October 2024 Newsletter
In this edition you will find:
40 Days for Life Fall Campaign: September 25th-November 3rd
National Disability Employment Awareness Month: October
Respect Life Month: October
Proposition A Informational (Prepared by Life & Justice Ministry of Our Lady of the Presentation)
2024 Feast of St. Francis Program: October 5th
Rachel's Vineyard Retreat: October 18th-20th
Disarmament Week: October 24th-30th
RESCHEDULED Gabriel Project Angel Training: November 5th
News on Missouri Amendment 3 + upcoming speaking events
NEW REGULAR FEATURE: Volunteer Opportunities
In the News
Other Calendar Items
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40 Days for Life Fall Campaign
When: Wednesday, September 25th-Sunday, November 3rd
Where: Center for Women's Health, 4840 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66211
The Fall 2024 40 Days for Life Campaign begins September 25th, and lasts through November 3rd. During the campaign, participants are invited into a prayer vigil outside of the Center for Women’s Health (4840 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66211). Trained sidewalk advocates are present to offer help, hope, and love to women arriving for their abortion appointments. To access the sign-up for your parish group to hold vigil, visit 40daysforlife.com/en/overlandpark.
You are also invited to join in the 40 Days for Life Kick-Off Rally on Sunday, September 22nd, at 4:00pm in the Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center (10901 Granada Ln, Overland Park, KS 66211). Matt Britton, 40 Days for Life Board Ex Officio and General Counsel, will be speaking.
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National Disability Employment Awareness Month
When: October
In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations states “Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.” Catholic Social Teaching has emphasized this same belief through the ages, and has manifested in the words of Scripture and encyclicals. This applies to individuals with disabilities as well. National Disability Employment Awareness Month provides us the time to examine our inclusive employment policies and work towards equitable solutions for all.
Prayer: Several encyclicals/papal letters of the past century were written on the connection between work and faith: Rerum Novarum, Octogesima Adveniens, Laborem Exercens, Centesimus Annus, Caritas in Veritate and Laudato Si have all touched on the importance of the right to work and the rights involved in work. Explore these encyclicals, reflecting on portions such as: “The word of God’s revelation is profoundly marked by the fundamental truth that man, created in the image of God, shares by his work in the activity of the Creator and that, within the limits of his own human capabilities, man in a sense continues to develop that activity, and perfects it as he advances further and further in the discovery of the resources and values contained in the whole of creation.” (Laborem Exercens 25)
Action: In your workplace, approach your human resources to review company policies and establish resources to commit to inclusiveness.
Almsgiving: Besides the workplace, persons with disabilities ought to feel welcome and belonging in our worship and communities. Visit https://catholiccharities-kcsj.org/deaf-and-disability-ministries/ to see opportunities for Catholic Charities’ Deaf and Disabilities ministries and learn how to support their vital work.
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Respect Life Month
When: October
October marks Respect Life Month. Parishes and schools can find resources at https://www.respectlife.org/respect-life-month. We encourage parishes and schools to highlight topics such as:
Contraception/Birth Control
Death Penalty
Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide
Fetal Development
Mental Health
Post-Abortion Healing
Reproductive Technology
Stem Cell Research/Human Cloning
Find resources on all of these topics and more at https://www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/.
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Proposition A
The Catholic Church does not endorse candidates or political parties, however we strongly advocate and encourage voters to become informed about issues and candidates.
The Life & Justice Ministry of Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church in Lee's Summit, MO prepared this helpful informational image regarding Proposition A. While the Missouri Bishops have not taken a stance, this is an example of an excellent way that Catholics can speak out on an issue by being informed in Catholic Social Teaching while abiding by political activity policy. We encourage all the faithful to be informed voters on all issues for November 5th.
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2024 Feast of St. Francis Program
When: Saturday, October 5th, following 4:30pm Mass
Where: Seton Hall, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, 2 E 75th St, Kansas City, MO 64114
On Saturday, October 5th, after the 4:30pm Mass, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church will host a “Feast of St. Francis” program. The program was created by Catholic Climate Covenant, a national U.S. Catholic organization committed to inspiring and mobilizing the U.S. Catholic community to care for creation and achieve climate justice through the lens of integral ecology.
This year’s program theme, “Let Us Sow Hope,” is centered around the St. Francis Peace Prayer. At a time of political polarization and high climate anxiety, it reminds us that feeling hopeful about the future is not only possible, but is also an essential part of our faith journey. We are called to become instruments of God’s peace, and where there is despair, let us take climate action and sow hope.
You are invited to attend and engage in prayer, readings, discussion, reflection, and action. The event will be held on October 5th after the 4:30pm Mass in Seton Hall (St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, 2 E 75th St, Kansas City, MO 64114). Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served. For more information, contact Dcn. Mike (mmclean@stekc.org) or George Hage (ghage944@gmail.com).
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Rachel's Vineyard Retreat
When: Friday, October 18th-Sunday, October 20th
Where: location upon registration
Rachel’s Vineyard has been helping men and women heal from the effects of abortion in our diocese for years now. If you or someone you know is in need of healing, the next retreat weekend is October 18th-20th. Contact rvkcmo@gmail.com or visit https://www.rachelsvineyardkc.org/.
