November 2024 Newsletter

In this edition you will find:

Black Catholic History Month: November

National Home Care and Hospice Month: November

RESCHEDULED Gabriel Project Angel Training: November 5th

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week: November 17th-23rd

Feast of Christ the King (November 24th) and Religious Freedom

Life & Justice Grant Applications due: December 31st

Stay Tuned: Midwest March for Life: May 1st, 2025

News on Missouri Amendment 3

Thank You to the Knights of Columbus

MCC Corner

Volunteer Opportunities

In the News

Other Calendar Items

Black Catholic History Month

When: November

Black Catholic History Month provides a time to reflect back on momentous times for Black Catholics of our country as well as remembrance of important figures in the Black Catholic community. In November we observe the feast of St. Martin de Porres, the first Black American saint; the founding of the Knights of Peter Claver; and the birth of St. Augustine, the first Doctor of the Church from North Africa.

Learn more about the history of Black Catholics by visiting

Pictured above: Servant of God Sister Thea Bowman F.S.P.A., Venerable Father Augustus Tolton, and Venerable Henriette Delille

National Home Care and Hospice Month

When: November

We’d like to turn our attention to Home Care and Hospice. We give thanks for the many nurses, aides, therapists, and social workers who assist in end-of-life care.

Prayer: Prayer Immediately after Death (source: USCCB)

“Saints of God, come to his/her aid!

Come to meet him/her, Angels of the Lord!

R/. Receive his/her soul and present him/her to God the Most High.

May Christ, who called you, take you to himself;

may Angels lead you to Abraham's side. R/.

Give him/her eternal rest, O Lord,

and may your light shine on him/her forever. R/.

Let us pray.

All-powerful and merciful God,

we commend to you N., your servant.

In your mercy and love,

blot out the sins he/she has committed

through human weakness.

In this world he/she has died:

let him/her live with you forever.

Through Christ our Lord.

R/. Amen.

These verses may also be used.

V/. Eternal rest grant unto him/her, O Lord.

R/. And let perpetual light shine upon him/her.

V/. May he/she rest in peace.

R/. Amen.

V/. May his/her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,

through the mercy of God,

rest in peace.

R/. Amen.

Action: Sharing memories during a visit with someone on hospice can help boost spirits. Don’t be anxious or respond differently than before. Very simply sitting and remembering good times, even if the person is unresponsive, can be very welcome.

Almsgiving: If you have questions about end-of-life care, a hospice team can help with any clarifications. If you still have questions, the National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) offers great support to family and friends in difficult situations. You can learn more and support them at

Find Catholic home care and hospice in the Kansas City area by visiting

Gabriel Project Angel Training

When: Saturday, November 2nd, 8:30am-4pm

Where: Pregnancy Resource Center of Atchison 1926 N 2nd Street, Bldg 7 (Oak Bldg), Atchison, KS 66002

Gabriel Project, a shared ministry of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, offers emotional, spiritual, and material support to pregnant mothers in difficult or unplanned pregnancies. As part of our call to build a culture of life in the face of Amendment 3, we invite women to join us on Saturday, November 2nd to learn what it takes to become an angel and minister to moms in need. Check in and continental breakfast at 8:30am; training begins at 9am. Lunch is provided. RSVP to Ann Marie at

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week

When: November 17th-23rd

During Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week, please consider giving generously. Here some local organizations to consider (By no means an exhaustive list! Feel free to share your favorite organizations in our Facebook or Instagram comments):

Bishop Sullivan Center

Catholic Charities of Kansas City-St. Joseph

Redemptorist Center

Morning Glory Ministries

Uplift Organization

Mother’s Refuge

A Simple House

Habitat for Humanity

KC Can Compost: Green Core Training

Sheffield Place

St. Mary’s Home for Mothers

Just Homes

Feast of Christ the King (November 24th) and Religious Freedom

From the USCCB: “On the Last Sunday of each liturgical year, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, or Christ the King. Pope Pius XI instituted this feast in 1925 with his encyclical Quas primas (“in the first”) to respond to growing secularism and atheism… Pope Pius XI’s encyclical gave Catholics hope and-while governments around them crumbled-the assurance that Christ the King shall reign forever…Today, religious freedom for many people means that we can believe whatever we want in private, but when we enter the public square or the marketplace, we may not speak of anything that relates to our faith. However, the Church acknowledges the reign of Christ, not only privately, but publicly. This solemnity encourages us to celebrate and live out our faith in public” ( For more on resources for Religious Freedom and Conscience Protection, please visit

Life & Justice Grant Applications Due

When: Tuesday, December 31st

Is your non-profit or one you know starting a new project or expanding an existing project?

Does that project address public policy, education, empowerment, or pastoral care?

