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Industry News - May 12, 2022

Mutual of Omaha / Hospital Indemnity

Mutual of Omaha launches their new hospital indemnity product to its employee benefits packages, including new benefit features and flexible designs.

Transamerica/ Employee Benefits

Transamerica announces the expansion of their employee benefits suite with the addition of a full-service absence management solution for employers including disability support.

Sana / Small Business Health Insurance

Sana announces its expansion of their small business health insurance offerings into Virginia. 

Lincoln Financial / Medicare

Lincoln Financial Network is partnering with Healthpilot, a fully digital Medicare platform for enrollment and education, to simplify and improve the Medicare insurance experience.

InformedDNA / Genomics for Health Plans

InformedDNA genomics solutions company launches a new evidence-based genomics guidance service, InformedGENOMICS, providing ready-to-use clinical reviews and criteria to ensure the highest quality genomics care.

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