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Disarmament Week
When: Thursday, October 24th-Wednesday October 30th
During Disarmament Week, awareness is raised about the threats of weapons of mass destruction and the need for international peace and security.
Prayer: The Catholic Church has an impressive history of addressing nuclear weapons and disarmament (https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/war-and-peace/nuclear-weapons/upload/nuclear-weapons-and-our-catholic-response-study-guide.pdf). Reflect on this statement from the USCCB: “Peacemaking is not an optional commitment. It is a requirement of our faith. We are called to be peacemakers, not by some movement of the moment, but by our Lord Jesus. The content and context of our peacemaking is set, not by some political agenda or ideological program, but by the teaching of his Church.”
Action: Sign up for action alerts at votervoice.net/USCCB/home and learn how to make your voice heard.
Almsgiving: The USCCB Committee on International Justice and Peace sets the bishops’ policies on addressing nuclear weapons. Support their work and efforts at https://www.usccb.org/committees/international-justice-and-peace.
Note: The quote from the graphic comes from Dom Christian de Cherge, one of nine Trappist monks who was killed in the midst of the Algerian Civil War. You can read his entire testament at https://www.americamagazine.org/content/all-things/dom-christians-testament. You can also learn more through the film “Of Gods and Men,” which portrays their final days.
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RESCHEDULED Gabriel Project Angel Training
When: Saturday, November 2nd, 8:30am-4pm
Where: Pregnancy Resource Center of Atchison 1926 N 2nd Street, Bldg 7 (Oak Bldg), Atchison, KS 66002
Gabriel Project, a shared ministry of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, offers emotional, spiritual, and material support to pregnant mothers in difficult or unplanned pregnancies. As part of our call to build a culture of life in the face of Amendment 3, we invite women to join us on Saturday, November 2nd to learn what it takes to become an angel and minister to moms in need. Check in and continental breakfast at 8:30am; training begins at 9am. Lunch is provided. RSVP to Ann Marie at director@gabrielprojectkcj.com.
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News on Missouri Amendment 3
Amendment 3 seeks to amend the Missouri Constitution and legalize abortion throughout ALL stages of pregnancy and affect parental rights. We will have English and Spanish speakers available to give parish presentations about the amendment.
You are invited to join our upcoming parish presentations:
Tuesday, October 1st, 2024, 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. at Cathedral of St. Joseph, 519 N 10th Street, St. Joseph, MO 64501
Thursday, October 3rd, 2024, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at Community Center (Knights of Columbus Hall), 415 Missouri Ave, Montrose, MO 64770
Monday, October 7th, 2024, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church, 600 N Liberty Street, Independence, MO 64050
Wednesday, October 9th, 2024, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at St. John LaLande Catholic Church, 805 NW R D Mize Rd, Blue Springs, MO 64015
Saturday, October 12th, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. at Coronation of Our Lady Catholic Church, 13000 Bennington Ave, Grandview, MO 64030
(SPANISH) Tuesday, October 15th, 2024, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. at St. Anthony Catholic Church, St. Joseph Hall, 3218 Lexington Ave, Kansas City, MO 64124
Visit https://www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/missouriproabortionballot for local updates and https://mocatholic.org/abortion/ for state-wide updates as we approach the November voting time.
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The Missouri Catholic Conference promotes the sanctity and dignity of human life in public policy advocacy in Jefferson City, MO on behalf of the Missouri Catholic Bishops. One of the bills which the MCC supported in 2024 was bill HB1597, which would create a civil cause of action allowing claimants to seek damages from the state for wrongful conviction.
Read more about HB1597 at https://house.mo.gov/Bill.aspx?bill=HB1597&year=2024&code=R
Contact your legislators to show your support at https://www.votervoice.net/MOCATHOLIC/Address
Learn more about this bill and others that MCC advocated on at https://mocatholic.org/wp-content/uploads/End-of-Session-Report-2024.pdf
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NEW REGULAR FEATURE: Volunteer Opportunities
Many volunteer positions are available within our office programs and with our community partners. Highlighted today are just four:
Amethyst Place is hosting a trunk or treat on 10/26 and is in need of volunteers for the event.
Redemptorist Center has many volunteer opportunities, plus a wish list of items to fulfill for their pantry.
The Abortion Survivors Network has local opportunities, such as creating gift baskets to be sent out.
FIRE Foundation's FIREBall is coming up soon and will need volunteer support.
For these and more volunteer opportunities, please visit www.lifeandjusticekcsj.org/volunteer or call 816-714-2375.
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Other Calendar Items
Did you know that on our social media we share awareness topics saint feasts and ways to pray about them, take action, and support local groups which address the topics? Here are some examples of some upcoming "awareness" topics and saints:
Month of October: National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month
First full week of October (October 6th-12th): Mental Illness Awareness Week
October 5th: St. Faustina
October 15th: International Day of Rural Women
October 17th: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 21st: Bl. Karl and Servant of God Zita Emperor and Empress of Austria
Keep watching our social media to see how we address these topics and more!
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