September 2024 Newsletter

In this edition you will find:

Gabriel Project Angel Training: September 21st

Next Missouri Execution Date: September 24th

40 Days for Life Fall Campaign: September 25th-November 3rd

Green Mass: September 29th

World Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees: September 29th

Respect Life Month: October

News on Missouri Amendment 3 + upcoming speaking events

Event on KANSAS Side: Memorial Service for Aborted Children: September 14th


NEW REGULAR FEATURE: Volunteer Opportunities

In the News

Other Calendar Items

Gabriel Project Angel Training

When: Saturday, September 21st, 8:30am-4pm

Where: St. Pius X High School EWTN Building, 1500 NE 42nd Terrace, Kansas City, MO 64116

Gabriel Project, a shared ministry of the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph and the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, offers emotional, spiritual, and material support to pregnant mothers in difficult or unplanned pregnancies. As part of our call to build a culture of life in the face of Amendment 3, we invite women to join us on Saturday, September 21st to learn what it takes to become an angel and minister to moms in need. Check in and continental breakfast at 8:30am; training begins at 9am. Lunch is provided. RSVP to Ann Marie at

Next Missouri Execution Date of Marcellus 'Khaliifah' Williams

When: Tuesday, September 24th


The next execution of 2024 in the state of Missouri has been scheduled for September 24th for Marcellus 'Khaliifah' Williams. The death penalty violates the Church's teaching of respect for life and the inherent dignity of the human person. It is an ineffective deterrent to crime and unproductive in offering healing to victims and their families. Please pray for Marcellus 'Khaliifah' Williams, and follow Missouri Catholic Conference and Missourians to Abolish the Death Penalty for opportunities to advocate and pray. Local Catholics will gather on September 24th at 5pm to pray for Marcellus 'Khaliifah' Williams. Contact Chelsea Voboril at with questions.

40 Days for Life Fall Campaign

When: Wednesday, September 25th-Sunday, November 3rd

Where: Center for Women's Health, 4840 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66211

The Fall 2024 40 Days for Life Campaign begins September 25th, and lasts through November 3rd. During the campaign, participants are invited into a prayer vigil outside of the Center for Women’s Health (4840 College Blvd, Overland Park, KS 66211). Trained sidewalk advocates are present to offer help, hope, and love to women arriving for their abortion appointments. To access the sign-up for your parish group to hold vigil, visit

You are also invited to join in the 40 Days for Life Kick-Off Rally on Sunday, September 22nd, at 4:00pm in the Advice and Aid Pregnancy Center (10901 Granada Ln, Overland Park, KS 66211). Matt Britton, 40 Days for Life Board Ex Officio and General Counsel, will be speaking.

Green Mass

When: Sunday, September 29th, 10am Mass, reception to follow

Where: St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, 2 E 75th St, Kansas City, MO 64114


Please join us Sunday, September 29th, 2024 for the annual Green Mass. The Green Mass especially gathers those who work in or are interested in environmental sustainability, such as farmers, gardeners, other horticulturalists and agriculturalists, environmental scientists, and anyone who cares for our Common Home. Please contact Chelsea Voboril at, 816.714.2375 if you or a group from your parish plans to attend; there will be a reception with breakfast and community time in the basement of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church following the Mass.

The Green Mass takes place during the Season of Creation, an ecumenical season between September 1st to October 4th when Catholics, Orthodox, and other Christians worldwide join in celebration, conversion, and commitment to care for creation and praise of our Creator. Learn more at

World Day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees

When: Sunday, September 29th


The Church has been celebrating World Day of Migrants and Refugees since 1914. This year, Pope Francis shares in his message for the day: “…the encounter with the migrant, as with every brother and sister in need, ‘is also an encounter with Christ. He himself said so.’ Dear brothers and sisters, on this day dedicated to migrants and refugees, let us unite in prayer for all those who have had to leave their land in search of dignified living conditions.” We join the Holy Father in this prayer. 

Read the rest of Pope Francis' message here.

Respect Life Month

When: October

October marks Respect Life Month. Parishes and schools can find resources at We encourage parishes and schools to highlight topics such as:



Contraception/Birth Control

Death Penalty

Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide

Fetal Development

Mental Health


Post-Abortion Healing

Reproductive Technology

Stem Cell Research/Human Cloning

Find resources on all of these topics and more at

News on Missouri Amendment 3


Amendment 3 seeks to amend the Missouri Constitution and legalize abortion throughout ALL stages of pregnancy and affect parental rights. We will have English and Spanish speakers available to give parish presentations about the amendment.

