families will get summer food benefits for their kids - eventually


Catholic Education and Students with Special Needs

Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide:

When Words Fail, Faith Speaks: Finding Light in Dementia's Shadow

Fetal Development:

Be Not Afraid's training program expands support for families facing prenatal diagnoses

Human Trafficking:

No longer a victim: Dawn's Place provides a home for sex trafficking survivors

Immigration & Refugees:

Top US bishop worries Catholic border services for migrants might be imperiled by government action

Mental Health:

More Kansas City schoolkids are asking for help with their mental health. A few are finding it


Hong Kong cardinal: Tiananmen massacre left 'deep wound'


If We Want to End Abortion, We Need Stronger Fathers

Racial Harmony:

Upcoming Lyke Conference to explore how Black Catholics can bring their gifts to the Mass

Religious Freedom/Conscience Protection:

Vatican II and Dignitas Infinita

Reproductive Technology:

Why We Should All Struggle To Understand The Moral Consequences Of IVF

Stem Cell Research/Human Cloning:

New mathematical framework sheds light on how cells communicate to form an embryo

Stewardship of Creation:

Why Americans of faith need to care about reducing harm to the environment abroad

Other Calendar Items

Did you know that on our social media we share awareness topics saint feasts and ways to pray about them, take action, and support local groups which address the topics? Here are some examples of some upcoming "awareness" topics and saints:

Month of July: Plastic Free July

July 4th: Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati

July 7th: St. Mark Ji Tianxiang

July 21st-27th: NFP Awareness Week

July 22nd: St. Mary Magdalene

July 30th: World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

Keep watching our social media to see how we address these topics and more!