Do members of the community served by the non-profit have a majority voice in the project or build leadership skills?

Does the project directly address injustice toward the dignity of the person or the sanctity of human life?

Then your non-profit may be eligible for the 2025 Life & Justice Grant! Applications for the 2025 grant are due December 31st, 2024. Learn more and apply now at

Save the Date: Midwest March for Life

When: Thursday, May 1st, 2025

Where: Jefferson City, MO

You're Invited!

We're going on a pilgrimage!

Registration Coming SOON!

Please plan to join us on Thursday, May 1st, for a diocesan day bus trip to Jefferson City, MO, to participate in the 2025 Midwest March for Life. There we will participate in continued prayer and civic rallying for our local respect life efforts.

This bus trip will be an excellent opportunity to engage in civil demonstration, enjoy fellowship, and save on gas for your trip to Jefferson City. Win, win, win!

Questions? Email Deb Sheppard at

News on Missouri Amendment 3


Amendment 3 seeks to amend the Missouri Constitution and legalize abortion throughout ALL stages of pregnancy and affect parental rights. Join us for a day of prayer and fasting on November 2nd.

Visit for local updates and for state-wide updates as we approach the November voting time.

Thank You to the Knights of Columbus


Our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to the Knights of Columbus District 3, who recently gifted respect life charities within the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph $25,000.  The Knights of Columbus and another generous donor also helped support our recent distribution of "Vote No on 3" signs. Additional beneficiaries are St. Mary's Home for Mothers and Liberty Women's Clinic.

Thank you!

MCC Corner

The Missouri Catholic Conference promotes the sanctity and dignity of human life in public policy advocacy in Jefferson City, MO on behalf of the Missouri Catholic Bishops. One of the bills which the MCC supported in 2024 was bill HB2634, which modifies provisions relating to public funding of abortion facilities and affiliates.

Read more about HB2634 at

Contact your legislators to show your support at

Learn more about this bill and others that MCC advocated on at

Volunteer Opportunities

Many volunteer positions are available within our office programs and with our community partners. Highlighted today are just four:

Implement Walking with Moms in Need at your parish

Join a work day at John Paul II Catholic Worker Farm

Get involved with the many volunteer opportunities at Parkville Women's Clinic

Join Advocates for Immigrant Rights and Reconciliation (AIRR) in accompaniment and advocacy opportunities.

For these and more volunteer opportunities, please visit or call 816-714-2375.

In the News

Where do you encounter Life and Justice in the news and broader world? Here are some headlines to watch related to Life and Justice issues:


What is the Catholic response to medical emergencies during pregnancy?


Director of Missouri child welfare agency stepping down next month

Contraception/Birth Control:

Biden Administration to Mandate Insurance Coverage of Over-the-Counter Contraceptives

Criminal and Restorative Justice:

Advocates focus on rehabilitation for kids in criminal justice system

Death Penalty:

Texas lawmakers hear testimony supporting death row inmate Robert Roberson - but despite subpoena, he does not appear

Economic Justice:

Forget the stereotypes. Many homeless Kansans have jobs but can't afford a place to live


These teachers often live in poverty. A pay raise could help - but there's a cost

Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide:

Committee reviewing euthanasia in Canada finds some deaths driven by homelessness fears, isolation

Fetal Development:

Is There, and Should There Be, a Prenatal Test for Autism?

Human Trafficking:

Homelessness and human trafficking highlight need for affordable housing for young adults in Atlanta

Immigration & Refugees:

Rhetoric versus reality: Addressing common misconceptions about immigration

Mental Health:

What this high school senior wants adults to know about classroom phone bans


Burial held for Catholic priest and Indigenous peace activist killed in southern Mexico


New Mom Overjoyed After Abortion-Pill Reversal Saves Baby's Life

Racial Harmony:

Experiences of Racism in School and Associations with Mental Health Suicide Risk, and Substance Use Among High School Students

Religious Freedom/Conscience Protection:

China is Removing Crosses From Churches Replacing Images of Christ With Xi Jinping

Reproductive Technology:

What is genomic prediction and can embryos really be 'screened for IQ'?

Stem Cell Research/Human Cloning:

California's stem cell bust turns 20

Stewardship of Creation:

KC pilot program uses recycled plastic bags, shredded tires to create stronger roads

Other Calendar Items

Did you know that on our social media we share awareness topics saint feasts and ways to pray about them, take action, and support local groups which address the topics? Here are some examples of some upcoming "awareness" topics and saints:

Month of November: National Adoption Month

November 8th: Birthday of Servant of God Dorothy Day

November 17th: St. Elizabeth of Hungary

November 23rd: Blessed Miguel Pro

November 25th; International Day for Elimination of Violence against Women

Keep watching our social media to see how we address these topics and more!