You are invited to join our upcoming parish presentations:

Tuesday, September 17th, 2024, 6:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. at Nativity of Mary Catholic Church, 10021 E 36th Terrace S, Independence, MO 64052

Wednesday, September 18th, 2024, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 300 S Ridgeview Dr., Warrensburg, MO 64093

Tuesday, September 24th, 2024, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m. at Our Lady of the Presentation Catholic Church, 130 NW Murray Rd, Lee's Summit, MO 64081

Wednesday, September 25th, 2024, 7:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. at St. Therese Catholic Church, North, 7207 MO-9, Kansas City, MO 64152

Saturday, October 12th, 2024, 10:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m. at Coronation of Our Lady Catholic Church, 13000 Bennington Ave, Grandview, MO 64030

Visit for local updates and for state-wide updates as we approach the November voting time.

Memorial Service for Aborted Children

When: Saturday, September 14th, 11am

Where: Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetery, Parallel Pkwy & N 126th St, Kansas City, KS 66109


On Saturday, September 14th, pro-life Americans throughout the country will gather at the gravesites of aborted babies and other memorial sites dedicated in their honor for the tenth annual National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.

Solemn vigils will be held at these sites to commemorate the more than 65 million children who have lost their lives to legal abortion since 1973, and to remind our society of the humanity of the unborn child. Please join us for the memorial service in our community.

More Info: Contact Tina Jinkens, VP, Planned Parenthood Exposed, at (785) 615-8373 

Together let us remember the victims of abortion and pray for a final end to this injustice in our land during the National Day of Remembrance for Aborted Children.


The Missouri Catholic Conference promotes the sanctity and dignity of human life in public policy advocacy in Jefferson City, MO on behalf of the Missouri Catholic Bishops. One of the bills which the MCC supported in 2024 was bill SB1380, which would offer an incentive for grocery stores to establish retail stores in underserved areas to help alleviate "food deserts."

Read more about SB1380 at

Contact your legislators to show your support at

Learn more about this bill and others that MCC advocated on at

NEW REGULAR FEATURE: Volunteer Opportunities

Many volunteer positions are available within our office programs and with our community partners. Highlighted today are just four:

Birthright KC needs a few volunteers to help measure out and hang curtains for their maternity clothes closet.

Jewish Vocational Service is in need of youth mentors for young refugees adjusting to life in Kansas City.

Gabriel Project is in need of more mentors to accompany pregnant moms in need.

As we face Amendment 3, there are many opportunities for activism and organization.

For these and more volunteer opportunities, or to have your organization's volunteer opportunities included in this regular feature, please visit or call 816-714-2375.

In the News

Where do you encounter Life and Justice in the news and broader world? Here are some headlines to watch related to Life and Justice issues:


89-Year-Old Death Camp Survivor Convicted for Pro-Life Protest Faces Jail Time


State officials introduce 'Every Child TN' initiative to increase the number of foster families

Contraception/Birth Control:

Can I get a vasectomy? Here's what the Catholic Church teaches

Criminal and Restorative Justice:

Catholic Mobilizing Network 2023-2024 Impact Report

Death Penalty:

Texas Religious Sisters Care for Their 'Sisters in Christ' on Death Row

Economic Justice:

To Address the Homelessness Crisis, We Must Encounter Those on the Brink


First Graduates of Companions at Chillicothe Program Earn Degrees

Euthanasia/Assisted Suicide:

Euthanasia Fifth-Leading Cause of Death in Canada

Fetal Development:

'Individual, unrepeatable, and valuable': How Edith Stein served people with disabilities

Human Trafficking:

Woman uses her daughter's experience to warn about human trafficking

Immigration & Refugees:

Immigrant farmers often can't get federal grants to start businesses. These nonprofits are helping

Mental Health:

Hundreds of Missourians wait a year in jail for court-ordered treatment--before they stand trial


Hiroshima governor says nuclear disarmament must be tackled as a pressing issue, not an ideal


Federal court says New York pregnancy centers can speak about 'abortion pill reversal'

Racial Harmony:

Dismantling Racism: Council of Churches holds prayer service for lynching victims of West Virginia

Religious Freedom/Conscience Protection:

'Renew Your Hope in Jesus': Pope Francis Prays for People of Nicaragua at Sunday Angelus

Reproductive Technology:

Couple Accuses Hospital of Losing Their Embryo After Spending $70K on IVF

Stem Cell Research/Human Cloning:

This researcher wants to replace your brain, little by little

Stewardship of Creation:

Kansas City is getting hotter. Work is underway to identify at-risk areas and make them cooler

Other Calendar Items

Did you know that on our social media we share awareness topics saint feasts and ways to pray about them, take action, and support local groups which address the topics? Here are some examples of some upcoming "awareness" topics and saints:

Month of September: Suicide Prevention Month

September 5th: International Day of Charity

September 14th: Exaltation of the Cross

September 24th: Our Lady of Mercy

September 26th: World Environmental Health Day

Keep watching our social media to see how we address these topics and more!